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Everything posted by caleb68
Cant Scale in CK ... help!
caleb68 replied to Dillenger69's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
my scale key is 2, its a default key in ck for scaling the selected object. Your CreationkitPrefs.ini may be messed up, easy to check, move it out of the fallout folder, restart ck, and see if you can scale stuffs again. My prefs file got messed after updating to the latest version of ck and I had to go and setup everything again. -
I recently had problems with things not functioning properly in ck and getting wierd errors when loading mods to work on them, I found that the problem was inside the creationkitPrefs.ini. I deleted that and started up ck, setup my layout again, and loaded the mod, everything started working again. Started going funky on me after updating to the latest. Far as RedRocketTV script, I have one thats pretty much exactly like his (different objectreference name), I also have one that toggles a power switch off / on as well thats just as simple, both work fine for me.
So I thought it would be nice to tell the players how many of the objects they had, so I made a global var to store the value in, added the var to a script attached to the terminal, fill the var when they access the terminal, however, on the terminal its not doing the replacement and I'm literally getting printed on the screen: You currently have <Global=vcTotalItemCount> circuits of <Global=vcNeededItemCount> From my understanding you didn't need a quest for globals as text replacements. Anyone know how to fix this?
Mod Request: Stop Npcs stealing power armour
caleb68 replied to SketchSlayer's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Ha thats a interesting idea didn't think about that, except if that npc dies and you don't find their corpse to clean out the cores from it, codsworth, ada, or that other anoying robot... jezebell? would work good for that sense they can't die. -
Force Curie robot mode even after 'emergent behavior'
caleb68 replied to RNeto's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
I know this is possible, I found a glitched way to do it but haven't tried via making a mod, but if you can glitch it to happen, one should be able to make it happen normally. 2 problems happen with the glitched method 1) after turning curie back into a mr. handy, you can't turn her back into a synth. 2) you can sometimes end up with two curies, a mr. handy version as well as the synth version. Those would be my concerns with someone attempting to make it a mod. And... if your can turn curie from synth->mr. handy -> synth, why not regular synth settlers as well to a generic mr. handy and back again to a generic synth :) would be a cool addition for settlements a synth option with the workstation, so robots could be made synths and vise-versa, not just curie. -
Mod Request: Stop Npcs stealing power armour
caleb68 replied to SketchSlayer's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
even that isn't a guarantee, as I pointed out with settler merchants and unlocked containers holding cores. -
Build basements in settler buildings
caleb68 replied to Danstronghammer's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
making a basement addon for buildings would require scripting - ps4 - no scripting allowed. So not for ps4 sadly... (looks over at my ps4 collecting dust) ... I originally got fallout 4 on the ps4 under the ruse we would have full modding abilities, but Sony's security on the ps4 must be poor, they seem to be afraid someones going to hack peoples systems if scripting is allowed. -
Mod Request: Stop Npcs stealing power armour
caleb68 replied to SketchSlayer's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
if the settler is stuck in the power armor - assign them a job that requires them to sit, i.e. the vaulttec security desk. this will make them exit the power armor, least thats worked for me in those cases. Far as the npc's not getting into the power armor if there are no fusion cores - the exception to this rule applies: Some Unique NPC's will use power armor with or without cores. - Cait has jumped into power armor during a attack that had no core and she had no fusion cores on her. Merchant NPC's 'magically' get a power core when being attacked and jump into them (i've emptied them of all cores just before a battle and bloop they have cores again) If there is a container anywhere in the settlement that isn't locked that contains power cores - the settlers seem to automatically know where the container is that has power cores and will grab one and jump into the suit during a attack, have had this happen multiple times as well.Isn't there a script that blocks npc interaction with objects? or perhaps its a keyword... could swear there was a simple method to do that... one could make a specific frame that blocks them from activating, and make it so the player can buy that one for their own suits, leaving the default frames alone. Edit in: My Corpse cleaner mod lets you scrap dead bodies in power armor to get the power armor suit, likewise it has a emersion holotape that you can craft and if you have that on your person, depending on the game difficulty you have a higher chance of getting power armor scrap pieces from them, which once you collect enough you can craft a power armor suit. Thought it was silly you could kill all these guys but never attempt to recover the suit they were wearing after the battle. -
it wouldn't be too hard for a modder to make, the trickest part of it all would be getting the quest to fire off propery, and setting up the dialogs so that they use the existing dialogs for the quest (haven't messed with the dialog system much myself). I'm sure there is someone out there that could make this happen relatively easy if you ask them. If I had more experience with the dialog system I'd give it a go and im also working on another mod right now thats a rather big project. hope ya find someone to make it happen, it sounds like a good little mini quest addition to fallout. Need more mini quests for the civilians in the wasteland.
a simple little script one would think that you attach to the actor: Scriptname OnSpawnScaleScript extends ObjectReference Bool Property HasBeenScaled Event Onload() if HasBeenScaled == false akHeight = Utility.RandomFloat(0.97, 1.0) self.SetScale(akHeight) HasBeenScaled = true endif EndEvent this was just off the top of my head, sure its self explaining, but that seems the easiest way to do it.
You could set it up like the kidnapping quests, then you'd have dialog for both her and him (using the generic npc dialogs) that would make sense with that story you typed out jim. just a thought there if one can't / doesn't want to go through the hassle of making new dialog. I created a area where it needed some explanation to everything that's going on inside the place, its one of the residents journal recordings of everything over the course of a year that took place, and explains why things are the way they are inside the area. I have a mini quest thats not really hard, its mainly a search and locate quest, you get to certain spots and it tells you to locate certain things before telling you to explore a different area, about 3/4th through that you find that settlers terminal and can read about everything. Terminals can come in handy for doing journal entries where conversations aren't possible, and can give back history as well to how things became they way they are where the people currently are living. you could place a terminal in there that has a log telling the back story of how he lost her at quincy, explaining the horrifying events that happened and why he was unable to save her. Then throw in some extra ones in there as time as passed saying he just knows she's still alive and that he needs to find someone to help rescue her, a day counter could be added in for triggering the quest script, thats triggered by the player entering the house through a trigger. After X days have passed it fires off the kidnapping like script where he begs the player to help rescue her, and sends them off to the gunner spot where she is held. Just some thoughts on how one could do it with limited dialog abilities.
Workshop script canceling out NPC's AI Packages?
caleb68 replied to caleb68's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
on the workshopnpcscript: bCommandable = True - can assign to jobs, move around the settlement, false no command interaction. bAllowCaravan = True - can be assigned to a caravan, False - can not bAllowMove = True - can move them to a different settlement, False - they can not be moved from the settlement they are located at. bIsWorker = True - can be assigned to jobs, False - can not be assigned. The multiresource - if you set it to true then the drop down you can select a secondary job for them (food, guard, etc) when they arrive at the settlement, if the secondary job that is assigned is available, they will be assigned to it right away. This is what makes some farmers automatically start farming when they arrive at the settlement - least this has been my experience with it. ============================================================================= After looking through things, I added the following packages to the characters themselves below their existing ones, the ones starting with 000 are modified and have the 'workshopnopackage' faction check removed from them, this is the order they are added from top to bottom: WorkshopWoundedPackage 000_WorkshopGuardSandbox 000_WorkshopSandboxAtWorkAssigned 000_WorkshopSandboxAtWork0x24 000_WorkshopSandboxRelaxation20x4 000_WorkshopScavengeSandbox7x14 000_WorkshopSandboxAtWork7x17 000_WorkshopSleep0x8 000_WorkshopSandboxDefault Now with the packages in that order, and added, so far everything that I've done with them is functioning normally (assigning work, sleep) and they seem to sandbox around the location just fine as well just like normal settlers. There were two other packages that were added inbetween all that but I left them out, they were the WorkshopSettlerIntroStayNearPlayer, and WorkshopSettlerIntroForceGreet. Both these packages are quest tied even though they are added to the settler intitially, but sense I'm really not concerned about them walking up to the player for that 'Hi how are you, im new around here, anything i can do to help out' conversation thats useless and pointless, I didn't see the harm to leave them out. The NPC's respond to alarms as well, both siren and bell. Sat there for about 15 minutes watching them walk around the settlement area (even though it was void of everything but the basic needs) and they seem to act like normal settlers. Didn't test caravaning them but the caravan packages don't have the check for the workshopnopackages flag. Far as their default packages I had on them already, they do checks to see if the npc is in the location for the package or not, if not it won't execute, seems a standard from what I got looking at the different packages. Their default packages (non-workshop ones) are above all the workshop packages. Far as quests - I tend to avoid using quests, expecially quest aliases as much as possible - all it takes is one quest alias to break and the quest quits functioning. So If I can do something without the need of quests, I'll go that route first, then if all else fails, do the quest. Just as a example - my corpse cleaner mod - to get it to add the books to the proper merchants, I had to make a independent quest for each merchant, inntially I had them all in the same quest, but one dead merchant and no one got the books added. having it fire off a isdead check didn't work either as many of them will be removed from the game after they have been laying around for awhile. ======================================= Appreciate the help in pointing me to the workshopnopackages faction vkz89q, looks like they are going to be working just fine. Nice thing is too that if I send them back to their default location, they will start doing the packages they had prior to being moved as they aren't being overridden by the workshop packages now. You got me looking at the right things to make it work :) -
Workshop script canceling out NPC's AI Packages?
caleb68 replied to caleb68's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
looking through all the 'workshop' packages, there seem to be quite a few that don't get executed if the workshopnopackages keyword is added. I did take and change the default sandbox to the workshopdefaultsandbox, going to test and see what does / doesn't work with them after doing that, that 'should' at least get them to their new home. -
Workshop script canceling out NPC's AI Packages?
caleb68 replied to caleb68's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
my shop keeper has been kidnapped several times, only has the loc ref i mentioned, and basic workshop factions. they do have the REFarmerFaction however. -
Workshop script canceling out NPC's AI Packages?
caleb68 replied to caleb68's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
okay the faction "WorkshopNoPackages" works fine for NPC's you can't move but npc's you can move they never arrive at their destination reguardless where you send them, so that resolved one issue but caused another. Edit in: From what i've seen, the kidnapping victim is usually someone with a 'boss' location reference, and the person who asks for your help is usually the same, so as long as there are two with the location ref 'boss' you can determine who might get kidnapped. Alternately, you can do it the same as Abernathy farm so that a specific npc will always be kidnapped. -
Workshop script canceling out NPC's AI Packages?
caleb68 replied to caleb68's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Any settler with custom packages seem to be overridden that are properly linked to the workshop items. i.e. location refs, factions, linked refs. ah ha! i'll give that a go :smile: thx vkz89q, hopefully that resolves the issue. Edit in: This seems to of done the trick to stop their default packages from being overridden, thanks :) will have to do some more testing with the AI for the others in the area to make sure they will still function properly if moved what not. Do you know if this effect the Radiant Kidnapping quests / Minutemen quests ? I have set this particular settlement up with two possible methods of acquiring it, a) kill everyone in the cell, or b) rescue one of the residents from kidnappers, its also setup as a possible minuteman acquire spot. -
Vault 111 Restoration and Cryogenic Stasis
caleb68 replied to KalosTheSorcerer's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Vault 111 Settlement - Main Quest Safe http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19663/ fiddled with the cryo chambers abit, but not much, they work kinda along the same lines as the memory den things, like to let you get in, but not get out. The most I did with them when I was playing with them was made it so I could stick settlers and followers into statis, they'd stay inside until I let them out lol... but wasn't what I was going after so I removed that from the mod before posting it. -
So I've run across a very odd thing here, and for awhile I was pulling hair over it as I couldn't find the leading cause, but after experimenting with a settlement with unique npc's, After getting the workshop, the AI Packages setup on the Unique npc are not longer executed. I had several packages setup that use keywords as well as package primatives for where the npc is to go and interact during certain times of the day. All worked good prior to claiming the workshop, however after claiming the workshop, any npc that was linked properly to the workshop stopped excuting the AI Packages. At first I thought it was the conditional settings for the packages, but the more I tested today the conclusion came to be directly related to aquiring the workshop. Any way to fix this? I have a unique npc setup as a shop keeper, they can't be moved to a new location and their shop is a fixed shop that can't be removed from the cell, but sense the packages stop functioning once the workshop is aquired the shop keeper no longer goes about doing their job inside the shop. Been searching for a solution but haven't found any as of yet.
It will also happen if the furniture item is using a animation that the player can not do.
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- papyrus
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actually I think this one is a bug in fallout 4 to be honest, on my ps4 I can end up with this happening at sanctuary right off the bat from a new game with no mods, just the dlc addons. Vault 88 is one that constantly does that on the ps4, you'll get everything setup looking good, then head out to continue doing quests, and the next thing you know you have -20 happiness, with 7 settlers, 20 water, 20 food, 50 power and 40 defense. then you head back and bloop, it jumps back up to normal within a day.
Just because something isn't initially there doesn't mean that the functionality of it isn't as well. I've found this to be the case with trying to reproduce several things that skyrim does. While some things are 'missing' that are in skyrim, making those missing items accesses their functionality, you have to be precise however, else it won't work. Likewise, some things are missing that even if added won't function. My point being, don't say it can't be done unless you actually attempt to do it, too many give up before attempting to do something that's possible just because a few people say it can't be done. could always make radstags into mounts and treat them like horses :) The real issue that I see with mounts are the player animations.
Rather then deleting the spawns, set them as bosses via the location tab on the references, then add the clearable tag to the location, make the workbench so they have to clear the enemies before they can use the workshop ( immersion ) edit the zone file so that its set to never respawn, this will keep the initial enemies from ever spawning again and doesn't make it just another 'empty' location. edit in: Far as this one goes as well, your working on a spot that has a building placed atop it, lowering the landscape under the building really isn't a issue far as making it so that you could put the interior in there, you would have to do some edge editing with statics to cover up some of the 'drops' you get from doing so, but its not really a complicated process just time consuming far as turning the interior into a exterior, likewise the interiors don't always match up with the exteriors, many building interiors are larger then a 1:1 ratio, working with that in itself can get very time consuming. I prefer to leave the interiors as interiors and just set them up as their own settlement when working with the large buildings. one can always setup fixed work and guard markers on the interior that are patrol paths to exterior guard posts and work locations.
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You really don't need to delete the items in the ck, you can leave them in there and make them scrappable, just break the precombines for the cell.
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You sure its not used? from my understanding that's used for the vertibird while your riding on it.