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About LegoManIAm94

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  1. I have a mod which has generated some LST file which were generated using SSELodGen and are tree LOD files. When I am creating the BSA archive file to upload the mod to bethesda.net in the creation kit, it will not allow me to add LST files and claims that LST files are an invalid file type. Is there a way around this? I need these LST files to be included into the mod since the mod will not function without them.
  2. Is there a way to easily remove all of the "XLRL - Location Reference" changes in a mod on every edited object reference from a master file?
  3. Is there a way to move a marker using MoveTo() I placed a ccBGSSSE001_FishingMarker (From the Skyrim Fishing Mod) and want to use MoveTo to move it to another location, but when I go to fish at that marker after using MoveTo(), I get moved to where the marker originally is and fish at that spot. Is there a way to move markers and have them working in the new location they been moved to?
  4. Thanks, but when you create a load list, where are the load list file stored on your computer?
  5. Is it possible to use Morrowind Mod Manager or something similar to create lists of active plugins and master mods which you can easily load/save or import/export. For example lets say you have three lists... List 1 Morrowind.esm Tribunal.esm Bloodmoon.esm Mod1.esp Mod2.esp List 2 Morrowind.esm Tribunal.esm Bloodmoon.esm Mod3.esp Mod4.esp List 3 Morrowind.esm Tribunal.esm Bloodmoon.esm Mod5.esp Mod6.esp These lists can be loaded up and therefore no need to activate/deactivate your mods one by one to get a certain setup, you can easily switch lists for different saves you have. This will especially be useful if you have many mods. OpenMW has this with their load order within the OpenMW Launcher, Is there a way to do this in the original Morrowind?
  6. This may not be possible with the way the forum is but it would be handy if you are able to reply to a private message from your email inbox by simply replying to the email. I for one would like this since it will save me time on not having to login and reply to the private message and I can instantly reply to the PM within my email inbox. There is two ways to do this, one is to mask the emails so if your email address is [email protected], when you reply to the PM it will send a email to the other person using the your NexusMods username such as [email protected]. This will ensure your email is safe and your email address does not get exposed. The other way is to not mask your email so when the other person recieved the replied PM it will come from [email protected]. I would perfer option #1 for privacy reasons.
  7. Hello, I been trying to figure out for days now what Skyrim Special Edition has done differently to make it so that the distant view has no blur compared to Skyrim 2011. In Skyrim 2011 you will notice in certain weather types such as heavy snowfall that there is a blur when you look into the distance as shown in the link below. This is gone in Skyrim SE. This distant blur is not a mod. I tried to look for a mod that will do this in Skyrim Special edition but I cannot find one for PC, I found some for Xbox One and PS4 but I cannot download a console mod on PC. So I am trying to create a mod that does this, bring back that distant blur effect that was in Skyrim 2011. I have spend days trying to figure this out and I am stuck, this is what I have figure out so far... In Skyrim SE, entering the sisme 0 console command, the blur will return just like in 2011, however this command will disable all the Image Modifers in the game which is not what I want.In Skyrim 2011, entering the sisme 0 console command or sisme 1 command, the distant blur is present no matter if it is set to 0 or 1.I tried editing many Imagespace modifers in the creation kit to see if it will bring back or even get closer to getting the distant blur effect back in Skyrim SE, but I cannot figure out what Bethesda did. I do not even know if Bethesda removed the blur effect from Skyrim 2011 or if they added effects in Skyrim SE that essentially removes the distant blur. Any help will be most appreciated! Skyrim 2011 Distant Blur effect https://i.postimg.cc/3Ng5J7qw/2011.png
  8. I can see the fields that the mod author needs to fill in look like this... You can recieve donations in any cryptocurrency of your choice! To add a cryptocurrency donation, enter in the name of the coin and your address. |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |Coin |Address | |-----------|---------------------------------------------------------| |Bitcoin |17mmd6HfhkFB2kLy2GBbWenn48YJf7mGwg X Delete | |Litecoin |qrjkkd8hnl2mat0z396dzwm8sha2m6vpey0c3w2ezn X Delete | |-----------|---------------------------------------------------------| | + Add | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| You can share your Unstoppable Domain URL and recieve donations to the cryptocurrency addresses linked to your unstoppable domain URL. This will only work in cryptocurrency wallets that support unstoppable domains as addresses. |--------------------------|------------------------------------------| |Unstoppable Domain URL |nexusmods.zil X Delete | |--------------------------|------------------------------------------| All this is needed some settings that can be filled out by the mod author and the filled out fields will be shown whenever the donation request pops up such as when someone downloads a mod. No need to integrate an API or payment processor since cryptocurrencies are peer-to-peer payments and are very secure. All that is needed to make this work is, Adding fields on Nexus Mods accounts to add your cryptocurrency coin name, cryptocurrency coin address, and to add a unstoppable domain URL. And have these fields show up under donations. That is it!
  9. I would like to see Nexus Mods adding a new donation. I can see the fields that the mod author needs to fill in look like this... You can recieve donations in any cryptocurrency of your choice! To add a cryptocurrency donation, enter in the name of the coin and your address. |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |Coin |Address | |-----------|---------------------------------------------------------| |Bitcoin |17mmd6HfhkFB2kLy2GBbWenn48YJf7mGwg X Delete | |Litecoin |qrjkkd8hnl2mat0z396dzwm8sha2m6vpey0c3w2ezn X Delete | |-----------|---------------------------------------------------------| | + Add | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| You can share your Unstoppable Domain URL and recieve donations to the cryptocurrency addresses linked to your unstoppable domain URL. This will only work in cryptocurrency wallets that support unstoppable domains as addresses. |--------------------------|------------------------------------------| |Unstoppable Domain URL |nexusmods.zil X Delete | |--------------------------|------------------------------------------| All this is needed some settings that can be filled out by the mod author and the filled out fields will be shown whenever the donation request pops up such as when someone downloads a mod. No need to integrate an API or payment processor since cryptocurrencies are peer-to-peer payments and are very secure. All that is needed to make this work is, Adding fields on Nexus Mods accounts to add your cryptocurrency coin name, cryptocurrency coin address, and to add a unstoppable domain URL. And have these fields show up under donations. That is it!
  10. Someone sent me this mod which I would like to look into, but I can only find it as a PS4 download. Does anyone know how to get this mod on PC or a similar mod for PC? https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4037248
  11. Here are two images, one from Skyrim 2011 and one from Skyrim SE during a snowstorm in Winterhold. Does anyone know how to get that blur effect that is in Skyrim 2011 in Skyrim SE? Skyrim 2011 Skyrim SE
  12. I found a way to disable the rain/snow collision in SE, I needed to launch the Skyrim Special Edition Launcher and go to Options->Advanced and uncheck the Percipitation Occlusion box. Does anyone know how to have the heavy snowfall weather in SE have a distant blur just it did in Skyrim 2011?
  13. In Skyrim 2011, the weather effects were better in my opinion. For example the heavy snow had a distant blur making it so you cannot see far away as clearly in the SE version. Also when it is snowing and your next to a wall or a hillside it will stop snowing to give it more of a realistic effect unlike in Skyrim 2011. How does one disable the snowfall and rain collision and how does one add the blur effects to certain weather modes in SE? I did try the "Skyrim Legendary Weathers" mod which removes the Godrays but the collision is not removed and there is no distant blur. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16725 Any help will be most appreciated!
  14. I never had this issue in Skyrim 2011 but in SE when the weather is Heavy Snow most times you will only see snowfall when you face a certain direction such as east or west and at times there will be no snowfall at all. The only mods I am using is my Weather Control mod to be able to control the weather. Besides that I am not using any mods and I am running a vanilla version of Skyrim Special Edition. I believe it is because the SE version has snowfall collision were if your underneath something it will stop snowing to give it a more realistic effect. Can this be disabled in SE? Weather Control mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1010
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