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  1. Light spoilers for Markarth city Wow I've just played the Fornsworn conspiracy and the next quest and it's a big mess. It has some bugs but the worst is the lack of acknowledgment from the rest of NPCs. Nobody cares about what has happened not the jarl (he is in some grade involved in this, right? He suspiciously denies everything.) or anyone in the palace, not even certain brother whose whole family has disapeared. Come on, in this case i don't even need consecuences but at least some reaction!! The powerhouse family has disapeared and nobody cares or even mentions it. There's no recognition of the events at all. That's what I mean. This kind of things completely takes me out of the game 'cause i can't help but to wonder if I missed something or if the whole thing is bugged because the lack of reactions makes no sense at all. This is one of the worst cases I've personally seen so far.
  2. I've found this thread where some people discuss about Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Around page 6, they mention this ability to feel the consecuences of your actions in New Vegas but not in Fallout 3, which I think is true. Again, Bethesda has delivered a very engaging story in skyrim (several actually, I'd say main and factions quest are pretty cool) as they did in Fallout 3. But they lacked in the choice and consecuence department. Hopefully we'll see a TES game made by Obsidian aswell.
  3. The thing is they won't say a word but it would be nice if they did. Imagine an ambush by Faendal because you stole his love, that would be nice!
  4. Actually, I thought that quest was one of the best despite being too short. There is choice (one or the other pretender), morality (you can side with liar or the shy one) and consecuence (a trainer follower no less). I'm also thinking about Fallout New Vegas: there the reputation system towards the factions had a lot of implications within the game and the main quest is tremendously branched, with many options, open and with 4 very different endings. Please do not spoil Skyrim endings sice I'm not there yet. I'd like to see what can Obsidian do with this new engine in Fallout and The Elder Scrolls.
  5. Well, I wouldn't say that 81 perks is a very limited number on one character but nevertheless you can still have every skill at 100. Ok, maybe the thieves versus dark brotherhood example was not the best but you know what I ment. Also, companions tell you to be honorable and never use sneaking and there you go joining the thieves, etc... Also, there's the detail that Moredhel has explained. You can become the boss of Mages Guild without doing any spell besides the flame atronach that starts the whole thing. I haven't played much oblivion so I can't compare but this aspect of the game has disapointed me quite a bit. I'm happy to see other people agreeing with me and I would certanily love to play a modern game that takes this kind of thing into account.
  6. First of all I want to say I'm enjoying Skyrim a lot but I believe that this new streamlined rpg trend has lost an essential rpg features that I'd love to see in the game. This essential feature is meaningful choice. If you want a choice to have meaning, there has to be consecuences to your choice and I think Skyrim has very little consecuences for the few true choices the player makes in the game. Let's see. In the character progression side, the player chooses skills but it has no limit at all: you can be a master smither, master alchemist and master enchanter all at once. In most RPGs choosing your skills means that you can specialize or be a jack of all trades, master of none. In skyrim, in time, you'll become the jack of all master trades. The goal of this system is to let players change their playstyle in the fly with zero problems. That is a good thing and a very streamlined feature but it diminishes the importance of chossing your skills. The faction system works more or less the same. The player can join the thieves guild where it's completely forbidden to kill and then go join the dark brotherhood with no consecuence at all. You can actually join every and all guilds without consecuence. The only minor exception is the civil war questline where you can join the stormcloaks or the empire but the consecuences are minor because the questline is really similar and there's no true consecuence in the world for your decision. You deliver the jagged crown to ulfric and then go wander in solitude like a boss. Most quests are completely linear and only a few of them offer a player a binary choice at the very end but again, the only consecuence for this joice is getting another weapon or not. There's no consecuence for siding with daedra or betraying friends. Same thing happens with dialogue, all of them are linear and there's no wrong option that leaves you out of the quest or something like that. This kind of design decisions are a trend in many many games (and cinema, televisiĆ³n, etc...) out there because devs don't want players to feel frustrated or to be locked out of some content. This decisions mean that a wider audience will buy and enjoy your game but it also means that rpgs are not as free as they used to be. Of course you are free to wander the world in any direction you want but once you get somewhere, you only have one thing to do. Which modern game would you say that has meaningful choices? Also, I'd like to have a nice and flame/troll-free discussion here. Thanx.
  7. I don't know. As the OP I only want dragons to mean epic fights. More variety of movements and attacks and a greater strength in melee should probably fix it a bit.
  8. I know what you mean but I'm afraid most people don't experience it like you. I'm playing on expert and Dragon are not the hardest battles, they are not completely easy but they should be better. Just today, in a dragon fight, I accidentally Marked for Death (2 words) a guard and despite having the dragon focused on him, he didn't die. Moreover I have yet to see the grabbing into the air animation and I have only been bitten and trashed like a T-Rex would do once. Dragons should use their final blows as regular attacks to get rid of minor foes and they MUST be stronger, at least against other NPCs and creatures. There's a video in youtube where 2 bears and 3 spiders kill a dragon for god's sake.
  9. This is most required mod in my gameplay experience. I want to be able to use hotkeys to set dual-wielding weapons and magic. Also, the hotkeyed items or spells shouldn't appear in the favourites menu because it gets too crowded otherwise. 8 working hotkeys plus whatever you want to put in the favourites would be enough for me. Is anyone working on this?
  10. The Fallout 3 GECK for instance won't have the hardcore mode, right?
  11. In the official GECK page from Bethesda, you can choose to download three versions of the GECK: the fallout 3, the 1.5 upgrade and the New Vegas 1.4? What are the differences between them? Which is the best one? Thanx!
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