Alright so, I wanted to give the FO3 GotY Edition a try and decided to play it with mods this time. And holy frack, FO3 is really messed up when it comes to applying mods. Anyway, after a full DAY (!) of installing mods I found my self confronted with the fact that the regular five storage units you get in your vanilla home just wont cut it anymore. On the other hand, I don't want to get lost in 'unrealistically' over-styled, over-the-top home bunker labyrinths at the edge of the map (needless to say: I disabled fast-travel to increase the level of immersion). So if you could save me the hours of searching, comparing and testing of post-apocalyptic real estates by recommending a home / hide-out mod that you think is right for me, I'd be more than grateful :) Currently installed Mods: - FOMM - AI - FOSE - FOIP - MMM - WMK - FWE - FO3 reanimated - Fellout - Type 3 Body - DarnUI 11 - Lings coiffure (no PB for me >.<) - Lings things - Jessi - Kelsey - Brianna - Clover Perfected - Other Bittercup Any other recommendations are welcome as well :)