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  1. Maybe it's Horses Revamped. But not working on Skyrim SE because of animations needs to be converted. I'm looking for alternatives. Are there other mod like this one?
  2. I was trying to find that mod with no success I had it installed many years ago, and totally forgot about that until now I remember i had read in the description that the author shared the meshes and animations as a modder resource It changes any horse meshes with skinny ones, (like other mods); the unique part of this was the handling and the animations (i think also there was a custom skeleton) the riding and the turning was so smooth i feel like i could do horse challenges. XD It was for SkyrimLE and it was not very popular with only few endorsment
  3. Request mod for Skyrim Special Edition The original mod made by Omega99jp's "AngeLydia -Lydia is reborn- " , is unavaiable https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26112/? I found this standalone version still alive https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26437 Could someone do a porting for SSE PC and Xbox One version?
  4. If it's working as you want, no need to change But if you want further edits, I always suggest edit the ControlMap.txt because of hardcoded keys, mouse buttons, and some menu keys that can't be changed from the main menu I found this tool, that can change some of those keys http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1380/? Also if you use a xbox controller, it's really useful to use combinations this utility it's great http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35405 Using excel might be easier than do manually, you can remap keys using cells in other sheets ps. I saw this thread completely randomly, you're welcome :D
  5. In response to post #44163050. #44163245, #44163410 are all replies on the same post. thanks for that link! the warning wasn't bothering me but it's better to get rid of it :D
  6. I'm not sure about the Controlmap_Custom, but it screws my custom Controlmap so i suppose it could lead to problems And you can't change "hard coded"(sort of) keys in that way You can find this file in the archive Skyrim - Interface.bsa I just extracted from there, it's fresh new, i only switched the Mouse1 and Mouse2 scancodes (0x0 and 0x1 in the third column) For simple editing and complete understanding, extract from "Skyrim - Interface.bsa" all the txt files in the folder \Interface\Controls\pc\ gamepad.txt keyboard_*language*.txt (keyboard language layout) mouse.txt controlmap.txt The file you need to edit it's Controlmap.txt . The other files are useful to know the key codes mapping (editing these has no effect) . You can also assign combinations of keys with "+" (example 0x1000+0x4000 = controller LB+X) I suggest editing with Notepad++, or other editor, instead of windows notepad, it's simpler to adjust the columns with tabulations and without "line wrap". On the top in the comments, it says that 1st 2nd 3rd....etc are the columns of the "table". // 1st field: User event name. DO NOT ALTER! This field is used to ID events in the code as it says, don't change this // 2nd: Keyboard key ID that will proc this event. A value of 0xff means the event is unmapped for this device. -->(refer to keyboard_*language*.txt) // 3rd: Mouse button ID that will proc this event. --> (refer to mouse.txt) // 4th: Gamepad button ID that will proc this event. --> (refer to gamepad.txt) // 5th: If set to 1, this event can be remapped to a keyboard key // 6th: If set to 1, this event can be remapped to a mouse button // 7th: If set to 1, this event can be remapped to a gamepad button -->allows to remap from the main menu // 8th (Optional): User event binary flag. Used to group together related user events, like "Movement" or // "Menu", so they can be toggled on and off together --> flags for certain purposes, example the flag 0x801 from "Strafe Left" will prevent you to move the text cursor on left while in inputboxes everytime you click A That's pretty much it, it's not that difficult, it only takes a bit of time to adjust as your likings
  7. put this in skyrim folder make sure to remove the file ControlMap_Custom.txtbasically if you edit the file \Data\Interface\Controls\pc\controlmap.txtyou can do any combination and reassign any key, and for example only make them work in certain menus
  8. Amazing! Thank you! :laugh: edit nevermind! i think it's great as it is!
  9. Mods like General Stores and similar Is possible to do such mod without the SKSE functionalities? So basically it's possible to use the console command player.removeallitems *targetcontainer* via papyrus? And filter a container to only accept a certain type of item? In that way you will have a container only for armors etc
  10. since i read this i'm still using SkyUI 2.2 with no mayor problems, only small things i noticed is when you switch inventory in a container, the icons of the categories overlaps, and ofc the SKSE warning. Thanks for the tip!
  11. i tried that mod for FO4, it was enjoyable, the only big issue was picking up any object from the ground. And you can't disable mines in 3rd person. Since skyim in 3rd person is worse than fo4, such mod would not be good imho
  12. well you can do the opposite maybe, a porting of skyrim in fallout 4 XD
  13. In response to post #43854890. #43855555 is also a reply to the same post. Because you can hot load plugins and see changes and do editings on the fly without close the game Btw that's not answering my question, i have a lot of free ram
  14. I saw that completely fill my virtual memory, and it often crashes if the game is open, even if the game is in the main menu With 16GB ram it uses 2gb on the task manager, and up to 10gb of virtual memory If i disable the paging in windows it crashes after few minutes. All this while the game is opened.
  15. I was wrong, the controlmap.txt it's basically the same. Weird, my custom controlmap with SSE doesn't work anymore.
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