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About dommi132

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  1. Thanks for your response. I tried to download comodo, but I think that the firewall is preventing me from downloading it online. Oddly enough, I got the internet security essentials without problem. I tried an offline option, but they all need to connect to the internet. Is there an alternative? I am using version 0.63.14 and NMM is set to be run with Admin. Being connected to the website does nothing for me as I am always connected to the website. I also have Kaspersky Antivirus if that helps. Also, I have had trouble before getting Kaspersky with getting programs to install that connect to the internet. I had to download an offline version for it to work. (This happened with installing Kaspersky.)
  2. I can log in to Nexus through the browser, but I can't log in through NMM. This has been happening for about a week. It says when I click to log in, in red letters it says "Cannot reach the Nexus login server. Either your firewall is blocking NMM or the login server is down." I have Xfinity and the modem that they send to me. I tried port forwarding, but either I didn't do it right or that was not the problem. Can any one help? Thanks.
  3. Or even able to make it easier to transfer the junk. I am using DEF_UI, if that helps.
  4. I am tired of always clicking 'E' to transfer all my junk to my companion. So, I am searching for a mod that transfers all junk to a companion in the trade menu. The mod doesn't have to be junk only, but could be something a single type, like armor or something. Thanks.
  5. I have seen videos with the weapon shown in color at the work bench when it is being worked on instead of the HUD color outline. Does anyone know if it is a mod that does this or is it something in the settings?
  6. I wanted to delete CBBE and reinstall it but it couldn't delete in NMM. I tried to delete everything associated with it (clothing wise) and nothing. I went to see if it was a NMM thing in the forums found this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3229304-060-scripted-installers-multiple-choices/ I did both options and nada. I tried uninstalling other stuff to see if there was a problem, all other stuff uninstalled. What can I do to update this mod?
  7. This has been annoying me. The fact that I don't know what an item, that is not in a container, is made of. I have bypassed many items looking for a specific material. Like screws, I didn't know that they were in fans. I think that this mod would be for the user friendly experience.
  8. Thanks I will try neanka.
  9. I have seen so many weather mods, that it is confusing as to what is the best one. So I am going to the community. In your opinion what is the best mod/mod combo that is best for Fallout 4 weather and why. Please no flaming or bashing.
  10. I have been searching (probably the wrong way) for a mod that shows the health, rads and AP in numbers on the HUD and the pipboy.
  11. I created a new mod for myself that creates new items. However, when I do master update it works like normal with all the mods except mine stating the following error: Could not rename "[mod path]" to "[fallout 3 path]\Data\FO3Edit Backups\[mod name].backup.2014_09_17_29_59". the game works fine even with out making my mod a master, but I would like to fix it. thanks EDIT: Sorry guys it was a mistake, I fixed it when I closed GECK and redid master update.
  12. I was wanting to dress her up and was wondering what model body type she has. I tried (horribly) to use geck but got an error about too many masters or something. I am very much a novice on geck. If anyone can tell me that would be great. :smile: P.S. While we are at it could someone tell me the body type of jessi mod thanks :smile:
  13. Today I got an error title "Fallout3.exe - Entry point not Found" with the following error: "The procedure entry point Direct3DCreate9Ex could not be located in the dynamic link library d3d9.dll" This box pops up 7 or 8 times upon clicking the "OK" button each time. The only good thing is that the game loads immediately. The game seems to be running fine, though I haven't played it past a couple of seconds. There was only 2 things that happened between today's playing and yesterday and they are the update of Nvidia drivers last night and the uninstalling of the mod 20th Century Wpns -Plus- Reborn for FWE 603-WMK for FWE-Calibrv14-eXcalibrv23 along with the mod 20th_centuary_weapons_5.12_with_addons.7z that is required for the reborn mod. I did the following things to try to fix the problem: install a previous driver, ran SFC scan, reinstalled the mods. And nothing seems to do anything. This is really annoying and I don't know if it will effect my game at all. Thanks for your help.
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