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About Vancer2

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    United States
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    Fallout 4
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    Fallout 4

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  1. This fixed the problem, only thing now is my fingers sometimes get stuck in weird positions in 1st person view, sometimes i get slenderman fingers as if the model is stretching over the barrel. I cant upload pictures at the moment strangely..
  2. As the title says. Im trying to get night vision to work, when I activate it, nothing happens aside from the icons on the bottom right that show you have activated Night vision, however when I go to my pipboy, the current night vision color (Red, Blue, Green) shows in the pipboy menu Any ideas?
  3. As the title suggests, my character when firing a weapon in 3rd person causes the player to aim straight up or straight down depending on the Y rotation of the screen. aiming in 3rd person allows the waeapon to fire normally. I have not encountered this bug before. This is a crappy screenshot, but my character is literally firing right into the ground in this picture. anyone know any fixes?
  4. I am having problems with several workbenches from the "Crafting" of the building menus. Attached is a screenshot I have of a power armor station. As you can see I am unable to place the item down no matter what I do. It does this for several other workbenches from the AWKCR mod as well. Not sure how to proceed from here. I figured I could try to bypass this by downloading other Power armor station mods but they become greyed out as well. Any help is greatly appreciated. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2867324004 Attached is my mod list as well # Automatically generated by Vortex Fallout4.esm DLCRobot.esm DLCworkshop01.esm DLCCoast.esm DLCworkshop02.esm DLCworkshop03.esm DLCNukaWorld.esm ArmorKeywords.esm BerettaM9FS.esl TrueStormsFO4.esm AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp More Power Armour Mods.esp Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp PAMAP.esp ValiusHDTextures2K.esp M2216.esp 3dscopes-m2216.esp M9.esp 3dscopes-m9.esp AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp LovingCait.esp G43.esp ThisIsTrash.esp hdreworkedprojectrevised.esp myCraftableAmmo.esp K9TacticalHarness.esp Extended weapon mods.esp Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp BetterJunkFences.esp NoAffinityCooldown.esp NoNegativeAffinity.esp LongerPowerLines3x.esp 1CAS_serviceRifle.esp ShellRain.esp D.E.C.A.Y.esp dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp dD - Limited Blood Decals.esp Companion Infinite Ammo.esp RichMerchantsLessCaps.esp TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp Armorsmith Extended.esp Backpacks of the Commonwealth.esp MilitarizedMinutemen.esp M1Garand.esp HuntingShotgun.esp G3Family.esp M1Garand - AWKCR.esp 3dscopes.esp
  5. Yeah, Im using Pipware, do you have any suggestions? Its almost a Can't live without. I just started playing again since 1.2. and PIP UI hasn't been updated since December 28th of last year :S
  6. I wanted to play Fallout 4 after it got the geck and all of the DLC out, I launched it up with the old mods I had installed, I updated them. It turns out after loading the save with the mods. It crashes after the loading screen is done loading. So I tried turning off all the mods and starting a new game. It crashes a little bit after clicking "New Game" Can anyone help me here?
  7. I just tried to start a new game without any plugins at al after reading this. Can confirm it also is crashing after disabling all plugins except the dlc.
  8. My previous game was running this mod even after the new patch. The one with 250+ hours on it. I don't know how to explain that one.
  9. Ok I activated a Mod at a time. Went ingame. Resurrected a Mongrel Dog that was nearby, killed it and saved. If the game crashed I deactivated a mod or several. Long story short. Turns out it was dD-Enhanced Blood that was f*#@ing my game up. But I don't know how that can be. I put 250+ hours into the game and not once on my first play through experienced this. It must be the mod coupled with the new patch + starting a new game.
  10. Its not crashing after I kill somebody. Its crashing after I SAVE after I kill somebody. And Yes I have already disabled that mod.
  11. I just started a new game. Why would the crash reports be in the skyrim folder? Also I noticed on the Quest "Out of Time" I have both "Talk to Codsworth" and "Investigate Concord" still available. There is also a quest marker on codsworth, Could this also be the cause? Turns out that wasn't the case either. Loaded a previous save before that. Still crashed. But this time it crashed after saving after tinkering at the weapons bench
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