Hi,i'm trying to reconstruct skeleton frame by havok sdk,,Here is a test 3 bones frame hkx i created,with rigid body,radoll,,,etc,,plz look this picture. http://i.imgur.com/2htZr.jpg On the left is the bone link i created,,only 3 bones,,almost everything is ready. Right side ,is the skeleton extracted from skeleton.hkx ,xml format. There are some stuff i want know to recreate a frame for my customized body shape. Look the hkResourceMemoryContainer nod i expanded,there are a few stuff i don't know what they're. CharacterBumper,,this is a bone object,with rigid body and collision,,I know because i compare the data with skeleton.nif in nifskope. How about others that i didn't created on the left side like CloakExportRoot,DwarvenSkirtPreviz,FemaleUnderwareBody,,etc,,,,?Any idea what type of stuff i should set them?bones or dummy,,and i need their physic setting,,I didn't see these stuff on the package released by CherryHotaling's 3dsmax file.I think they are related with some armor,,it will possible cause CTD if i create bone frame without these data Here is my filter configuration,, http://i.imgur.com/kTxz7.jpg hmm,,another request,,CherryHotaling,,would you reimport your max skeleton with international (SI) unit system please?(centimeter) If i convert yours (inch) into my familiar unit,,full frame got distored. Regards~:)