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Everything posted by kevkas

  1. I think a good way to go about is a 'request/approve' form handled through the Nexus for example. Say I was to ask Author1 for permission to port his Mod1 from Skyrim to SkyrimSE (for example), I fill a 'request' form on the Nexus, which has a link to Mod1 and states that I am interested in porting it from one game (origin) to a different game (target). I fill the form, which has that info, as well as details on the permissions (it could just default to 'whatever the mod currently has as permissions' unless stated otherwise), and it could include a message as well to include other details. Once I am done, that form is sent to Author1, who gets a Nexus notification (on the website, or through email as well, kind of like how PMs work at the moment). Author1 then can review the form on the Nexus, and if he agrees he 'approves' that request. If he doesn't agree he can chose to 'ignore' it or 'negate' it. He can also return the request further detailing conditions, such as 'you can port it but you can't do further modifications', or 'you can port it and modify/improve it if you want', stuff like that. Since all of this is handled through Nexus servers, they have proof of the exchange and can log it into their database if they want, depending on how they code the forms. I think that would be far better than a screenshot which can easily be photoshopped by anyone.
  2. Thanks again to blove for pointing out the automat issue, I'm not using FOOK but still with vanilla + UUF3P + a few extra textures/models mods I had this issue. Just in case someone else is having this issue after so many years, if you have installed the mod Tweaked Automat Modders Resource v1.2 by lordinquisitor that's the troubling mesh, you can instead use Automat Fix by RoyBatterian.
  3. Nothing to do with this article, but am I the only one who can't access Skyrim Nexus homepage? Oo
  4. In response to post #10463725. Try running the installer as Administrator. Also check if you've downloaded a complete file, sometimes the downloaded file finishes abruptly and you actually have half of the entire file.
  5. "I am taking a break from Skyrim modding, the CK and game just crash so much on me I have lost my interest and drive atm." > Same thing happened to me, both in FO3 and Skyrim. I'm going to try FNV now, hope I don't mod it so much it ends up backfiring on me as wel, haha. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for making and sharing your mods, so.. Thanks sweet girl! :)
    1. H1ms3lf


      Heya kevkas and sorry to bother!

      Sent you a PM, check whenever you can!!

      Also thanks for the mods :)

  6. I heard Disney offered it to Sam Reimi before JJA, but he declined saying he would rather enjoy the new trilogy sitting down as another fan, rather than take on the huge responsability that is making the three new movies. Wise choice if you ask me. :P
  7. Happy new year AltheaR. :)
  8. Thanks for fixing these bugs guys, they were reeeeeeally bothering me, but I know complaining about them doesn't help.
  9. Yes, I've read that far, and now........ COOKIE! O.O Interesting (long) reading. Thanks for the update status Dark0ne.
  10. The 'star' works for me, just letting devs know. Thanks for the update btw guys.
  11. Kudos awarded for making mod-videos. :)
  12. Hahaha, I was answering our PM, lol, I'll send it to you in a couple of minutes.
  13. Haha, most unexpected, lol.
  14. HAHAHAHA, both miketheratguy (awesome name btw) and bben46 cracked me up, if I could rep up bben46 I would but the system won't allow me, so @bben46: consider yourself +1 hahaha.
  15. I agree, the new layout reminds me of the old one, but with the new added features nicely integrated. I also like the new arrangement for the 'Site news' tab, much better.
  16. The blue bars are back! Yay!
  17. Bump (as if this thread would need a bump...) PS: I win. :P
  18. http://www.allmotivated.com/pictures/Demotivational-pictures-epic_Win.jpg
  19. Thanks for the updates, letting us choose which feed is the default one is much better. I'm still getting used to the new layout though. :P
  20. Wow, I was just having this problem and trying to figure out what was wrong. Googling it I ended up here, should have known to start looking here in the first place. -.- Thanks to both of you guys. :)
  21. Thanks xaliquen, I'll upload it in a couple of minutes.
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