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Posts posted by Pheelon

  1. Seriously, NO ONE has messed around with creating new Base Types?


    other than you and me (via trying to help you out) it seems not (or they are just shy :S)


    well, anyway i'll keep you posted - still haven't had time yet to look over your last build :S

  2. I guess I can't call it tacky with stamina potions because I have yet to find even one in the game. I realize that I am only as far as Denerim

    but Sgt Kylon and my group got attacked by the mercenaries with reinforcements after leaving the Pearl. They outnumbered us and Sgt Kylon's

    men all died too quickly. The battle began in earnest then because my group kept running out of stamina and Sten was the first to go down even

    though he had the best armor with too hefty of a fatigue penalty.


    I did not realize that normal difficulty was going to be that tough. I usually start at normal but this game is unbalanced in the number of enemies

    you fight, the lack of any decent weapons and the presence friendly fire.


    Thanks for the link. I'll have some reading to do soon but this very early morning I will play.


    ............. . :thanks: . ..............










    As for Stamina Potions - there aren't any ingame - there is a Mod to add them (http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=144) but atm it "just" adds the recepies and the potions + adds ehm to the camp vendor.


    I am working on a way to add stuff to the treasure system - much like the way something can be added to my Bag atm - but i am still in the internal test stages (so far so good though) - not sure yet if i should add an option to make treasure reactive atm (all health/mana potion drops are)

  3. Hello,


    I've been searching the interwebs for some indication of this, but does anyone know how DAupdater.exe handles .dazips - I want to know whether it will merge all the contained .erf's with the ones existing on a user's system, or completely overwrite the .erf as a whole. Basically, I want to know whether I can release a .dazip which just overwrites a few existing files in a module without completely overwriting the .erf packages and all they contain. It would be alot easier if I didn't have to release a full .dazip every times I wanted my mod updating.


    Thanks in advance. :thumbsup:


    well, patching a Mod is possible - though the only way i know of would be to create a Module that extends your Mod and just contains the changed files.

  4. I have to admit I am :unsure: just how much to delete. You don't want to delete the addins or packages folders as they were part of the install.


    Reinstalling the Mysterious Bag Mod after uninstalling it no long gives you the items. The bag opens empty! There is something that is still in

    your files that is preventing the reinstall from working. I would think it is probably in your characters file but I could be wrong and missed

    deleting a file.


    I don't think I deleted the Core and Overirde folders that are in the addins or packages folders because they were empty. That may be the problem

    but the correct files were in the folders. I will check it out this very early morning and see if it makes a difference.


    ... Kel ...


    hmm, the Mod stores the IDs allready used in a Module-Var - that means its saved with your save-game.


    if you want to re-add something you just have to use a different ID in the M2DA.

  5. Greetings,


    I love mods.


    And I have a healthy respect for those in the community that do some great work in maintaining the vitality of various games free of charge simply because they love it.


    I would love to be part of mods as well. I'm a very creative writer. In terms of fleshing out background, coming up with stories and lore I'm happy as hell and I find I'm pretty darn good at it too; others even think so occasionally.


    I'm also interested in doing voice work for those mods that might require it.


    I've helped a little in a few DA:O mods already. Nothing well known but I'm very familiar with the lore and as passionate about modding it as much as anyone else here.


    Feel free to drop me a line if anyone is interested.


    I remain, as always,



    hehe, will do will do - really like your Back-Stoy for my Bag-Mod :)


    and if your looking to add somthing to a popular mod - there would be my Auo Loot one (fairly popular imo) - though no idea how to add a story or lore to that /o\

  6. Normally using strength to bash open locks has a chance of breaking whatever is inside the locked container. I would love to see this implemented as a balance feature.


    afaik that is allready implemented - though only if the object is destroyable - at least thats what i remmber from skimming the core-code - i have no idea though how someone would actually do that atm... (without a mod)

  7. This is one of the more annoying things in the game for me, I got the regular Dargon Age (CE or DD edition) and it peeves me that Dryden is standing around in my camp with a !~ on his head, I dont have Warden's Keep, yet. I would like to get it but not now, until i do i dont want Dryden standing around like a phone bill on my desk reminding me, I can do that myself :)


    So is there any way someone can make some form of mod that doesnt let that git spawn unless the game detects i have Warden's Keep installed authorised etc? Cos his presence makes me feel like finding a WK torrent just to get rid of him (I dont really have the extra cash to get WK at the moment, and I reallly dont want this kind of temptation) I've loved the game so far and wouldnt dream of pirating it but its getting tiresome....


    Anyone who does this will be A Grey Warden Grandmaster in my book :)


    should be easily doable (the deactivate part) - not so sure about the check if wardens keep is installed though

  8. Okay, well, as the title says, I need a script that can handle many custom items all at once. At this point, I've found myself having to create several modules to house the different scripts for all the items I've made, and it's getting a bit cluttered. Not to mention that for some odd reason, my items never update properly unless I delete them or empty the export directories, and then re-export everything and when you have about 20 different custom modules, the exporting can get a bit lengthy.


    you could use my Mod to add the items: (no coding/module needed at all - just a M2DA-File)




    as for the not updating part: any item ingame has no connection to its ressource --> if you change any item that you allready have ingame it won't affect it as it's just a (serialized) copy of the original ressouce it was created from.

  9. I'd like create a ring that can cast Drain Life, for example.


    Well as everything else concerning Abilitys and Items:


    a) Create new Entry in ABI_Base via a M2DA - copy any existing item ability to get you started, alter the script name to the one that you'll be using.


    b) Copy the GDA in your override directory and rstart the toolset.


    c) Now you should be able to select the Item-ability for your item.


    d) Now you have 2 choices in your script (the one you choose in the M2DA):


    1) - Copy the original Effect and just change the Event-ID to your new ID as defined in the M2DA.

    2) - Call the original event-script - you'd have to alter the event-id to the original-one for the spell though and maybe adjust the target etc... - bear in mind though that i didn't try this yet - it should however work that way.

  10. Also, I'm trying to figure out:


    a) How do I modify the benefits of each attribute re: I want to lower Fatigue through CON.


    b) How do I shorten the casting time of a spell.


    c) Whether I'm reading this right and Chain Lightning doesn't scale at all with spellpower.



    Does anyone have MSN or something so they can help me out? XD


    didn't look at your code but i want to add some remarks:


    1) Be sure that your not directly overriding the core scripts but are creating a new script to handle your changed ability (just copy the core script and remove any event - switch that might be for another ability).

    a) You have to create a ABI_Base M2DA to do that.

    b) Cast Time is spezified in there as well.

  11. I think that buying for twice the amount you could sell it for would be fair.


    that would be what i wrote - buying for 50% and selling for 100% (from the merchants point of view is basicly the same as 75% and 125% - as far as margins go anyway)


    can look into that sometime tomorrow evening (its 23:30 for me over here atm)


    though better drop me a pm too - i tend to forget stuff /o\

  12. I can sell a greater lyrium potion for 50 silver, but I can buy one for 3 gold, which is 6 times the amount. I think that it should be twice, at the most. I would love a mod that fixes this, since so far I've been opening up the console and giving myself money.


    hmm, what would be "fair" margins for your taste - and should those affect all all merchants (could be done with an any PCRCSR-Script) - like 25% and 25% - aka buys for 75% and sells for 125%?

  13. Well, from my general understanding of scripting languages, it certainly looks solid.


    Guess I'll just have to install the toolset and see what happens.


    be advised though - that the current toolset can break your game if your not carefull - as some internal id's are just plain wrong

  14. Spectacular.


    I'd still love to have the improvements on the Combat Tactics skill, as well, though.


    i can look into that - if its stored in the skill aka (ABI_Base) itself it should be easy as well - but now i am off to work - cya tonight


    hmm, this is hardcoded into core_h --> not possible to safely Mod other than by overriding the whole level_up event...



    * @brief Recalculate the number of tactics slots a creature should have based

    * on level and skills


    * @author yaron



    void Chargen_SetNumTactics(object oChar)


    int nLevel = GetLevel(oChar);



    int nTacticsNum = GetM2DAInt(TABLE_EXPERIENCE,"Tactics",nLevel);


    if (HasAbility(oChar, ABILITY_SKILL_COMBAT_TACTICS_4))

    nTacticsNum +=6;

    else if (HasAbility(oChar, ABILITY_SKILL_COMBAT_TACTICS_3))

    nTacticsNum +=4;

    else if (HasAbility(oChar, ABILITY_SKILL_COMBAT_TACTICS_2))

    nTacticsNum +=2;

    else if (HasAbility(oChar, ABILITY_SKILL_COMBAT_TACTICS_1))

    nTacticsNum +=1;


    #ifdef DEBUG

    Log_Trace(LOG_CHANNEL_CHARACTER,"Chargen_SetNumTactics","Number of tactics for creature " + IntToString(nTacticsNum));



    int nSendNotification = (nLevel == 1 ? FALSE : TRUE);

    SetNumTactics(oChar, nTacticsNum, nSendNotification);


    // Set default tactic for player when first generated only

    if(IsHero(oChar) && nLevel == 1)


    SetTacticEntry(oChar, 1, TRUE,3 /*AI_TARGET_TYPE_ENEMY*/, 31, 2 /*AI_COMMAND_ATTACK*/);



  15. Hey there. I just tested the downloads and they seem to be working fine. Can you give me a link to the file that isn't working or is it just all downloads?


    The download script makes use of a javascript redirect for all downloads so if it isn't working then somewhere, either in your browser settings or in a plugin, javascript is being disabled, and that's why you can't download.


    I am expiriencing total connection loss to the site now and again for the last couple hours (no ping, no reply, just site not found) - maybe its related somehow.

    Is someone playing around with the server (or the dns entrys)?

  16. You're a legend Pheelon :D


    /o\ oO praise from above ;) thx - btw read my pm yet?


    edit: nm - was able to just create a new topic - though it seems i can't delete existing ones...

    edit2: erm - well seems i am way too tired - doesn't work at all like i though it would /o\ - ahh well now i got 3 Topics for the Mod and the Main one is named after my internal design-name... :S

  17. There are, to my knowledge, at least two mods that increase the number of tactics slots available to your characters, but they both work by giving you all the additional slots at level 1.

    This kind of upsets the game's balance curve, and makes the Combat Tactics skill completely useless.


    I'd rather see a mod that works something like this:


    * Start with five slots at level one

    * Gain one slot every two levels


    This alone would give you 15 slots at level 20

    And then, for Combat Tactics:


    * +1 slot for basic

    * +2 slots for improved (in addition to the +1 from basic)

    * +3 slots for advanced

    * +4 slots for master


    So having Master Combat Tactics would give you a total of +10 slots, giving you a total of 25 slots at level 20, while still preserving the balance curve and the usefulness of the skill.


    This shouldn't be too hard, I'd think.


    that would be pretty easy just adjust the experience 2DA (it has the tactic slots you get when you level in it)


    and done - well the exptable part:




  18. Should be easy enough - if nobody else wants to i'll create such a Mod - if possible using a new 2DA-File other modders can just expand upon.

    (just insert their items in a M2DA and the "Base-Mod" will do the rest - no special coding needed that way)


    edit: was way easier than i thought - allready got a working demo mod /o\.



    A Summonable Mod-Chest (that keeps its contents even after Area-Changes)

    Addind items to the Chest via a simple M2DA-File - not even 1 line of code needed!



  19. Should be easy enough - if nobody else wants to i'll create such a Mod - if possible using a new 2DA-File other modders can just expand upon.

    (just insert their items in a M2DA and the "Base-Mod" will do the rest - no special coding needed that way)


    edit: was way easier than i thought - allready got a working demo mod /o\.

  20. So just to clarify, the problem is in referencing a string ID from a 2da?


    Is the 2da in packages/core or addin/core?


    only packages/core works for the 2das - and only if u take the talk-table from the original game and manually edit some ids that aren't being used atm (i just took the top 4 as all of them had empty strings)

    thats why my mod jumped from 11k to 700k in size ;)


    A couple of ppl (including Me) in Social figured it finally out - and i put it into the Wiki:



  21. So just to clarify, the problem is in referencing a string ID from a 2da?


    Is the 2da in packages/core or addin/core?


    only packages/core works for the 2das - and only if u take the talk-table from the original game and manually edit some ids that aren't being used atm (i just took the top 4 as all of them had empty strings)

    thats why my mod jumped from 11k to 700k in size ;)

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