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Posts posted by Luchaire

  1. I will also support the shoujo-type cat-girls just because my inner-troll wants to irritate anime-haters. ;) :P


    That's sort of the main reason I'll be doing it. :P


    I made the Tabaxi race for Oblivion on a whim once in response to a request thread somewhere (disclaimer: I myself have still have never played one). The more complaints it got about being "furry" or "anime" the more inclined I became to keep working on it, building support for it, and increasing its visibility in the mod community.


    I was content to let it fade away with Oblivion, but the furry-haters and anime-haters and just haters in general have convinced me not only to re-work the race for Skyrim but to do as I said above: make multiple versions for multiple tastes. :D

  2. It sounds like maybe you didn't save it with a proper alpha channel. Face textures (the _0d.dds, or diffuse, texture) need to be saved in DXT5 format.


    Don't mess with the normal or specular maps (_0n.dds and _0s.dds) unless you have specific reason to and know what you're doing.

  3. Hi. I downloaded all the body mods.I have one mod assigned to my character, but that mod works with every single character in the game when doesnt have clothes.


    What i want is assign different bodies to different characters.I was thinking in Leliana for example.


    Is there any way to make Leliana or any other character different??


    I read that was possible with hair types, and is possible with face morphs.How can i do that with the bodies?




    Can't be done yet. There's a mod in the works to make it possible, but until then - one body for all.

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