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Everything posted by Richardo11

  1. Botching. That would be a good idea, some kind of code (if it could be done) in the mood that remains you to endorse the mods and fires up every time you run the game until all mods in the mod list are endorsed ... hahahahhah .....Why not to? (yes, someone will say: Why should I endorse a mod i do not like? ..... Answer: Yet even with that, you are using a mod pack which the mod belong, like not endorsing a mod you enjoy but just a minor clutter texture you don't like and don't endorse the mod ... Is still the right of the user .. but...) I think and believe, well build (and maintained?) mod packs (free conflict) will keep very the community alive.... Do you imagine how many people that don't have (mainly) the ability to install a mod list like Lexy's LodT (I did myself and at 3/4 of the list, something (surely) I have underseen started to get wrong and finally the whole mod pack derailed ... I did not have the guts to start anew... (for now) .. or YASHed/Yashed Extended ---- Do you know how many gameplay hours those modpack brings? I am sure it will be tons of people/mod users that will jump on the hype.. in fact that is the reason of Nexus talking about it or that Wabbjack (whatever might it be) About pc specs, I see it that way, It is free choice to the mod pack builder to decide what pc minimum specs can run the mod pack .. If she/he decide that must be a state of the art PC, so might it be ... and so forth. Logically, the more wide the specs, the more users potentially Hahahahahaha .... Agree with a correction "Tested mod pack saves weeks..." A mod pack like Lexy's or YASHed Extended have a couple a weeks just downloading mods (or you can be for a whole 2/3 days just downloading, dawn til dusk).... Installing/ follow conflict solve instructions / test (and back many than often) ... Been there not just a week but months - Also if firmly believe that if the mod pack build could be done at the same time that mod authors rights are respected, more people (skilled people) will build and offer those builds, which in turn will benefit everyone user/mod author/ mod pack author What are your thoughts bout guys?
  2. Simtam I do agreee, could be a solution and in fact i heard about it .... I heard so much about it that i am spending the last (free time) four days downloading like a crazy all mods that, either follow a mod list like Lexy's or YASHed and/or complementing it with mods that i do like but are not in those list ... ... The reason? ... I have also heard that some mod authors can/will take away/hide their mods and look for another solutions which have given my kinda of mod-panic-attack .... I cannot play Skyrim without EnaiSiaion mods to give an example among many. So i launched myself to build my own mod database even knowing that if that so, those mod will not update if that would be the case, but at least i have the mood But in the end I do hope for the best and dream about those reeelly fatty mod list and conflict free (Yes I know, it will be still SKyrim engine an its limitations, but a dream is dream)
  3. OldMansBeard: Yes basically you are right, but there are ways.. Right that maintenance could be an issue, specially with SSE and therefore SKSE updating and all the hustle that it brings.. but you can, without any problem, stop your game to update (in fact Bethesda SSE updates are uniquely for commercial/greedy studio purposes, game mechanics and bug solving is not updating at all) .. so nothing wrong to stop updating and therefore no updating the mod list.. So there is one solution to the maintenance ... and even beyond that, you have actually in Nexus a bunch of very successful mod list (with updates) maintained for free -- YASHes / YASHed Extended (from the same mod list author Mnikjom and actually updating) / Lexy's LoT / Juantos mod list .. and sure a bunch i do not know/remember --- which proves as a matter of fact that maintained mod packs for free are feasible --- even further, downloadable mod backs requires even less work because those mod packs authors, at the same time that they update their mod pack they need to update all the instructions in the mod pack web, which it is a lot of work too So no, free mod pack are perfectly feasible and mod pack download is solely matter of parts agreement, nothing more Another thing to point is the term "responsibility" and about that i do not see why a mod pack author should have a higher level of responsibility than a mod author, that is not other than self-assumed responsibility, not obliged. In Nexus there is plenty of mod authors whom just upload a mod, aficionados let say, and that's it, there start and ends their "responsibility" In the other hand, there is plenty of mod authors too ( I can make a list of 50 of them in a blink of an eye) that really care for their work and final users, but even them fade from the mod scene, because new games or just because like to everyone, time goes) I think that clarifies perfectly the term "responsibility" and the burdens that it could bring, if fact, none. Note aside, surprise me your statement of building a conflict free mod list with more that a bunch of mods is equivalent to a trivial mod, although i agree with you that that is judgement call, i wonder if you have try conflict solve a list lets say of 100 mod with half of them being big mechanics mod (mean no big textures mods, those, mostly are download/install and even those must be tested and it is a looooot to test) I would like more people giving their view on this matter
  4. I reading here and there about the ongoing issue about mod list or mod packs, and sometimes i do not know if we are talking on the same page ... (and other places talking about the same thing) talking about what the problem is..Aside of the main problem of mod author rights, which seems to be the BIG fight, and it is, BUT it is NOT the big and REAL problem here.. Anyone can spend a whole evening and download 100 mods, seems that the major concern is to save that time, specially if instead of download 100 mods the schedule is 400 ++ mods .. yet you can do it .. THE REAL PROBLEM IS CONFLICT SOLVING.. that requires waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more time than just downloading the mod collection... THAT is a real mod pack, a whole collection of mods, put together and conflict free .... and that aside of taking a HUGE amount of work, requires a deep understanding of how mod works, Skyrim engine, a whole array of tools, the Creation Kit and +++++++, and time, tons and tons of timeFor just a couple (20 mods let say) you can go with knowing those tools a bit, but for 400/500 ++++ mod packs that it is what people want (me included) you need, as i said a deep understanding of all I mentionedIn fact, putting together a 500 mod list, with major overhaul mod/weather/light/gameplay/places and quest/follower/ENB's/textures/+++... requires more work that doing most of the mods themselves..Authors in their own right, say that mod list author (REAL mod-pack authors) will get paid/kudo/thumbed up-you-name-it with the work of other.... and that is just, JUST partially true.REAL mod pack authors should be recognized at the dame height at least than mod authors for the work and knowledge involved .. it is in fact a mod I do not underestimate the work of mod authors, I have been playing skyrim for years and years, and the only reason for that is mod authors, I am deeply thankful to them, but in the same way that they use assets for their mod, mod pack authors also use assets, that happen to be mods (I know that is not exactly the same thing, technically) Wish we could find a solution of that, I would be for the good of everyone, I can't count the thousand of hours that into building my own mod list <(and solving conflicts) to finally get to nothing, play a bunch of levels and then a hard crash and a corrupted save or a persistent CTD.. and all my countless hours of work goes to nothing, that have happen to me many times, modding is very addictive and you can go by and back .... but what a wonderful thought if we really could play (and could be done) a beefy mod list with all those wonderful mods with more quest and lands and gameplay.. if you love Skyrim, just imagine it... what a dream!!If only a way that equally, mod authors and mod pack authors could be recognized in the same way that mod authors are recognized nowadays lets say in Nexus... Damn it, mate, damn it What do you think??
  5. well, i am having exactly the same problem, the only thing is that running LOOT does not solve the issue, I did exactly all the steps so did mention above with the same result. The Nexus commenting page for Wrye Bash is closed as welll as the forums, so really, after years and years modding first Oldrim and now SE, I find myself playing without a bash patch and hopping for the best Very, very nice if someone can give me a hint
  6. Very, very excited about this, just watched GP video about the survey, Thumps-Up
  7. i wonder what would be the order. . say, you make a bash patch (wrye bash and then you make a merge patch (sseedit - skyrim se). . Or it is the other way around?? .- Thanks
  8. Hi Mator . Just downloaded vs 0.4 . Installed and in using MO2 -- When deted integrations = mpOpt_ModOrganizer not found . Don't really know what it is missing and how i can get/install it. . I already have and working fine - Merge Standalone in the same App . Thanks
  9. Thanks. . I just read a post from Thalasa that recommeds strongly to clean all .esm but Skyrim.esm, to be honest there were a full load of ITMs
  10. hi to all . Loot shows that Update.esm has 235 ITM and 91 deleted meshes, i might be wrong but i think i read somewhere that Update.esm must not be cleaned . Should i clean it?? . Thanks
  11. hei, there is a mod - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4091/? - . but i wonder if there is a mod that do the same with power, looking for it for SE, to un-clutter and over-cluttered menu. . Thanks
  12. hei to all: . I am carefully building up my next play-through mod list, and making a bunch of plugins merges. Before i do the merge i run throuhg SSEEDit and aply the "Bash autodetection script" to the mods i plan to merge, then y close SSEEdit and run WryeBash with ONLY those mods selected (well all "bethesda" are checked) and build the patch. . It is that how it hs to be done?? ... I mean, launching WryeBash and it should detect automatically all the tags that SSEEdit has set for those mods... That's right? . Thanks as always to this helpfull community
  13. To achieve perfect compatibility they can be forwarded, if you are a perfectionist of course. But realistically speaking the worst thing that could happen when you enter such cell and missed regions have new weathers or sounds compared to the previous cell (and regions) you were in, they won't have a chance to change to the new ones (because weathers are defined with a chance in regions). I really doubt you'll notice that ever, it is simply impossible to spot such negligible differences. Also cells are rather small, and when running you are changing cells every 5-10 seconds and wrong regions on a single one makes it even less apparent. In summary - don't bother. . Thanks Zilav, I was already supeccting that but i rather prefer to ask when unsure, thanks again for your help . --SOLVED
  14. Thanks i will keed a look for that, but as you can see in my initial pst it is an -- WeatherTundra [REGN:000C5858] -- It is that what you call a " contain weathers" and then needs to be forwarded. .
  15. . modding Skyrim if highly more complicated that "if it does not look weird"... you can play for a 100 hours, then something goes wrong, CTD, save corruption and you must restart from 0.... Why? . Well there is many possible whys, but one of the it a incopatibility between too mods that you did not know,... How to detect thos incoplatibilities?? .,..... Well, SSEEdit it is a very good tool for it. . Now ther is many, many things, that even far far more experts that me don't know or agree, Me the only way i have to solve my ignorance, it is asking. . So, XCRL records needs to be forwarded?? thank you for your advices Martimius, but they are quite shallow my friend :)
  16. Hi to all: . When having a look in SSEEdit searching for conflicts, extremely ofthen i find "XCRL - Regions" not being forwarded, i.e, Dawnguard set "TundraMegan01[REGN:00041449] -- avNavmeshBatch4 [REGN:0008EED7] -- WeatherTundra [REGN:000C5858] ..etc . then Heartfires and Dragonborn, takes away them.. further in the plug list, suddenly OpenCities sets back the same values for inmmediatly after Ivarstead (Arthmoor) takes them away and so on . What that means?? Should i create a patch "overwrite to new file"?? and forward those records . I know some records like MHDT _Max Height Data does not need to be forwarded, but not sure about this one . Thanks for your time :smile:
  17. i, honestly wish one thing, one single thing, i, very much hope, that the team that made SKSE and possibly are working (a lot) for SKSE64, I hope, I wish, I want, they are having a thunderous, lung plenty deep and profound laugh as a "more than deserved" pause, about all those unpatient unpolite and coarse people here on the post abut .... When is gonna be...?
  18. Hi to all here: One thing i never completely liked in Skyrim it is the fact that, me, "The" Dragonborn can die (and die quite often) and none of my companions follower ever die..... makes me feel like.... well, that, a milkdrinker. So i understanty the value of no losing valuable companions, but if they "could" die that wil make me to think twice where i lead them as well as giving them a hand (if i have not died by then) in the heat or the fight There is mod out there like "NPC Protection Tweaks" but tweak them between Immortal, Essential and Protected, that it is not what i am looking for What Am i looking for? -- firts to know what it is the lingo word for a npc dieyable (can and would die) and if there is a console command for it. But a the same time i woould like to give them an extra buffer of health and stamina (just to be in the safe side), I know about setave etc What it is the console command to set health or stamina for good? Setav works but next time i start to play i need to set all over, as well as setting them to be mortal Hope someone can understand what i am babbling here :smile:
  19. OK, I have 6x2 cores, so 12. Any settings to be good with 12 cores?
  20. I have landscapes installed, but i have a ton of other texture mods, so i am in the go to find similar texture mods but more performance oriented, VL is fantastic that a bit heavier
  21. anyone can point me to a decent landscape retexture with a good performace? (2k/1 or 1k/1) Tx
  22. You can make Skyrim balance the load on different threads you can have 2 dedicated threads for AI and 2 dedicated threads for Rendering + another 4 threads for the rest. I have been reading from known modders and people like STEP that [TREADS...] are not good to use, but i will like to give it a try, can you post your tweaks? I also remember about app for unpark cores but i am not sure about......
  23. No I plan to run DynDolod but not arrived there yet, still testing and evaluating the mod list
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