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Posts posted by DarthMelvin

  1. This is deeply embarrassing. I was scared as a baby by well-meaning cousins who held me over a pool of crabs so I could get a better look. I don't know what the proper term for it is, but I've got a phobia for crustaceans, particularly crabs. Just seeing a picture of them or a video of them causes me to enter panic mode. I can't even have my feet on the floor. Logically, I KNOW there's no chance my feet are about to be pinched by those claws, but logic doesn't enter into it until I've managed to calm down.


    The arachnophobes will sympathize to some degree, I'm sure. This isn't just me being skeeved out by something. This is me being outright terrified of something.


    Which leads me to my request: I got to level four or five in my GOG version of Grimrock and immediately panic-quit when I discovered the aborted spawn of the Devil's loins scuttling towards my party. I realize that I'm in a very tiny minority, but if someone out there is up for it, I'd be hugely grateful for a mod or some advice-to-the-layman on how to remove the horrible little monsters.


    If not, I understand completely and I thank you for taking the time to read this.

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