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About fueldrockets

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  1. All I have is a Acer ATC-605-ES31 works great on all my PC Games!!
  2. yeah I wish it was standard even on the xbox 360 console game, old thumbs get sore after a couple of hours on New Vegas.
  3. No its not on the Xbox 360 controller sceme, or setting, too bad, I dont like keyboarding, Im using a Xbox One Controller.
  4. Hardly any of the mods I download with the nexus download manager work!! Not like they do on my Fallout3!
  5. So I dont have to push those damn L Thumb sticks all day, seriouslly this game is a HUGE waste of space, about 70% is empty on Fallout 3 its a bit more condensed, but still a very big sandbox, double tap somthing so all I have to do is steer!
  6. My only problem is whenI download manually it takes FOREVER!! I have a pretty good speed of just over 20mbs an 2 up, only takes me a couple of minutes to download a 2 gig movie, this 1 gig terrain pkg is going down at dial up speed lol 56kb a second
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