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  1. Worked for me too, just deleted the save and it's fine. Wish I had found this before I went and tried reinstalling DirectX, dot Net, and VCE...
  2. Also having the same problem with Mod Organizer. Was working fine. And now nothing.
  3. I've encountered the same thing with Mod Organizer and launching from SKSE. Was working just fine. There was a crash, now it doesn't work.
  4. Hey All, Was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction here. I am wanting to edit some of the Interesting NPC's additions in Skyrim to use the faces of several different custom followers. Such as having the smith Isobel use Danariel Storm Bows face. If at all possible I'd like to do it without making the follower mod a master of the 3d NPC. Trying to improve the look of some of my favorite characters and also cut down on the number of esp files I have. Also would love to find out how to put a hair mod's hair in there as well. I keep finding tutorials on how to do this with your own player character, but none really how to do so with NPCs.
  5. I was wondering if there was somewhere that had a more full explanation of the TESVEdit FNVedit families conflict topics. Things like What is PNAM - Priority and what does changing it do? I'd like to get more proficient in using the editor to make my chosen mods more compatible with one another. If there isn't a site, perhaps we could continue this thread with definitions as they're asked and answered?
  6. The site is becoming more and more difficult to use since the upgrade to the new look. I almost always have to refresh a mod screen. The site overall is sluggish while other websites are not. Half the time when I look at the category list and click on a category the clickable page blocks show but the files don't. I really wish they had kept it the way it was.
  7. Got it. I just forgot to set the voice back to the NPCs and it used the voice of the character's I had used the traits from. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
  8. So, I have 2 characters from Interesting NPCs that I really like and wanted to change their appearance some via the creation kit. Now, surprisingly enough, when I google Creation kit change NPC appearance I keep getting pointed towards tutorials on how to make a custom NPC. Or fixes for the grey face bug. That's not what I want at all. What I tried to do was take the two NPCs and have them use the template data from another NPC. For example I wanted to change Amalee in interesting NPCs to have the face of Elven follower Aranya. And Isobel from Interesting NPCs look like this great Breton model I found. However, When I choose Use traits and get them to use those other NPCs appearances, I lost the great voice acting. Which is why I love those 2 characters and appear to lose the quest data. I'd appreciate it if anyone could tell me a better way to do this. Before someone suggests using the NPC editor. I have all the skyrim textures unpacked and optimized so I cannot point that program at the texture BSA to install it. So it's not really an option. (Unless anyone knows a work around on that too.) Thank you.
  9. Someone, on another forum, mentioned that it might be my Fantasy Music overhaul that's the culprit, but we tried several methods last night to try and fix the issue. Deleted ini's. deleting saves and trying again. loading with no unofficial mods. On that one I could load a save, but the screen flickered between what I was viewing and black, but couldn't move or open anything other than the console.
  10. Here's the last 14 lines of the papyrus log
  11. I'll post the papyrus log when I get home this evening for sure. To be honest I don't know a whole lot, read as I know nothing, about uGridToLoad. I first experienced the problem with a pretty much virgin ini. I don't think I had anything in there changed other than enabling screenshots. Then I visited a bunch of tweak sites recommended on various forums and edited my ini file to it's current version, hoping that it would help the issue, and it didn't help. And I definitely didn't change it in game. Didn't know you could do that really.
  12. I have. It's not last save specific. I've tried loading from all the saves in my file. Not just the most current one and all CTD. it's a strange little bug, because normal gameplay is just fine. I'm sure it has something to do with either an ini setting gone wrong. However, I still would ctd, with the ini data I posted and the stock, unmodified ini file. I'm going to see if I can get a look at the papyrus log when I get home. I really hope it's something I've done that is easily fixed as this is my fourth full install trying to get a clean and stable game. Cleaning that many mods alone takes a couple of hours or so. Could it be a ugrids issue? I saw somewhere on google where someone bumped their's all the way to loading 11. I'm not to familiar with the ini edit effects. Know just enough about the modding process to get me into trouble sometimes.
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