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About AxelDominatoR

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    Ultima 8: Pagan, Dwarf Fortress, Daggerfall

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  1. Turned out the problem is indeed caused by some strange behaviour with network companies using more than one IP for different purposes. Thanks to genolune I've been able to confirm that and now I'm working on a fix. It will not be immediate, unfortunately, as it would involve compromising some of the security settings on our fileservers, but I'll try to find a way around that if possible. I'll keep you people updated here as soon as things change.
  2. Can you please first go to www.whatismyip.com and paste here the IP address that you get? Then try downloading any mod from the fileserver and either paste here the link if you can, or at least write the exact mod and file you're trying to download. It would help to give the exact time you begin the download at, so I can trace it more easily in the log files.
  3. Are you, by any chance, using an internet connection that balances over multiple IPs, change the IP part way through or something similar?
  4. Hello inire, I need more data to troubleshoot the issue. Can you please tell me if the error 412 only happens with that specific file? Can you download other files properly? Have you tried a different browser like Ethreon suggested?
  5. We're aware of this issue and we're working on a permanent fix. For now can you make sure the IP you download from is the same as the one you use to browse? This can happen if you are using certain proxies, VPNs, university gateways or some advanced form of connection balancing over two lines. This is just as a temporary fix as we'll hopefully be able to fix this issue completely and you will be able to keep on using your current configuration in the future. Thanks for reporting and sorry for the inconvenience.
  6. All of the files should have been fixed now. Please tell me if you still experience the same problem and thanks again for the reports!
  7. Thanks for reporting this everyone. I found the issue and I'm fixing it. It will take a bit, sorry for the inconvenience. I'll write as soon as the fixing procedure is done.
  8. Can you please check if the links now work for you? If you still find something that points to the wrong place, could you please post the exact link? That would make it a lot easier for us to patch these problems. Thanks for reporting!
  9. Manually purged from the cache those files you reported. Do they work now? Please also try to refresh your browser (as that nasty html page may be cached there). Usually by pressing Ctrl + F5 when you see the misplaced page.
  10. Manually fixed those two links. I'm working on a permanent solution for the issue, but as the problem is very random in nature it will take a while to make sure everything works correctly again. In the meantime it will help a lot to have any non-working link you can provide.
  11. Thanks for reporting the issue. We're having a few hiccups with our file distribution system, unfortunately. I've cleared that link manually, can you please check if it works properly now? Sorry for the disservice!
  12. Seems like that fileserver is still having issues and that caused your file not to be available. I've turned the fileserver off and we're going to ask the datacenter to have a look at it. Your file should now be available. Can you please confirm the download works properly? Thanks again for your patience.
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