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About MasterofTheSweetRoll

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  1. Good morning, I'm having a big issue with the geck whereupon building a location into a mountain looks fine enough in the geck, but ends up showing a bunch of nasty low poly low quality texture walk through meshes in its place in game. Does anyone know how to rectify this issue? Any help is greatly appreciated thank you.
  2. Hello everyone, After a bit of a hiatus I'm ready to work on my project again. I had an issue I was unable to resolve and was hoping a more experience modder could assist. I'm trying to put a location in the side of a mountain, in the geck everything looks perfect but in game I get what I assume is LOD issues and it shows really low quality 'mountain' in place of the open area, of course I can walk through it and see my stuff but I'm really not too keen on the whole bat cave approach to my main location. If anyone could help me out I would be ecstatic.
  3. This is very helpful. Thank you. It has been a very long time since I have modded and I believe I ran into the issue before. The tutorial I was watching for landscaping mentioned the shortcut for "deleting" objects. Not that I am trying to shift the blame, it is just part of the reason I ran into my issue. Many thanks.
  4. Good morning, The project I am currently working on for Fallout New Vegas will include several locations. I am currently in the process of decorating an interior location, although I did notice a very frustrating issue that is re-occurring. I load up my file and go to my interior space...and come to find that any object I placed then subsequently deleted is back in the space, after deletion. The same thing happened in my exterior location, I placed a vertibird, decided it did not really fit then deleted it. I later loaded the file back up and found it sitting where I placed it originally. I THINK it may be only deletions using the ctrl shift c method. I would really appreciate a more seasoned modder shedding light on the situation. The Geck NV load order is just base game and dlcs plus speedy resources (obv my esp as well) Thanks
  5. Good afternoon, The project I am currently working on for Fallout New Vegas will include several locations. I am currently in the process of decorating an interior location, although I did notice a very frustrating issue that is re-occurring. I load up my file and go to my interior space...and come to find that any object I placed then subsequently deleted is back in the space, after deletion. The same thing happened in my exterior location, I placed a vertibird, decided it did not really fit then deleted it. I later loaded the file back up and found it sitting where I placed it originally. I THINK it may be only deletions using the ctrl shift c method. I would really appreciate a more seasoned modder shedding light on the situation. The Geck NV load order is just base game and dlcs plus speedy resources (obv my esp as well) Thanks
  6. I much prefer the running anims in fallout 3 to new vegas (the ability to look up and down as you run was missed by me not to mention the walk animation) As such I deleted Meshes.BSA in F:NV Data, copied over the extracted mesh file from said BSA Minus the character folder, copied the character folder from Fallout 3's meshes folder, did a bit of configuring here and there ironed out some issues but one I can't seem to fix is that the Service Rifle, and the Varmint rifle (Perhaps the assault carbine and marksman carbine too, haven't tested) fire as if they were Laser Pistols, with one hand and reload like them too. I need some assistance, if anyone can help please do.
  7. So I want all of Fallout 3's animations in New vegas (I think they look a lot more realistic and better) so unzipped meshes and moved them over, everything works until I equip a weapon and run then it plays the new vegas animation, how could I fix this??
  8. Mid-way's 2005 fps Area-51 featured some of the coolest armor in any video game I've ever seen. I've attempted on multiple occasions to extract models and textures from it (as the game is free now, and Mid-way doesn't exist anymore), but have had trouble. So I guess what I'm asking is could somebody either re-create these HazMat suits from Area-51 or import them? I will provide images if possible, if not just google copy and paste this into the search bar: "https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=987&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=mid+way+area+51+hazmat&oq=mid+way+area+51+hazmat&gs_l=psy-ab.3...97536.103675.0.103761." or "Mid-Way Area 51 Hazmat"
  9. I've changed my fov to 110...but the arms go out tooooooo far, does anybody know a fix or a command input for the inis that would change arm fov? Thanks.
  10. ugh all my drivers are up to date, really I think its the game being poorly optimized.
  11. I'm running Fallout 4 at 30 fps on ultra, high, medium, and low. I can't stand it, I'm so used to my new monitor and running around 100 fps this is torture. My specs are: MSI 980 Ti 6GB edition Intel Core I-7 4790k 4 core 4.0 GHZ 16 GB of DDR3-1600 Ram Asrock z97 extreme4 atx lga1150 Motherboard
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