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Posts posted by Bpandah

  1. Kinggath's Bethesda Mod School series is my go to place to current modding information. In regard to you question, I'll point you to the Bethesda Mod School: CK 106 - Creating BA2 Files (+uploading to Bethesda.net and sound/texture fix). It should walk you through the process and highlight the tools to use.



    Thank you very much! I'll have a look at it when I have time. Have a nice day.

  2. Disclaimer :

    *I'm not sure wether I'm in the right section or not. If not, I apologize.
    *I know this subject probably has been discussed a million times in a thousand different posts, but everytime I start following instructions or download a tool, and read the latest comments on the topic, people say "Don't follow this guide anymore it's outdated" or "This tool is obsolete". I just want a lil bit help, don't be salty please.
    *I do understand that this seems like eazy peazy stuff to you guys, but I've never been putting much thought into my modding process and just recently found out about a lot of optimization stuff (such as ba2 archives). This is still unclear to me. Maybe I'm dumb, I might have an extra chromosome or two, who knows? If you come here to answer "Duh! iT's EaSy StUfF!", be an angel and keep it to yourself.

    As you probably guessed, I'm getting into Fallout 4 optimization and need some help. I want to archive all my loose texture files to optimize loading times and reduce glitches/fps loss. I have an Nvidia 2060 with 16Gb of RAM (Config ranging from 97 to 100% ability to run most recent games, even games to come like Cyberpunk) which should be more than enough to run this game smoothly (I've seen videos of people with configurations way worse than this running ultra-modded Fallout as a charm). I'm experiencing some FPS-loss and texture issues (you know these blurry texture glitches when the game start wondering if it should bother loading their high resolution version or not). I've highly reduced loading times and performance issues with a Wrye Bash and FO4Edit cleanup but still have FPS loss, mostly in cities.


    I've seen many different tools and guides, some of which were flagged as "outdated", thus making it unclear what I should do.
    -Can someone point to a up-to-date guide/tool? (Of course the easier the better but I'll make do with what you give me.
    EDIT: Just to be clear I wanted to do it with Archive2.exe from the Creation Kit but people on guides and youtube videos say this is how old people did it in the 50's and it's not working properly anymore.
    -I've seen people say the modern modder uses Octagon batch tool for this but it seems like this tool is used to downsize the textures and I don't want to reduce quality, just to put them in ba2 archives. Am I getting something wrong?
    -I'm using Vortex and no guide takes this in account (actually I've said it in many posts but I'm flabbergasted as to how little modders take Vortex in account in their installers, guides, etc. Especially regarding the fact it handles things differently. Vortex is awesome why does everybody seems to ignore it?). Is there anything I should think of before starting creating ba2 archives when modding with Vortex? Can I delete loose textures afterwards (I can still reinstall the Mod if needed anyway right?)?
    -I've seen people say that when pointing to what ba2 archives the game should load in you ini files, you have to do it in both Fallout4.ini and Fallout4custom.ini. Is this correct? I know experts create a small ESL (or ESP? Can't remember) file to load em but again, I'm no expert so the dumb-dumb way should do it for me.

    Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this and answer (if anyone ever does). Thanks to all the Nexus community for making this game so awesome and your dedication to help morons like me. You guyz are literally making Bethesda's games sales and deserve more love.

  3. I didn't have the time to try but thanks for your help anyway. I just disabled then placeatme and it fixed it.
    But now I have a new problem wonder if I should create a new topic or ask here.
    I created myself a new settlement just to build a player home cause I don't like player home mods. I used "Conquest" to create a settlement not far from County Crossing. I built my place and everything looked fine but I don't know what's wrong Piper won't get in anymore. When I try to "force" her she says "Yup" comes in front of the door and then says she can't get there. I even tried spawning her in with Companion Whistle but she either falls on the roof or spawns in and then vanish through the floor. I tried with no door, even with no walls but nothing solves it... She comes on the entrance shack floor and that's it. The floor outside is snapped with the house's floor so no stairs needed and the roof doesn't block the way.
    Not sure what can be wrong here cause she used to get in without any problem even using workshops or sitting here and there.
    The only thing I suppose could be the problem cause I didn't do it before was lock the place with Locksmith mod. Do you thing this could be it ? Do you think uninstalling it could solve the problem?

  4. Hey hope someone can help me on this bug:
    I did the news story quest (when Piper asks you questions) after having Piper as a companion (cause it didn't work before she was only asking if I wanted to her to come). Now she suddenly brought the subject out of nowhere so I answered and when the quest was over she kep the paper clipboard in her hand and has it even when she takes her weapon. It's a lil bit unimmersive so I've trid everything but nothing worked:
    -I'm playing on survival so the only save I have is far far behind
    -I tried unequipall but it doesn't do anything (even to the rest of her equipment)
    -I tried caf and changeanimflavor but it's not related to the anim as she keeps it when doing other animations (like cooking or farming)
    -I tried killing her and waiting for her to get back up but she has when she's down
    -I tried disable/enable but enable didn't work (I did it by clicking on her though maybe prid would work i'll try this)

    If anyone has another idea it'd be great thank you :)

  5. Hey guyz I was wondering if someone who already has downloadd the Four Play mod (not the plugins the main one) ccould please upload it cause the creater has made it unavailable for some moral s#*! that nobody gives a damn about (who's gonna touch to children anyway :/ Even though some would I'm note sure you're gonna cure them by making it unavailable anyway). So if someone has it wether you send it to me or upload it somewhere please let me know.

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