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Everything posted by Medhai

  1. +1 TL;DR: yes please, for reasons, brain fart I thought we were gonna be able to live out the ultimate depraved fantasy with this game, doin hard core drugs in the apartment while a coked out hooker lay strewn across the bed defiled in every orifice. BDs with assorted hardcore sex scenes with multiple view angles and rewind / pause features. I thought we'd be able to one night stand with literally any NPC you see walking around. Be able to visit romance partners in their apartments for first person sex scenes that are sequenced / staged like Sexlab / Osex, multiple positions, speed controls. At least the ability to look around freely during them. On my first playthrough, every female NPC I met, from T-Bug, to Bridgitte, Judy, Evelyn, even that ridiculously hot chinese woman behind the tils at clouds.... I looked at them and asked myself "Can I f*#@ this woman at some point, I hope I can" but was let down every single time. Panam's romance is pretty good. It'd be nice if you could sleep with her more than once awkwardly in a tank. LOL Yes I know I'm weird, I followed Judy in her van after a quest where she walks off. I hoped she would go home, maybe kick back, get in the shower :\ but she just went in circles. Plodded to a new section of the city... and went in circles again. Before eventually stopping at a random street and refusing to budge any further. So from that experience alone I can tell they had at least thought about / started making NPCs deeper than they are. Maybe they didn't have time. It gives me hope that there are future changes like this coming down the line. This isn't the Witcher, people didn't have these kinds of expectations from the witcher. The witcher, while massive and open, doesn't offer the same level of sandbox / simulation that CBP does. So they've laid the foundation for something that could be added to for years to make an ever complete experience. I mean they could at least let us sit down and eat at the restaurants outside of quests. That alone would go to great lengths in making us feel immersed. Look at No Man's Sky. The backlash from that game releasing in it's lied about state is similar to here. CDPR are a fan favourite developer. They SHOULD be thinking about making this game something much more and not just fixing bugs then being done with it until they make a few new stories for a DLC. As far as modding is concerned. I hope that it's pretty simple to add this kind of interactivity / ability to have followers / maybe even add in the BD functionality - because there are tons of animations / sounds for this stuff already in the game. It'd be cool if a BD function let you buy BDs with a sex scene, and the different BDs swapped out the NPC model you're having sex with. So you could put that thing on in your apartment and have virtual sex with any NPC in the game. It shouldn't be that complicated, right? Seeing as the animations are already there.
  2. There is no use to this other than to maybe warn people. Tonight is the most POd ive ever been regarding PCs. To free up disk space I deleted the 7z files in the NMM. Now, while NMM was running, and these files were DELETED, Skyrim was running fine with all of the mods installed. I decided I didn't like one little 'relaxed arm' animation because it made my character look like he had a stroke while he was dual wielding, so I wanted to delete it. When I tried in NMM, it NMM crashed. Upon reloading it, it started AUTOMATICALLY DELETING AND UNINSTALLING ALL OF MY MODS, EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE INSTALLED AND WORKING FINE, BECAUSE THE ZIP FILES WERE DELETED. WHY WAS IT PROGRAMMED LIKE THIS? TO REQUIRE FILES THAT ARE NOT ACTUALLY NEEDED??? I HAVE TO REINSTALL MY SKYRIM AND REDOWNLOAD 12GB OF MODS NOW BECAUSE OF THIS. EVEN DISREGARDING THIS COLOSSAL SCREW UP ON NMM'S PART, EVEN IF IT DIDNT COMPLETELY SCREW ME OVER LIKE THIS - IT STILL MEANS THAT NMM'S METHOD OF INSTALLING AND DOWNLOADING MODS REQUIRES ME TO USE UP -TWICE- AS MUCH DISK SPACE AS I WOULD BY MANUALLY INSTALLING THEM!!!! WHAT A LOAD OF JUNK THIS PROGRAM IS!!!
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