Thanks for the responces. I really appreciate it. I've been having a bit of a play around with all this. Some of the terminology ive had to look up and some of it was still gibberish to me and made it hard to follow. I'm still having some difficulty understanding some stuff: I followed your instructions. It worked i can see the replacer has made the changes. What I'm unsure of is, are you saying that its bad to have ITM's? and when you say this is a test to see whats happening, what do i do for it not to be a test, rather as something i will actually use? (As for your offer. I'm actually just testing a few things at the moment. what im working on isnt actually anywhere near a finished state, I just wanted to know how to solve this to see if things like the collisions were working ok. more on that lower down. Id only be too happy for you to look at it once its nearer something i will actually use.) Past this point everything you and Vlits said kind of went over my head a bit. not your fault. im still learning. I had a look, the data details more or less show the same i created in my plugin following chucksteel's instructions. I only want to affect the player settlement building though so it was slightly more condensed. Now this is where i got a bit lost. I havent the slightest idea where to find those things, what they are or how to delete them and more importantly what this is for and why I need to do it? Can you ellaborate on this? again i did a search on it but nobody seems to use layman terms an im really struggling. Where do i set the no Pre-Vis flag, and what is it for? what does the bug do if it is left? Also (and I'm about to change the subject a little here but better than starting a new topic I think), now that I can finally test my objects in game. Ive noticed that the collision is a little undesirable. It seems to be present and doing what basic collision should do but very more aesthetic things like shooting at it dont seem to present the same results that the vanilla has. namely the bullet holes, explosion marks.. etc.. Do you have any ideas as to why this might be the case? I have been using 3dsmax with the havok tools... etc...(as outlined in the only tutorial/guide videos i know of)