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Nexus Mods Profile

About Akke96

  1. There is a way to make bullets penetrate npcs! You just need to change weapon projectile type from you want to make penetrating from missile to flame. Projectile for fire-based weapons like the Flamer. Flame projectiles are not stopped by striking an actor but otherwise behave like missiles.
  2. In FNV if you are using mods that make nights dark it annoys me when im fighting npcs, they can hit me like its bright day but i cant see s#*!. Need a mod that makes npcs less accurete at nights, or maybe even dark interiors.. There is a game setting fNPCMaxGunWobbleAngle that affects npc accuracy, just need a script that increases that at nights, (or dark interiors).
  3. Okay so now im making this mod myself.... I need some scripting help tough! How can i make player to vomit and knockout with scripts? And second question how can i make them happen randomly ?
  4. Immersion mod for radiation! Radiation needs something to spice it up! I think there was mod like this to Fallout 3... I am newbie at scripting but a mod would be great where you reach like 400 rads and start vomiting randomly, when it gets higher like 600 vomiting gets more frequent and some random knockouts happen, when 800 rads, knockouts happen all the time. Would make radiation something to fear and that would add lots of realism and immersion to the game.
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