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Everything posted by frank lee
A failing PC PSU caused a system crash of biblical proportions which resulted in entire hard drives being blighted. Files and archives damaged or corrupted, that appear in my current circumstances to be irreplaceable. The instalation of skyrim was a write-off and some of my backed-up archives are corrupted while others merely damaged. But not all and not all totally! And as I have no other options I am trying to cobble a working game out of broken pieces. Yesterday I had a breakthrough and on taking a hard-drive from the freezer and hooking it up to a rescue machine I got it to run long enough to exract an apparently undamaged TESV.exe and a copy of Skyrim.esm. Two componants that I only had totally unusable copies of. Very carefully installed them into this lash-up C/ProgramFiles/ The Elderscrolls Skyrim and clicked the launcher. . . Boom. . Boom . . . And we're up! It works. New game. . .Working, try a save game (early one without mods. . . Working. Ok insert Hearthfire DLC (never had a problem with it personally) load a Hf savegame . . . good as gold. Dawnguard . . seems to run, new map location etc. Now Dragonborn and launch a save game from Solstiem. . . seems to work. This is looking like most of the game works, install a few armors and weapons mods, nothing complex or over-scripty. . . Still good and I can start a Lvl 49 character save and it appears to be stable but. . . LOOKUP FAILED! Hmm. SQT? nothing. Join the legion or find the facesculptor. Okay I can live with this lets hike over to Fort Dawnguard, talk to Isran, get quest and . . .no quest markers and nothing. But I've got something running that sort of works and Serrana was a pain anyway but the question (there is actually a question here) is how many errors like my Dawnguard one are introduced from the savegame. It seems like I've got some kind of load-door failure on DLC1VQ01 but the game isn't even seeing the quest ID. 'CAN' a save game do that, or is it more likely to be that Dawnguard's componants are impared? Or some occult combination of the two. Appreciating that I'm pushing the boundries way beyond what is sensible here. That I have gotten any of this wreckage to run at all is something of a miracle but we live and learn eh. Incidentally my recomendation to anyone would now be; write your backups to some uncorruptable medium like a DVD! While this is good advice, It appears you missed the part in our terms of service about NO piracy supported and NO pirate comments or help allowed. Banned for piracy. Bben46
Help to change Skyrim Audio to English.
frank lee replied to MattGray10's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Obviously you have to ban him as he admited illegally downloading files. Which is contrary to the terms and conditions of the site and yes, I can see that a moderators role requires they uphold the TOC. Among other things, I assume, like promoting the site, as well as ensuring the safety it's members or visitors. The last being sufficient cause to act against our rather dim pirate. But as for "giving illegal advice ( Advising people to steal a DLC is supporting piracy)" could be wrong here but I'm fairly sure you are mistaken in that, and I'm not even sure it is possible to give 'illegal' advice. Hate crime and some forms of cyber-bullying ( Which of course is is the use of the Internet and related technologies to harm other people, in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner) I think may come the closest. However, unless you have had Nexus's Terms and Conditions passed through Congress (assuming we are in a US registered site on American servers) then advising people to steal intelectual property is no more against the law than advising people in Arizona to not carry their identification papers, for example. . I find it helps to try be clear about these things, a bit like the jurisprudence fetishist, He got off on a technicality. -
Elder Scrolls and Real Life Cultures
frank lee replied to nightinglae850's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
"No magic in the world"? Have to disagree with that, Arthur C. Clarke's 3rd law says 'Any suficiently advanced technology is indistingushable from magic' or are you saying you actually understand how the 'Creation Engine' works? Or the Machine code of your computer that it runs on for that matter, Or how the Microchips are made? It seems to me that anyone who says that there is no magic in the world isn't paying close enough attention to the fasinating world we inhabit. . . -
Elder Scrolls and Real Life Cultures
frank lee replied to nightinglae850's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Familiar with Akkadia or the Akkadian? As likely a candidate as the Egyptians for the Dwemmer especially Empire of Akkad collapsed around 2150 BC in somewhat mysterious circumstances - foul play strongly suspected, but rather dificult to prove conclusively. But the Akkadians were cursed when barbarians, it is believed, sacked their temples and their Gods abandoned them. This snippet comes to us from 4500 years of history; For the first time since cities were built and founded, The great agricultural tracts produced no grain, The inundated tracts produced no fish, The irrigated orchards produced neither wine nor syrup, The gathered clouds did not rain, the masgurum did not grow. At that time, one shekel's worth of oil was only one-half quart, One shekel's worth of grain was only one-half quart. . . . These sold at such prices in the markets of all the cities! He who slept on the roof, died on the roof, He who slept in the house, had no burial, People were flailing at themselves from hunger. No dry boring history this, but a eyewitness account of an environmental catastropy and its effects on a great but doomed civilization. The climate has changed says the writer and our infrastructure is collapsing. We have runaway hyperinflation across (our) world, So many are dying that there is not enough people to bury them properly. The last people left are going mad. . . Chilling isn't it? I do like your idea about Falmer Neanderthals/Australopithecines though, cute. -
Help to change Skyrim Audio to English.
frank lee replied to MattGray10's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
We don't support piracy here. I am going to have to show you the door. Steam is required for the activation of this game and your confession has sealed your fate. Banned.~Lisnpuppy Okay, who summoned the Deadric? Anyone else notice it was no more help than Mr OnlyHereForOneDownload (who might have been too dim to actually read the thread or understand the terms and conditions here) before chipping in? Nevertheless the pirate was at least trying to help. Unlike Jyggalag, sorry Lisnpuppy (confused for a moment there) who turns up, smites some sucker and sods off back to its plain of oblivion having contributed sweet fanny adams. Yea, thanks for that Goddess Of Nexus, cheers, big help. . . -
Help to change Skyrim Audio to English.
frank lee replied to MattGray10's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
This (he says through gritted teeth) is wrong! Here in Spain. . . for the PC version. . . You get; ONE disk! and an invitatation to download over 9 Gig of updates, patches and DLC's. I've visited 3 different stores in the last few hours. None of them had heard of a 2 disk [PC] set. No-one in the stores, (as I got disscussions going with customers joining in) had seen this fabled multi language european edition. A closer look at Amazon etc. and googling variations of 'the elder scrolls v skyrim legendary pc- Box contents' and no-one seems to be prepared to say what is in the box (or show pictures of its contents). Naturally Bethsoft haven't responded the email I sent (outfits like that never do) So thats me, I guess I'll just phone someone up in the UK and ask them to D/L me some hooky pirate onto a 32G micro SD card and post it me. Because my money is no good to Bethesda who are apparently too concerned with piracy to make it posible for me to buy it. . . So Hasta Luego caballeros, and thanks for your efforts and advice (even the wrong advice) :confused: . -
As I said the Stormbringer kills essential characters, and it is a lovely thing to behold but it is a bit of a beast to hump around on the off chance you loose your rag with an essential NPC. Has anyone made a dagger that would do that, saving the 20 points of weight the huge runesword costs? Or a poison applied to a weapon that would allow you to do in Maven Blackbriar or any of the more irritating NPC's.
Help to change Skyrim Audio to English.
frank lee replied to MattGray10's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
A simple activation isn't going to be a problem, even the 2G or no-G connection can manage that, but large file transfers is out of the question. I would be paying a stupid amount of money for large download that will fail before it's complete unless I get very very lucky, and I pay whether the file tranfer succeeds or not. Nosing around it seems that the Legendary Edition is 19 Gig of data! and however many sources agree that the files are on the disks. While that is not 'problem solved' it is something to work with. All of which brings us back to the original question of the language packs :biggrin: Lol! Try to remember, we are doing this for fun. . . -
Help to change Skyrim Audio to English.
frank lee replied to MattGray10's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Well thank you Chevenga and Tony T, this is extremely interesting, Because if the files are on the disk then I shall buy the disk and get the bloody files off it, by main force if nessisary! There are some absurdly powerful tools (usually linux based) for 'rescuing' data, Hirram's, Partition Magic and Trinity that I mentioned earlier are ones I've used before. Because one effect of living far from practical help is you tend to keep tools like that to hand. But I think this raises an interesting question. Lets suppose I buy the legendary disk (which will almost certainly be a dual layer to have all the files on it) I crowbar them out with linux, next I download some (comparativly small) 'fake' steam account bits - which I assume pirates use to make the torrent versions of Skyrim work. Now I have; (1) my original impared and quite possibly corrupted steam backup files (2) some new, shiney, clean .bsa's and .esm's and (3) as many small piratey bits as nessisary to kludge something that works together. . . Now no-one would go to this much trouble if there was an alternative and the mere fact that I'm considering all these desperate mesures gives you a fair idea of my situation. However the interesting question is, am I pirating the game? Sure, I will buy the thing but I'm driving a coach and horses followed by a marching band and an entire armoured column through the EULA. As it happens I actually own a T-shirt the says on the front; "I VOID WARRENTIES" Perhaps I should look for one that has "and I use eula's for toilet paper" on the back? Many thanks for everyone's interest and input on this. As of last night when I tried to re-re-re-install the vanilla 1.1 game, and it failed, I have nothing that I can make run anymore so I'm off to the city and home late tonight and it's, break out the big guns!!! Finally Tony to respond in a similar light hearted/jokingly manner, good point - yes it could be worse, I could be in the United States. . . -
Help to change Skyrim Audio to English.
frank lee replied to MattGray10's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Complete re-install yesterday morning and tried Skyrim-Mod-Manager to see if that was any better. What a mess! It probably works a shed load better for someone with a set-up in better condition than mine, not trying to run it on a low-end rig with erroded componants etc. But I gave up and trashed the lot before going to bed and left the machine defraging overnight. Needlesss to say NexusModManager isn't much help. I'm going to have some of my linux systems take a look at my saved Skyrim componants, if there is anything like an infection in there Trinity will make short work of it and distros like Ultimate can detect and sometimes repair windows archives. . . Nothing better to do while I wait for the 21st century to reach me here. I was at a friends house in a town a while ago and 'trying' to download some nexus mods to the laptop [Fujitsu-Siemens Amelio Se - Ubuntu 11.10 + Win8 Corperate + Hackintosh 10.8] My friend said his landline broadband was 1gig, I mesured it and it actually came to 256k! And that's a landline he's paying God knows how much for. No not technically gifted the Spanish, God bless their cotton socks. You see it doesn't matter how much you pay here, if the infastucture isn't there your just chucking money at people who will accept it with promises and shrug their shoulders when it fails to work. The (increadably picturesque) village down the valley used to have mobile coverage In-One-Place! in the street, easily identifiable by the carpet of cigarette ends, where you had to stand to recieve a signal ;D Imagine if you had doshed out $400 on a phone. . . -
Help to change Skyrim Audio to English.
frank lee replied to MattGray10's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I hear you bben46, and if we are discussing profit I'll suggest there is little to be found in continuing this discussion. Prod80's contribution have filled me in -as well as dashed any hopes I had- about the Legendary Edition. And of getting a stable game that will run the hundreds of mods that others here appear to be able to do without moving from my beutiful mountain village. I was mulling over buying a new high end game machine, pretty much to run Skyrim with some of the fancy visual mods as opposed to the 'plot' mods I normally try to run. But there isn't much point is there, unless Spain's telecom compainies get their act together and I aquire effective broadband Skyrim is going to resemble a troll's cave on any machine or system I try to run it. So pardon me, y'all, for a little bitterness here but I'm not short of money on this scale, I can afford to go and buy a pretty nice machine, I can afford to wander into a store and buy the latest version of Skyrim but unless I move to Madrid or back to the UK It wouldn't do me any good. . . There seems to be a hole in capitalism, and I'm in it. [Edit] "get internet connection, even if only for a short period to download everything then disconnect. Make backups of ALL the files downloaded" Backups get corrupted, recomend writing them to a DVD which has to be pysically damaged to fail. . . No Blue-Ray writer for vast files? Tough luck then!!! -
I normally play an Imperal, Drucillus Tacitus came from Cyrodiil to join the army and make certain she was not posted to some dull outpost for guard duty but actually got to do some fighting for the empire. Another character Vipsanius Agrippa travelled to Skyrim to study at Winterhold before getting sucked into the story. Personally I have little sympathy with the Stormcloaks as they are portrayed in the game. They are complete A-holes, racist, provincial and let by a character whose motives are suspect and who is clearly compromised by the Thalmor who he claims to oppose. I did once download the 'fellowship of the ring' and played as a hobbit. It was just a shame the games combat mechanics didn't allow for 'below the belt' critical hits or the halfling would have had it all his own way :biggrin: It was still pretty funny though.
Help to change Skyrim Audio to English.
frank lee replied to MattGray10's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
1. Discount offer in the hope to sell a few more copies 2. They cannot do that because otherwise mods will not work that require the separate DLC's to be available, and besides that - why would they do that? Extra work for nothing... So we have your $450 million* now sod off? You see I cannot think of this as 'Extra work for nothing...' it is work they are obliged to, at least try to carry out, but they (or the toxic vermin that write their Eula) have decided they can get away with not doing. Nice. . . So I'll just struggle on trying to make my messed up installation limp along then and maybe one day I can get a character past level 60 before the whole game crashes and burns and I need to start over. I'll be looking to the mod community for help because Bethesda having gotten our money have washed their hands of the deal. And I'll resign myself to spending more time learning to use Tes5edit and BOSS than I do actually playing the game. All the while remembering the pirates are to really blame for this, because lets face it $450 million dollars is barely enough to scrape by on, is it. . . *www.gamepolitics.com -
Help to change Skyrim Audio to English.
frank lee replied to MattGray10's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
So I buy the Legendary game in english from Amazon with that oh so atractive wait of up to two weeks here. Then hump my whole PC to a friends house down in a town. Intialize and download all the stuff then hump the machine back to my village, tell it to work 'off-line' and hope - against all of the experiences to date - that Bethesda have actually done what they said they will do and the game works as advertised. . . Nice. . . But wait a minute, if you are downloading all the core and DLCs, then what is the God Damned point of the Legendary Edition? Forgive my foolish naivete here, but I rather thought someone had put some effort into integrating the skeevers nest of DLCs, patches and updates to make a complete package that worked better. If that is not the case then people may be forgiven for thinking that the Legendary Ed. was the same sad mess in an expensive new box! -
Help to change Skyrim Audio to English.
frank lee replied to MattGray10's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Language is an issue for me too. Here's the deal, I am British, I live in Spain, in the mountains and my internet connection is an un-funny joke! This is going through my mobile phone (which occasionally gets a 3G signal!) Now in the hope of achieving a more stable installation I would like to trek into the city - which will take all day - an buy the Legendary game which will be in Spanish. Plugging my elderly and underpowered games machine into my pitiful excuse for a connection is possible for the purposes of regestering the game But ! downloads are out of the question. Anything over a couple of Meg will FAIL! My existing game componants that I carefully backed up to separate drives are becoming corrupted. Dragonborn no longer installs and Dawnguard now seems to be having issues. I got those when I was last working back in the UK but a bad system crash seems to have made a mess of them. So basically I can buy a game in a foregn language, activate it on steam and that's it. Any updates, downloads or language packs would be astronomically expensive and I'd probably have the connection drop out half way through anyway. Now I love Skyrim, but it rather looks as if my geographical location, in a country not blessed with a high standard of information tech outside the cities, pretty well means I cannot play the game. unless I move house (or Bethesda realises we dont all live in towns with broadband). And I dont think I love skyrim that much - So any advice? And before any of the Thalmor Justiciars here on Nexus chip in with snotty comments about piracy, If I was in a position to download a illeagal copy I wouldn't need to! would I? [edit] Oh yea, and anyone care to contemplate how many millions of people there are around the world in my position? In Africa, South America and the 'technolagy challanged' parts of the planet. . . Skyrim for the Nords, or just Skyrim for the rich. . . -
How did Elenwen not notice Delphine or Esbern?
frank lee replied to Deleted5960587User's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'm actually a little afraid of 'Bend-Will' as many of my quest lines are seriously 'bent' already, if not plain broke! I don't know what will happen if, for instance, I used it on Esbern to try to get him to open the bleeding door, given the whole scene is a mares nest of glitches and bugs anyway - even if your installation isn't as erroded by multiple 'Big mod' installs as mine. I have the suspicion it would wreak havoc with what is a main quest line. I daren't even keep it loaded under the shout key in case I hit someone with it. . . -
Tutorials WITHOUT "youtoob"
frank lee replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Or issues. . . er. . . with people. . . er. . . who haven't. . . er . . . got the . . . wit . . to . . record the . . er. . . voice. . . er afterwards. . . when they are. . .er. . .not focusing. . .on the. . .er. . .visual. . .er. . stuff. . . DRIVES ME MAD! but then anyone who was capable of that level of joined-up-thinking would probably posses the intelligence to WRITE what the wanted to describe in a simple text file. YouTube 'tutorials' are a waste of time. you have to sit through the whole damed thing to discover the person that made it was an incoherant 11 year old from Palo Alto with a different opperating system and delusions of adiquacy. If I can find a text file tutorial then I know the author is at minimum literate. where as any numbty with a webcam can produce. . .er. . .a video. . .er. . tutorial. Sorry, touched a pet hate here! -
As an alteranative to an orphanage arranging homes or trade aprenticeships for orphans. Bryan Wilks in Fallout 3 being an example, working for his aunt at the Rivet city hotel. with all the stables apothacaries and blacksmiths in skyrim surely someone could use an extra pair if hands around the place?
How did Elenwen not notice Delphine or Esbern?
frank lee replied to Deleted5960587User's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
If you really wanted to hammer the point home Dragon aspect would probably do it. . . -
How did Elenwen not notice Delphine or Esbern?
frank lee replied to Deleted5960587User's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
As soon as I saw her, first time I played this, I spoke to her. She recognises the Dragonborn from the party and says so, then says the Dragonborn is making a big mistake associating with the Blades. indicating she at least suspects the source of the chaos in 'Diplomatic Immunity' which is one reason it gave me much pleasure to get her ejected from the conference! I appear to be alone in enjoying the conference quest. I make a point of not engaging the CW so I can play through it. Consider the dynamics here, not just the Imperials and Stormcloaks but the Greybeards and Blades are diametrically opposed, then Arngier sat opposite the Dragonborn who may be by then Archmage of that collage of meddlesome wizzards. Balgruuf the independent Jarl and Elisef (who to be fair) is as much a puppet of the Imperials as they are of the Thalmor. The conference is only nessisary because of the intransigence of both side makes Balgruuf's position vunerable. As I usually play an Imperial my sypathies are with the Empire (who are blessed with barbers and tailors, Ulfric!) but Esbern has the truth of the matter so trying to get an equitable settlement is my 'duty' as Dragonborn, and for me hugely enjoyable. If wearing outfits actually affected the game's dynamics what would you wear to the conference? If you could turn up in Blades armor it would offend the Greybeards but they would probably ignore the implicit insult to them because of their dedication to peace. You could wear Stormcloak or Imperial if you had chosen a CW side sending a clear signal or turn up in the Archmages robes or even as a priest of one of the divines, with all that entailed. My only complaint with this quest is that there could be more of it. . . -
Something I've noticed is the mods seem to be getting . . . deeper. The initial rush of retextures, player homes full of god items passes and eventually the huge complex mods Vlija, Civil War Overhaul and Helgen Reborn become more stable with work. I think its these deep mods that are the reason for the games life - Several lifetimes, if you're talented. It does seem a shame that very few mods exploit the fact that the whole of Tamriel is out there though, beyond the invisable barriers around Skyrim. Probably due to some technical reason I'm too uninformed to apreciate.
Something i wish the civil war plot had...
frank lee replied to lolwut50's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Just for laughs try Apollodown's 'Civil war Overhaul' plus the 'Lost Magic' mod the gives you a 'summon plague of skeevers' spell, and then use your 'Bend-Will' shout in the middle of a battle if you want to see total anarchy. Honest, its just mayhem with npcs running about changing alliance when the shout kicks in or wears off, hoards of pestilant skeevers mobbing fighters, hilarious! Poor old Hadvar doesn't know whats going on :biggrin: -
Seriously why am I going to pay this obnoxios git 1000 gold when the bounty for cutting him down - in front of Captain Velath is only 40 septims? Of course it helps that I hump the dread Stormbringer Runesword [http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36891/?] around. An item so absurdly powerful that it mostly resembles a pointy Elder Scroll when you are slicing through 'essential' characters like an Akaviri Warblade through a basket of kittens. But why would I pay, why would anyone pay? . .
Funny Skyrim article in the Onion
frank lee replied to PowderdToastMan's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Brightbane's existencial issues are the reason I seem to have stopped downloading new swords and robe textures and lean more towards Illusion and Mysticism Spells by tox2ik, Civil War Overhaul and Immersive College of Winterhold by Grantyboy050. These mods can be hard work to get running stable but worth the effort. -
As I said about 30 pages ago, I'm not killing him because the Blades want me to. Since then I installed a mod that allows me to shout Delphine down (if you'll excuse the pun) but even in the mod there is no option for pointing out that should Paarthunax get out of line - well, it would be the last thing he did because he's not nearly as powerful as Alduin and the Dragon-born put an end to him. All of the mods -I belive there is more than one- to do this, rely on telling the Blades to cool it and I haven't found one that is properly voiced. . . So, anyone think we could have a whip-round and raise the cash to approch Joan Allen or her agents and ask them to record a few more lines of 'Delphine'? It couldn't take more than a couple of hours of her valuable time, surely given the interest we could afford that between us. Maybe get some backing from Bethesta's publicity people etc. This particular issue is one of the biggest dropped balls in the whole game for me, more profound than the mess they made of the civil war because Paarthunax embodies redemption, the idea that mistakes can be rectified and the possibility of attonement from guilt is the optomistic outlook. The understanding of this is what makes Paartunax one of the most truly human characters in the whole damned game. It would be a real 'Firefly-Serenity' thing is we could pull it off and get the story fixed wouldn't it. . .