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Everything posted by stljeffbb

  1. Hi Lollia, I'm glad you posted this, only by yourself nonetheless! It was helpful for me to see your process. I had the same result (no lines in the Edit Response Audio box, therefore no seeming way to generate LIP files manually). Also, when I added the lines to my mod folder, they DID work in-game (hooray)! One thing I did stumble across, and I hope this might help others, is that, in Mod Organizer 2, by clicking on the "gears" icon in the upper left, that actually is "Modify Executables." For the Creation Kit executable, in the arguments line (which should be blank otherwise), you can type in "-GenerateLips:<YourMod>.esp and it will automatically generate LIP files for your given mod. Regards, Jeff
  2. I know this is an older thread (but hey not a year old yet!)....I too have had this problem, and I run a few less mods (about 120)....I noticed it after adding about ten mods, but when I removed them, this glitch was still there :( I decided to do a work around that has gone fairly well....the stutter still seems to be there a bit, but when the animals like deer and elk freak, they run away very well and in the end has the same effect as what I recall (basically not being able to finish a hunt, especially as a lower level character)....the mod is SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10175/? It was updated recently (November 2016) so will likely work with most everything out there Good luck!
  3. Hello everyone....just wondering if there is a mod that will mark every object, or most every object, as something that can be stolen? I enjoy playing "hardcore" in the sense that I play "dead is dead", use mods that gives a random start, and I have to start with nothing and try to build my character, not to mention that I use an unleveling mod, etc... I'm looking for something like the "Don't Steal My Crops" mod. That mod has made most all crops a "stealable" item. For me, it is too easy to collect "non junk" from barrels and quickly convert much of it into stuff and a bit of gold, and I would like to have things that seem like trash barrels to truly hold a vast majority of, well, trash! Thanks for reading, Jeff
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