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Posts posted by mxmstr

  1. Yeah I havenât touched this stuff in a long while and I donât plan to. Iâve never gotten any story characters to successfully spawn, the game is just stubborn like that. There might not even be any buddy combat AI implemented for the DD soldiers.

    I heard somewhere that the engine is simply incapable of dealing with large character counts, hence why itâs so restrictive. Which is unfortunate, because I was looking forward to spawning an army of quiets.

  2. The link to my Africa free roam changes are in the first post of this thread



    Here is the link to townnet's Mission 13 changes:



    Mission 13 is the first Africa mission where you blow up the oil tank.

    You need to drag 00.dat to GZtool, then place the .fpkd file into master\0\00_dat\Assets\tpp\pack\mission2\story\s10080

    The open the 00_dat.xml file and add this line to the list:

    <Entry FilePath="/Assets/tpp/pack/mission2/story/s10080/s10080_area01.fpkd" Compressed="true" />

    then drag the 00_dat.xml to GZtool to repack.


    I recommend you read the rest of the thread so that you understand how to edit everything.

  3. Sorry for the late response. I think if you want to spread the soldiers further apart you'll need to change their default positions in the fox2 file. By default all the soldiers in a CP will have the same start position, and so they will stay close together when they go to their route. So just change each of their starting positions randomly and they should spread out.

  4. Well done with the changes, it feels a bit more like an actual warzone now, especially with the underutilized jungle area. With regards to that last post, what happens if you kill all of them at once? I think back when I was first creating the mod, I recall the game crashing after I had killed a lot of soldiers.

  5. Go into your dropbox folder and right click on the file and select "Copy Dropbox Link." That should give you a link to the file that I can access.


    With regards to the camera location, you would have to find where the camera animation curves for that cutscene is stored. I don't think any of the modding tool creators have been able to find and decrypt animation data though. I think for now you will have to just skip the cutscene altogether.

  6. Here's what I did:

    sequences.Seq_Demo_RescueMiller = {
    	OnEnter = function()
    		local func = function() 
    	OnLeave = function()
    				checkPoint 		= "CHK_PickedUp_miller",
    				ignoreAlert 	= true,
  7. I think that happens because there's some ingrained code which, when the cutscene finishes, teleports the player-controlled Snake to wherever the cutscene snake is so that the game seamlessly transitions back to gameplay. I'm not sure if its possible to change the actual cutscene animations, so another thing you can do is force the cutscene to skip. In the _sequence.lua file at line 3247 we have the function that (I think) triggers the rescue cutscene:

    sequences.Seq_Demo_RescueMiller = {
    	OnEnter = function()
    		local func = function() 
    	OnLeave = function()
    				checkPoint 		= "CHK_PickedUp_miller",
    				ignoreAlert 	= true,

    Put a "--" to the left of the command "s10020_demo.RescueMiller(func)" to disable it and see if that stops the cutscene from playing. It might not transition to the escape sequence though.

  8. The green text is code I used for testing (you can use the -- to disable lines of code). All the this.setRoute_ commands were added in by me in order to manually set the routes. Those commands are defined further up the file in the form of "this.setRoute_CPName = function()" with the SetSneakRoute commands below each one. So in the story mission file you need to make sure that whatever function() blocks you paste in are executed in this.SetUpEnemy (I'm assuming that the story mission file has this.SetUpEnemy).

  9. The sneak routes are automatically assigned to the soldiers once you add their name to a CP list in the _enemy.lua file. However there are a limited number of predefined routes per CP (usually one for each default soldier), so if you add extra soldiers and there are no paths left, the game will just place them at their default position in the middle of the base. SetSneakRoute can be used to override this automatic soldier placement and will let you assign the soldiers to whatever path you want.


    I'm not really sure how the game uses the hexadecimal values, I just changed them arbitrarily for each soldier I added. Since you were able to paste the soldier data in it seems that you shouldn't have to worry about them.

  10. SetCautionRoute only sets the "caution" route, which is when they are searching for you. You need to add SetSneakRoute for each enemy as well, which will set their default route. There might not be enough day and night routes available for the extra soldiers so you'll need to assign some of the caution routes as their sneak routes as well. Also make sure that, in the fox2 file, arraySize in the property name="dataList" line is equal to the total number of soldiers in the list, and that under <value>Soldier2GameObject</value> the value realizedCount is equal to the number of soldiers on the base (don't set it above 30 or it will crash) and the value totalCount is equal to the total number of soldiers.


    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with man

  11. If you find guards standing in the middle of the base that means they either haven't been assigned a patrol route or I mistakenly assigned them a route that doesn't exist. By default, if you assign soldiers to a CP and there are more than 12, the game will just place the extra soldiers at their default position since there aren't any paths left to assign them to. So I added the this.setRoute_CPName functions at the bottom of the _enemy.lua file in order to assign those extra soldiers to paths. It's kind of trial and error to figure out where each path actually takes the assigned soldier. All I've figured out is that, when looking at the route name, "d" means day, "n" means night, "c" means caution (when the soldier is alert), and then there's "s" and "h" and "l" which I'm not sure about.


    You can edit the soldiers in the story missions as well. It's the same process, except each mission pack is located in a file with the format s#####.fpkd. Those files will have the same _npc and _enemy files you can edit. You might have more room to add soldiers as well since only a part of the world is active during missions.

  12. Thanks, I appreciate you showing interest in the mod after all this time. And I believe the Afghanistan settings are in chunk2, but you'll have to create those extra soldier definitions all over again. I ought to test the exact number of soldiers allowed in the world sometime.

  13. The reason the banana soldiers don't show up is because of the order in which they appear on the soldier definition list in the fox2 file (under "DataSet"). The game seems to spawn soldiers in the order that they are listed, and because the flowstation and swamp soldiers are further up the list they are therefore created before the mysterious npc limit is reached. The banana guys are further down that list so they don't spawn at all. This is how I found out that there is an internal npc limit.


    You should be able to get the extra banana soldiers to spawn if you simply switch their order on the list with the flowstation ones. If that doesn't work, try assigning the flowstation soldiers to the banana cp and vice versa.

  14. The npc.fox2 is what you use to add more soldiers in. There is a default position you can set in the "transform entity" section of each soldier unless you assign him to a path in f30020_enemy.lua.


    Once you add the soldiers in, in f30020_enemy.lua there is the "soldierDefine" section where you can assign each soldier to a specific CP by adding their name to the CP's list. Once you do this they will be automatically assigned to a patrol route. If you scroll down you can see I found a way to manually assign enemies to different patrol routes using TppEnemy.SetSneakRoute. I found the names of all the paths around each area using Notepad++'s find across files feature, and then I searched with "rt_CPName_". You'll have to unpack every single mission fpkd (I used a batch script) in order to be able to find all the names.


    I just chose the 2 areas in Africa because they were close to Snake's spawn points, but you should be able to add soldiers anywhere if you know the names of the routes of that area. Remember there's still the unresolved issue with the total soldier count being limited to some arbitrary value, so not all of the soldiers you add will actually spawn. I was bummed out about the soldier limits back when I started this, and I pretty much gave up on the project because of that - no spawning hundreds of npc's to fight each other :(

  15. These files are probably way outdated by now, resulting in crashes. I don't recall crashing in the ACC when I was first testing this though. Unfortunately I don't have access to my pc for a few weeks so I can't troubleshoot anything. The best thing to do would be to extract the updated vanilla f30020.fpkd and add my changes to each file (I think I only changed f30020_npc.fox2 and f30020_enemy.lua).

  16. Over the past few weeks I have been trying to increase the number of soldiers at each CP, starting with the Africa region. Not only has the process of appending new soldier data on to the current data set been monotonous and tiring, but there are internal limits within the engine that I can't identify and alter. So I have decided to post my progress in case anyone's interested in playing around with what I completed, and maybe more knowledgeable than I am about these issues.


    Specifically, MGSV's engine has both a limit on how many soldiers can be "active" at once, as well as how many total soldiers can exist in the world at once. The activation limit can be successfully changed by raising the MaxRealizedCount value in f30020_npc.fox2. However, the game becomes more unstable the higher this value is raised, and won't load at all around 32.


    The max total soldier limit can also be changed in f30020_npc.fox2...but only up to a point. There's some other internal limit between 500-750 that keeps soldiers from spawning, which can be observed by changing the order of soldiers in the soldier list under DataSet in f30020_npc.fox2 - putting a certain base's soldiers to the bottom of the list will cause them to not spawn at all, while putting them at the top will spawn them.


    Here's the download:



    Unpack 00.dat with Gzstool, and inside 00_dat\Assets\tpp\pack\mission2\free\f30020 place the contents of this zip file.

    Then open 00_dat.xml and add this line to the list:

    <Entry FilePath="/Assets/tpp/pack/mission2/free/f30020/f30020.fpkd" Compressed="true" />

    Then repack the 00.dat.


    There are two Africa bases that are "complete" - the flowstation in the west end of the map (where Snake blows up the oil tank) and the swamp base in the middle of the map with all the bridges. See how easy it is trying to sneak though them...

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