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Everything posted by remamian

  1. Alo' Everyone. So i'm working on remodeling some of the items from the citadel DLC and ME3 for use in a few different 'poser' type programs to do some comics. I'd like to get my hands on the PCC/PSK file for the apartment (entire thing). I also want to get a hold of the entire normandy as well if i can find it anywhere. I've found Mass Effect 1's entire normandy with interior but nothing else. Obviously like a .obj or similar file would be best but i can make conversions once i actually find the file. Any help would be appriciated So tl;dr Entire model of Normandy SR2 ME3 Entire model of Citadel Apartment P.S. any other entire model's of buildings/rooms from ME3 would be awesome to!
  2. Ok, i guess ill start off with simply stating that I'm trying to create a face similar to Morrigans on a female elf character. I'm running into a few issues in my venture to do this so far bellow are the attempts Ive made. 1. Creating a HF (Human Female) Face of exactly what i want and saving it as a EF (Elven Female) face and putting it on the female body >> Pros: Works, Cons:... Her head floats 2 foot above her neck, and no elven ears 2. Attempted to change the parameters to get it as close as I can >> Pros: N/A, Cons: Takes forever, and never looks right So far it seems option 1 is the best, i cant think of any other 'ways' to accomplish this. So my question is simply.... Is there an option within Toolset morph to adjust the actual placement of the model (Head) upon the avatar? OR Is there some parameter within the save game file under SAVEGAME_APPERANCE that would allow me to adjust that. Or! Is there someway to export the parameters of the human face onto the elven faces? ... or am i simply just screwed?
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