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Everything posted by Khilia

  1. I was tinkering around with the DLCs files out of curiousity, and when I came across the weapon sounds folder I met a few interesting sound files; One apparently belongs to what might've been a barrel mod of the Fatman that shoots bowling balls, and another folder is called "Compound Bow" and has files that sound fit for one.. So do you think Far Harbor was originally supposed to have more weapons than the hooks, harpoon, lever rifle and radium rifle, or do they actually exist and I just haven't found those yet?
  2. I've been thinking about this and I'd like to see it, or at least know if it's actually possible for a few reasons: 1) It would be handy for people using high viewmodel FoV's that end up making the pip boy awkwardly small; the power armor interface isn't affected by that on the contrary 2) Technically it would work with mods hiding the pip boy as well as others who otherwise change it, e.g. the light source (making people able to use e.g. the Hide Pip-Boy mod and the Pip-Boy Flashlight mod in tandem, theorhetically) 2.5) Since you'd be able to hide it, it'd be useful for people who dislike the look of it on their characters (for screenshots or whatever) while still being able to play the game properly There are a few downsides though, too 1) Mods that change the model of the pip boy obviously would get unusable 2) I personally don't even know if that actually even works, so I apologize if this is like a mammoth request But, otherwise I'm thankful for any kinds of feedback to the idea or such!
  3. Title describes my issue well enough; after I got through the Bethesda intro (when you see the imperial dragon thingy and some smoke) I get stuck in an infinite load screen, however the weird parts are: -It doesn't crash or anything, it stays there -It didn't freeze, the smoke still moves yet I also get no sound or anything whatsoever (so basically no main menu shows up) -I'm unable to kill it with the Task Manager nor Alt+F4 or anything else, only thing that solves it is a forced reboot -Previously today, only a few hours earlier, everything worked finely and without any problems, then I get back and nothing works anymore even though I didn't even change anything, ergo no new mods or .ini changes or anything like that (-I did try disabling some mods I had yet that didn't yield any different results either) -The only times I found the same issue on the internet was because of two mods conflicting that I don't even use Anyone able to help me? :c
  4. It's not a completely gamebreaking issue but it's more just an annoyance which I'd love being able to be fixed somehow, but well, here's the problem -I created a custom character with RaceMenu (a female Nord) -I also customized the height to 1.1 and it seemed to work well -However I noticed that the first person view actually is kind of a bit taller than where the eyes of the character are; it's basically on top of the head So my question is if there is any way to fix that? It's mildly annoying in places with low ceilings like the Ratway where my camera tends to clip through the ceiling Thanks in advance though!
  5. I really like playing as archer occasionally and I like it even more when I get a killmove that shows the arrow flying until it goes straight through the head of something hostile, but I actually noticed something about that: More than often enough it happens that the arrow lands completely elsewhere than I initially aimed it in a killmove, e.g. I aim for the head and in a way that it would normally certainly hit it, but in the killmove it ends up landing in the shoulder or even the back? And as well, probably even more annoying, is that it happens almost always that the arrow bounces off a clff/the cover I'm behind/etc just right after the killmove started, not only killing the chance to kill someone unseen but also draws their attention to me instead Long story short, does anyone know a way to fix that? (except disabling ranged killmoves altogether)
  6. The title explains my problem already; even though I run a German version of the game including translations for as many mods as possible I get a few english names/strings for certain objects here and there. It's nothing completely game breaking for me but still just a bit annoying.. I don't think that my system stats are relevant, but since the "How to ask for help" thread mentioned it anyway and it might be contrary to my expections, I have a Win 7 64bit OS, Nvidia GTX 970 GPU, Intel i5 2500k CPU, 8 GB of RAM etc My game is located normally, as well I'm running the latest version of the main game, all DLCs, SKSE and Mod Organizer (which I prefer to use) The mods I use are the following: (sorry but I don't know how to find out the load order with Mod Organizer, LOOT only shows the core things for me so the following is no specific order) I use the latest versions of all mods that I mentioned, as well as the appropriate translations into German (if they're available) and also Mod Organizer's in-build mod sorting mechanism thingy to put the mods in a correct load order and it does it flawlessly, so I'm 90% certain that the problem isn't there as well The strange part is that only oddly specific things are named in English, if I were supposed to list them they are the Iron Dagger (and probably other daggers), the Long Bow (and probably other bows as well), various Gemstones and Soul Gems; all other things such as other weapons, armor and such are unaffected however (The reason why I can't give more examples yet is that I decided to reinstall everything entirely after I managed to mess something else up pretty horribly, and only today I started a new game) But yeah, could anyone help me with that little issue? I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask or if I missed something important or such, and will try to add the latter as soon as possible if it'd needed, but also I want to say thank you in advance if somebody could help me here!
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