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About riker148

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  1. Well Fallout: Who Vegas is currently in development to complement that sonic screwdriver with a ram packed featured TARDIS. :thumbsup:
  2. For all of you who are interested! The offical Fallout Who forums are now up. All information and updates will be posted there....so get your self signed up a posting :thumbsup: http://falloutwho.proboards.com/
  3. Well......It's been sometime since i've posted on the good ol nexus anyway let me get straight to it. You guys are in for a treat....you though The Last Child Of Gallifrey was awesome, wait till you see this baby. It's a completely different breed. From what i've been testing you all won't be dissapointed. :thumbsup:
  4. Well....what can i say which will sum up of what i've tested so far. Basically ITS AWESOME!!! :thumbsup: These releases are like nothing ever modded before which will defintley add a more exciting and fun experience to what is already a great game. Damn...its soo hard to say without giving the mod away but just remember how brilliant The Last Child Of Gallifrey was but 12x better. :thumbsup:
  5. New Fallout Who Vegas Moddb page up for anyone who is interested :thumbsup: http://www.moddb.com/mods/fallout-who-vegas-doctor-who
  6. riker148


    Hello, how are you? Hope to see you on the nexus again sometime :thumbsup:
  7. And the constant stream of already answered questions has kept everybody busy.
  8. Just Playing mods
  9. That would be brilliant if Demeggy will allow it :thumbsup:
  10. It could possibly be that like i told someone else earlier
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