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About havefunwilltravel

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  1. They had the TV for quite a while, and the jukeboxes as well, so why not make the video music players? That would be cool.
  2. Naked with flowers and body markings and the like. Just thought this would be fun.
  3. I asked for the whole character and then some, no takers yet.
  4. Add some realism..codpieces were common in the middle ages. Have some for clothing AND armor. And have women comment on them.
  5. The major cities do have large suburbs though, as large an area the cities themselves but need to be more populated. Someone has already expanded Falkreath and Solitude and there are a bunch of seperate building mods for Whiterun, so that leaves Riften and Markarth. As for the smaller ones, like Dawnstar, some walls and towers with more guards and a carriage system.
  6. Thanx, there's also one on nexus as well. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=11478
  7. Still waiting for this, too. This could have been the largest property of the game and why they left that out - future DLC?
  8. What about a portable nudist campsite? Stuff a couple of women in that package.
  9. Or more like a gateway to another plane, like they did with sovngarde or the ones in the last game. But that school is big for this game, about the size of the Imperial City.
  10. If you remember, Imperial City was enormous compared to the cities in Skyrim. As I think back to it, I would often get lost in Imperial City. I guess Imperial City was about the size 2-3 large towns. Whiterun's populated exterior, like other Skyrim towns, is about as large as it's interior, but much less populated. Shouldn't be that hard turning it into really looking like Skyrim's version of the Imperial City. Something like a land based harbor, with wagons instead of ships.
  11. Great idea :thumbsup: Comic, Filmation, Movie, 200x or MOTUC version? I assume the movie version would be the easiest to make, but the remake cartoon version would better fit the scenery. So I'd say a combination of those 2.
  12. Turn eldergleam sanctuary into a major nudist colony. I first thought of expanding the nude hunter's camp close by, until one day I witnessed a dragon attacking it. Nude people were running in all directions and their clothes and equipment were flying everywhere.
  13. The cities of Skyrim are bigger than oblivion's in that they have a suburb with an area the same size as the walled portion but less populated. Windhelm and Whiterun seem the easiest to expand. They just need more structures in their suburbs. Riften- Outside the south gate with buildings all the way to the goldenglow estate bridge. And make goldenglow the player's home. Solitude- Tough one. Maybe adding some buildings in the area right outside the main gate? Markarth- Potential to being the largest populated city of the empire with it's large underground. You gotta envy those Falmer, they have all the large cities. Eldergleam Sanctuary- I'm sure everyone with a nude mod installed (most) noticed the hunter turned nudist camp close to the entrance. Turn Eldergleam into a major one.
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