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About MF2MYT

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  1. No, it doesn't have anything to do with plants, it's literally a can of bug spray and a lighter. To clarify, the Bug Spray is a cut weapon in Honest Hearts, it was presumably supposed to be very similar to the flamer, but weaker and having a shorter flame range. Only the Pip-Boy icon shown below remains inside the DLC's files. I'm hoping some talented modder out there would recreate this weapon, taking some creative liberties here and there since we don't know much else about it.
  2. What are you talking about? I'm asking for a recreation of a cut weapon. a weapon that has nothing to do with plants. It's a can of bug spray with a lighter. Basically a weaker version of the flamer cut from the Honest Hearts DLC. I know about this cut weapon from here: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Bug_Spray
  3. I've previously posted this idea a year ago, but nobody saw it for some reason. How has nobody decided to recreate the cut Bug Spray weapon from the Honest Hearts DLC? The bug spray is a cut weapon that was supposed to be in Honest Hearts. This weapon would function similar to the flamer, but have shorter range and possibly damage. Preferably this weapon should use custom 1st and 3rd person animations with kNVSE plugin.
  4. Is it possible to make a plugin where a looped .bik video file plays in the background of the main menu similar to Fallout 4? I'm not a genius when it comes to complete knowledge of advanced NVSE plugin scripts, but I feel we've got a pretty good amount of power to actually make this possible.
  5. Scratch it, I'm already recreating this weapon myself. But I know someone will make a version that's probably better than mine in the future.
  6. I was hoping someone would've recreated this cut weapon from Honest Hearts. People have already documented on this, but nobody has decided to recreate this lost weapon. It would function like a low-level flamer, with a difference in spread and damage. Preferably the mod should have custom animations with the help of the kNVSE Animation Plugin, but I'll leave it up to the creator. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Bug_Spray
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