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About Kitikithakis

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    Skyrim SE & Witcher 3
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  1. I've noticed that there are tons of really evil looking armors out there. Daedric style, witcher style and some really awesome authentic armor styles. I was thinking about how when I walk into Whiterun wearing Coldharbor armor, not one person bats an eyelash. No one turns their head or walks inside. I don't know about you but if I'm in an inn and someone comes in looking like that I'm going to find my way out the door. There is no fear factor in this game except the "run away" mod when dragons attack. It would be great to walk into Riften and see Maven clear her throat and head for the Bee and Barb or a guard stammer his warning to not cause trouble. I know this kind of mod would be almost impossible to do but man that would be the tops in immersion.
  2. I really can't be the only one who's noticed that there is only 1 child in the whole of Solstheim. There are 2 (3 if you technically add Tel Mithryn) whith lots of folks and only 1 child. Hell even Rieklings have no children. Come to think of it I can't see any female Rieklings either. The Netches have young so why can't eveyone else? Did the ash make everyone sterile? Can someone PLEASE add children to Solstheim. I love immersion and "reality" in Skyrim and I'm no mod creator so can one of you wonderful magic making modders get creative? Please? Thank you. .....and now back to your regularly scheduled program.
  3. Wow. Thanks a ton. This really hit the spot. I looked all over Nexus and never came across this one. The saturation is now perfect and I tweaked the tint and shaders just right. It almost looks real life. Thanks again for the assist. I really do appreciate it.
  4. Hey folks. Is there anyone or any way to make in-game saturations sliders? All of the saturation mods I use are good but they're either too much or too little. I'm no modder but I use 400 of them and see that my graphics are dull and washed out now. I would love to be able to go in and fine tune my saturation level so it fits my version of the game if that's possible. Thanks ahead of time.
  5. Hey. I'm no modder but I love the mods being put out. I would love to see if someone can update Corvo with ONLY more painting "hooks". I love the paintings ya'll have come up with and want to display more but there are no hooks. I don't want to change the whole place with more stands, etc. just the paintings. There is planty of room and I wouldn't mind seeing the tapestries gone to make room. Thanks a ton guys. I'll be looking.
  6. Thanks a ton for the suggestions. I added them and restarted a fresh game but to no avail. I still have the same trouble. I'm thinking it has to be a mod conflict I'm overlooking but I can't figure out where it could or would be. It sucks because the game is really playing well.
  7. Ok, so I have 280 mods right now and all are working great....at least up to level 40. No crashes, to tearing, no lag. What is the new thing I speak of you ask? OK so as I play 3 things happen and I can't for the life of me figure out when it happens or what causes it. As I play I save after missions and I only use a fresh save, no quick save or overwrite. When I do, I notice that my prior saves are reported as "corrupt". In actuality they are not. If I close out and start again the saves are all fine. At the same time, as I play, if I try to interact with a follower there is no clickable to interact with but, again, if I log out then back in I can interact with them. Also at the same time, if I try to interact with a book, note or journal there is no writing on it. I have reloaded each mod with no troubles but it keeps doing the above. I have looked for conflicts with Loot in MO2 and Loot as a seprate entity and it's clean. There aren't even any problems with any of the FNIS addons. So please help. I'm completely stumped. What's the cause? list of mods:
  8. Same here. I've seen him maybe 1 or 2 times in 60 some odd levels. When I did see him he was back in the hills or under along a coast.
  9. I found the perfect mage house. Scholars Refuge by ashleyclark ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3935 ). Even though it's not in a tower the premise still holds. It's very well done but I wish it had an auto sorter and could be set as a house. Even without it's a fantastic mage place. I am using this one now and it works perfectly.
  10. Wow, this looks like a nice mod. I'll have to tinker with it and give it a try. If image number three is the tower you're talking about then it's the kind of tower I've been talking about. A little "dark" but not too bad. Too bad there's little to no support for this mod.
  11. I saw that but it's not the type I was looking for. It's close but far to elesgant. Think the Tower of the Dead in Qarth in G.O.T. meets the wizards tower in Dragonslayer. That's exactly what I mean. Then place it in a place like Old Valeria in G.O.T. or the swamp in Witcher 3. Bingo.
  12. I just modded SSE for my son who's in Afghanistan and as I was doing this I looked to see what other homes were available for DL. I really LOVE most of the places here as they're so well thought out and very grand but I noticed one thing.... not many (if any really) mage towers. Now when I think of mages and wizards I dont think of Gandalf or Dumbledor in semi-resplendance. No, I think of old, bent wise men/women who have shelves of tomes and piles of parchment on tables or desks and on the floor with either a young, bored or old, doddering assistant. I think of tables of bubbling alembics and partially disected critters on dusty tables and flame blasted areas of a room. I think of a large bed that was once grand but is now worn and shabby. I see rows of staves and bent, worn pointy hats and capes hanging from dusty dragon claws suspended on a wall. I think of mages living in large, secluded multi floor towers in the middle of the woods, a swamp or in a mountainous region so they can be left alone to study and practice their craft. I would LOVE to make a mod like this but I'm......just so programming stupid that I don't even know where to start. Sooooo......I was wondering if one or a few of you wonderful, intelligent and very talented modders would be so kind as to make my vision come true. I usually play sneaky, thieving archer-rangers but I'm thinking I want to play mages like I did in my old AD&D days. (yes I'm THAT old) Plus I love to rp my games so I thought this would fit the bill as well as be very immersive. Thanks ahead of time to whomever accepts this quest and makes it real.
  13. To everyone that gave me help here I want to thank you greatly. I have everything together and all of the glitches are now gone. I went into god mode and checked all of the areas of concern and it all checks out. I've been playing it for the last 4 hours and I can't believe how seemlessly it runs. I can't wait to give this to my son when he gets here tuesday. (That is if the Army will let him travel with all this Corona virus crap). Fingers crossed. Anyway I could never have gotten this done without all of your help and I'm eternally grateful. I hope I can pass on what I've learned some time like you guys have. I really can't express to you how glad I am about this. Thanks. I'll let you know how things go when he checks it out.
  14. ok, I spent the morning screwing around and found several mods that were bolos. 3 populated city series and 1 GMO apachii hair was wrong so far so I disabled them and things seem to be fine so now I have to adjust their load and I should be good. After further review it turns out I had overlapping mods. Populated Skyrim reborn and populated cities were apparently butting heads.....LOL (get it? Black head....butting heads....nvm). I removed PSR and all was well....at least in Winterhold.
  15. Tht's the problem. I can't figure out what one(s) it is. but I'll find it if it kills meThis thing is turning into a greek tragedy....LOL.
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