Are you saying that when you get to master level your other spells should be just be stronger because of the perks you got/etc. without any additional spells, or have I misunderstood your point? I don't think my idea would "garbage" the spells menu, since I've suggested that these spells replaced the original master spells, so the number should be actually the same. Besides, if we simply raised the damage on every spell in the game, we would still have master level spells with absolutely no use whatsoever for a battlemage character. My point in this whole thing is proposing a more immersive gameplay for people who want to role battlemages. Oblivion, if you look at it, had several character classes that were supposed to be like this, the destruction/one handed themed character is actually pretty common in medieval fantasy role playing, and it's been seriously neglected in Skyrim (it being a game where that could be really explored, unlike oblivion's crappy system that didn't even let you cast and slash at the same time). Have you seen a single perk focused on that kind of character? There are spells that should work like that, but they're currently crappy and I'm sure no one would like to level destruction up to 100 just to cast cloaks and walls. A much easier alternative to all the minor tweakings I've suggested (except for the master spells rearrangement to allow a coice between one handed powerful spells and dual-cast incredible spells for pure mages, which I still think it's absolutely necessary), would be the scaling and boosted damage (already done, I think!) altogether with a perk or a couple of perks that could go like: "Strike and Cast" (on the one-handed tree. Again, I suck at names): Damaging an enemy with spells has a chance to restore your stamina. Damaging an enemy with physical blows has a chance to restore your magicka "Armor Conduit" (on the destruction tree): Wearing a complete set of heavy or light armor gives you a bonus damage to all of your spells based on your skill with that kind of armor. (0.5/lv?, 0.33/lv? 0.25/lv?) There could be backlashes to dual-wielding and dual-casting when you have the first perk. And there should also be a problem with the second one, to encourage the use of clothing for full mage characters. More magicka use per spell when benefiting from it? Any ideas?