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Everything posted by c4w

  1. I shall amend my request then. Since the mod requested was basically just a shiny compilation of costumes, I would like to humbly ask for links to any costume that was in the above mentioned mod. Thank you.
  2. Hey guys! Didn't play NV for about a year. When I reinstalled it and started to mod the game the way I came to like it, I noticed that the mod "Sexy Lingerie Bouncing for Type 3" was missing. I don't know what actually happened to it. But I'd be more than thankful if anyone could help me out getting it again since it contained many "armors" that I don't seem to be able to collect one by one from the available mods. Many thanks in advance! PS: Telling me why the mod was taken down won't be as helpful as providing me with it. Just saying ;)
  3. I second the request. Being able to have multiple wifes in one home as live manequins as well as turning off the 100g-a-day thing would be nice, too, though.
  4. I agree on most counts. my 2 cents on crafting & loot: as for overpowered crafting, I recommend to take all fortify smithing, enchanting and alchemy affixes off the items and limit them to potions only with a max of 100%. Right now I can get a 147% potion PLUS equipment enchantments. That's too much and also too annoying to craft an wear. Right now, I could spend about an hour or more just to make a single fully enchanted and upgraded armor set. Once you have fairly high crafting skilly, loot becomes rediculously weak. Really, the only things I even bother to take home anymore are gems and the only containers I even keep looking into are urns. Loot should have the possibility of spawning with unique and/or even multiple enchantments and maybe even smithed improvements. on money and economy: Keep in mind that selling gear is about the most annoying thing this game has to offer. Rather than forcing the player to visit the vendors more often by powerselling any piece of junk he gets, we might want to look into solutions that don't force you to suck on the vendors tits all day. I recommend going with the 1/10th price approach of the OP but keeping gems and other light misc items at the current price. Also: nerf potion prices. 4k for a potion is just ridiculous >_<
  5. @gantech: That's off topic. I recommend posting your request in an own thread. @shadowxi304: Not what this request is about. If you wish to ask for the introduction of a brothel-story line, I recommend posting a separate request. If a moderator could change the topic title into "Polygamy / Multiple Spouses", I'd be much obliged. Obviously, the word "harem" doesn't help to keep things on topic. Again: This request right here is only about allowing the player to marry multiple NPCs. It is NOT about the introduction of new story lines, the expansion of the spouse's AI or multiple companions.
  6. :psyduck: Just to clarify, I'm not asking for multiple companions here. (There arleady is a mod that does this - giving the dog-slot to a 2nd companion, I believe.) But yes, such a mod would put the Blades into a whole new light :happy:
  7. you would have to nerf the ring enchantemnts proportional to the number of wearable rings. (only 50% enchantment strength when wearing two rings, for example.) another solution would be to just ignore the enchantemts on any additional rings. This would make item management less annoying as you wouldn't have to enchante 2+ rings every time you wish to change your gear.
  8. I'd like to request a polygamy mod that'd enable any player to stack wifes (and/or husbands) in one or many player homes. Like a boss. There are several reasons why people would want to have a mod like this. - Eye candy - Live Manequins (spouse as "Gear Model") - Cook in every home - Collector's zeal This should offer a tempting work-populartiy ratio. There has indeed already been a topic named "polygamy". However, it turned out that the OP was rather looking for a divorce mod since he kinda butchered his wife by accident.
  9. Alright so, I wanted to give the FO3 GotY Edition a try and decided to play it with mods this time. And holy frack, FO3 is really messed up when it comes to applying mods. Anyway, after a full DAY (!) of installing mods I found my self confronted with the fact that the regular five storage units you get in your vanilla home just wont cut it anymore. On the other hand, I don't want to get lost in 'unrealistically' over-styled, over-the-top home bunker labyrinths at the edge of the map (needless to say: I disabled fast-travel to increase the level of immersion). So if you could save me the hours of searching, comparing and testing of post-apocalyptic real estates by recommending a home / hide-out mod that you think is right for me, I'd be more than grateful :) Currently installed Mods: - FOMM - AI - FOSE - FOIP - MMM - WMK - FWE - FO3 reanimated - Fellout - Type 3 Body - DarnUI 11 - Lings coiffure (no PB for me >.<) - Lings things - Jessi - Kelsey - Brianna - Clover Perfected - Other Bittercup Any other recommendations are welcome as well :)
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