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About Armandhas

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  • Currently Playing
    Elder Srolls 5: Skyrim
  • Favourite Game
    Mass Effect Trilogy

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  1. Had that issue once, had to activate every single one, trying out multiple combinations before I had all of them. Luckily i don't have many mods and those I don't use i simply uninstall.
  2. Don't know if I asked this already or not, but I am looking for a mod that increases the size of planted ingredients. For example, it would make the pitiful little bush of a planted snowberry bush in the Heartfire garden the size of wild one.
  3. I didn't see a similar search, so here goes. I am looking for a mod that increases the size of planted plants, made possible by Hearthfire. As it is, I have several crops growing here and there, but the size of it is pitiful. Wheat for example is more comparable to weed...the unwanted kind. I want to make the planted...stuff as big as you would find them in the wild. Is there a mod that does that? Thanks in advance
  4. I will give it a go. Thanks for the info and the link...I am almost ashamed to say that I didn't see your work...nor any other.
  5. I was wondering if there was a mod that would allow you to choose the major/skills you start with? In Skyrim it is decided based on race, and while that is understandable to a certain degree, I personally preferred the way Morrowind did it; allowing you to choose a Class that would allow you to immerse better (in my opinion) or build one yourself based on your personal playing style. I am looking for something like that, but have yet to succeed in finding it. Does anybody know if it is already there and I am just overlooking it? Thanks in advance, Armandhas
  6. This might not be the best place to ask this, but I was wondering if there was a mod that would allow you to choose the major/skills you start with? In Skyrim it is decided based on race, and while that is understandable to a certain degree, I personally preferred the way Morrowind did it; allowing you to choose a Class that would allow you to immerse better (in my opinion) or build one yourself based on your personal playing style. I am looking for something like that, but have yet to succeed in finding it. Does anybody know if it is already there and I am just overlooking it? Thanks in advance, Armandhas
  7. I am looking for a mod that will help selling. Don't know if it exists or not, so... I just want to sell items, one by one, without having to select the item, click to select one in the quantity slider and pressing enter again before repeating the process. I vaguely remember Morrowind one needed to press the ctrl-key and click on the item for it to work, but I tried it out in Skyrim and it didn't work. Any help would be appreciated
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