The title explains my problem already; even though I run a German version of the game including translations for as many mods as possible I get a few english names/strings for certain objects here and there. It's nothing completely game breaking for me but still just a bit annoying.. I don't think that my system stats are relevant, but since the "How to ask for help" thread mentioned it anyway and it might be contrary to my expections, I have a Win 7 64bit OS, Nvidia GTX 970 GPU, Intel i5 2500k CPU, 8 GB of RAM etc My game is located normally, as well I'm running the latest version of the main game, all DLCs, SKSE and Mod Organizer (which I prefer to use) The mods I use are the following: (sorry but I don't know how to find out the load order with Mod Organizer, LOOT only shows the core things for me so the following is no specific order) I use the latest versions of all mods that I mentioned, as well as the appropriate translations into German (if they're available) and also Mod Organizer's in-build mod sorting mechanism thingy to put the mods in a correct load order and it does it flawlessly, so I'm 90% certain that the problem isn't there as well The strange part is that only oddly specific things are named in English, if I were supposed to list them they are the Iron Dagger (and probably other daggers), the Long Bow (and probably other bows as well), various Gemstones and Soul Gems; all other things such as other weapons, armor and such are unaffected however (The reason why I can't give more examples yet is that I decided to reinstall everything entirely after I managed to mess something else up pretty horribly, and only today I started a new game) But yeah, could anyone help me with that little issue? I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask or if I missed something important or such, and will try to add the latter as soon as possible if it'd needed, but also I want to say thank you in advance if somebody could help me here!