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Lord Garfield

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About Lord Garfield

  1. http://www.videogamevoters.org, Consider it, since the republicans are looking to outlaw games in the Supreme Court.
    1. workdangyou


      Wait, what? How can you outlaw games?
  2. Greetings, I don't mean to flame or anything, but during my short visit here. I realised that people are quite hostile, and I feel rather bad just considering going near the forums, seems like people are rather out to get you than helping out, only during my first thread someone came to tell me "How I failed", I guess I didn't really mind, but then this person kept stalking me untill the moderators told him to back off... Now, ofcourse, he's a moderator aswell, wich makes me want to be here even less, since I fear some kind of vendetta comming towards me. Seems like alot of the moderation here also is based upon opinions, rather than following the rules in general. Due to this twisted sense of right and wrong, I will leave the forum. I do enjoy the nexus site itself, alot of nice people there too, so I shall resume posting and publishing mods and such, but I shall make a hasty retreat from the forums. I know some of the moderators here does a great job and such, but some just frightens me since things seems to turn personal, I won't say whom or anything like that, since I am not out to bash anyone. I hope that I won't risk to be banned for this thread since it contains no type of personal attacks or vulgarity, even though I won't be surprised that someone might "Moderate" this thread because of my opinions and previous posts... So goodbye, forums... Well, I'll be off then, it wouldn't surprise me if some people who reads this are eager to leave a few... Colorfull remarks about me... But alas, I will not read them.
  3. Being 53, i´m where i have the risk of getting a fatal disease. Still i would stand on my opinion; don´t be cruel to animals. There is also another aspect to this: diseases are here to keep us all down, wether we like it or not. If we can cure all, where will the worldpopulation be in 100 years? And furthermore: we allow bad genes to continue. (Who said that before? Hitler?) Using Hitler as a rolemodel for genetics... Gee... This is... Well... There is a reason why you never see a parrot driving a car, it would be a waste of time to teach it. Just like it would be a waste of time trying to explain to people like you that humans means more to us than rats. My dad died by cancer at your age, and you think that's fair... No offence, but I hate your guts... *Leaves thread*
  4. Only an idiot would ban animal research, I know that terrorists such as PETA makes it sound more like the Spanish Inqusition for rabbits rather than a harmless experiment. I mean, if a few hundred rabbits has to get abit sicky once in a while for a cure for cancer, well then I'd say so be it, I mean, banning animal testing is selfish, "I am nice to the animals because I am not sick myself!", it's more cruel than the experiments themselves, I agree with animal testing, even though that I am like... 55% Hippie accourding to people around me, and I realised so myself too. Banning the ability to save a few million people for the sake of vermin makes no sense, if they aren't drugged up, then someone is whacking them to death with a broom anyways. Look at the people protesting, what do you see? Young and healthy people who acts pretentious to cover up the hollow part where their significance is meant to be. You'd never see a cancer patient stroll along going "Save the vermin! Screw my hope!". Seriously, people who bans medicine makes me sick... In every sense of the sentence... And AlienSlof, isn't it ironic how no matter how much I disagree on your opinion about human rights, that I'd still give my life for your right to have it? You see... Everyone is a human being, and no matter how much of an ass someone is, they should still be able to feel safe going through life...
  5. I breifley read through the posts, I guess I got here abit late. But has anyone actually checked out the site? It's full of skepticism towards 2012, so I think that some of you may have misjudged it. Still... The site was poorly made, seen better HTML on Myspace...
  6. Good luck with fixing it, I have realised that I kinda suck at anything besides poetry and limericks. Tell me if you need that kind of thing, I can problably summarize alot of lore into a few verses.
  7. I have read alot about Ma'Iq, and accourding to what I know, he's just full of it. But he has a way of being convincing... Why don't you make the book increase speechcraft instead since you learn how to lie rather than any knowledge? >_<
  8. I do have my own mods, and a website designing gig to bring back some money... I can't just quit those things to write books that I'd never consider reading >_<.
  9. I am currently working on a new book, alot bigger than the ones I made before, it will be like a traveler's guide to cyrodil. I call it "Cyrodillia".
  10. I won't mind, feel free to do anything besides turning it into a techno remix, I hate those...
  11. Erm... I was not really done with it, I added some new things to it since you want my help, some more rhymes and such, I mean, inspiration strook alittle more shortly after, but I can do other things than poems and verses aswell. Journals is not really my thing, I tried it once, but it only lasted for like... Three days. Oh, and I will make a few character bios and some individual verses about each town. I will try to use as many ingame references as possible. Here is the more updated version of One Foggy Morrow: I hope this may be better, feel free to remove some of it in case you feel it breaks the lore. I will come up with a good name for the author later on.
  12. Well, I have been known to be abit of a bard back when I did roleplaying, It guess I would be quite refreshing to use that again. I will have a go later on this evening, not sure what to write exactly, mayhap one of those whitty verses that where known to be written back then, or a character biography. I will see what my imagination might bring.
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