Hey! I'm at wit's end here. I'm junk at coding/modding, this would be #1 that isn't just a merge patch or tool. I have the nuka CC and it comes with 5 promotional bobbleheads. It seems they never bothered trying to get them to be friendly with a stand. I want to change that. I added the bobblehead keyword to them, and they place and show on any stand. I went through the motions of adding them to the rest of the script/info to work as vanilla ones, making custom messages, making a ton of quest aliases (in same quest as other bobbles), tried in a separate quest.. I've added sections to the stand script to allow for the new aliases.. And nothing! The engine is not filling my aliases with the bobble references, even though they are structured the same as the vanilla entries. I'm not sure what I'm missing. I did notice that clones or spawned bobbles don't work, because of the forced references, but even the forced references don't work for the placed nuka ones. I'll probably post just the keyword change pending this getting solved. It's "good enuf", but not what I'd like to leave it as. They go in the stand fine, but don't come out through interaction, only the container directly. It's 100% the pap script failing to get refs for the new bobbles. I just need to know how to generate these references properly. TIA. Here's a bunch of info: vars not filled good alias bad alias papyrus log when interacting with a stand. https://pastebin.com/30Wk6P00 bobblehead container script: https://pastebin.com/T5DtBYZW esp: https://filebin.net/7m65ja39scj41m1k/NukaCC_Bobblehead_Fix.esp?t=jweo62im