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About AudrieD

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  1. Every level in the game has a graphic. Would making a patch or badge with that graphic be possible? If so, how would one go about it?
  2. Yes. The only thing I did was add a condition in the form editor and remove the repetition requirements in the same place. The CK added the requirements text itself. I am going to poke around in the CK more this evening. If I find anything out, I'll follow up here.
  3. I was trying to alter the skill tree to work similar to how it does in Fallout 4 by making a level requirement instead of a repetitive action requirement. This is how it appears in game. When you are on the skill list pane, it says to add 0 more points. This is on a level 1 character to test to make sure it is indeed level locked, which it is, so it's working. It's just not formatted properly and I must be missing where I fix that. In the example, I have changed Ballistics to unlock at level 5 and for each tier to unlock every 5 levels with all 4 unlocked at level 20. Points are still required just like in FO4.
  4. Dev2 is what I am using now. Everything seems to be back to normal.
  5. I loved this mod in Fallout 4. Outfit Switcher - Hotkey Loadouts Is there one for Starfield and I am maybe just not finding it or is one planned? If neither, one would be great. Hidden suits are still worn suits. I suspect that a lot of stealth issues are because invisible armor is still clunky.
  6. Sorry for the delay. I was using a mod manager. I seem to have solved the problem but I could not tell you how. It just stopped doing it while I messed around with profiles and stuff.
  7. My load order is a jumbled mess. I repair it, run the game, and the load order becomes a jumbled mess. If I make plugins.txt read only, will that help? I ask first so I don't make a bad situation worse. Or does load order just not matter unless it is loose files?
  8. AudrieD


    Thank you! The wonders of AI generated imagery. hehe
  9. AudrieD


    I know everyone loves their Discords but Discord is a lousy place for a forum. It is invisible to search engines so you have to dig through individual servers to find what you need. Maybe it's convenient for you but it's not convenient to anyone else to follow a couple hundred servers instead of a single site because everyone has to have one. How is it harder to read posts here than to read posts there? Github is just as bad but at least it is indexed. See point #1. Why even have websites like this if everything is done on Discord except hosting your files for free? It's your world. You do you. Just know that this arrangement is not ideal for everyone. It actually sucks. I can't really name anyone I have ever talked to saying, "Oh! I get to join another Discord! I'm so excited!"
  10. I try to stealth sniper but it's not easy. Sometimes enemies can see me through walls even. Other times they run right past me, literally able to trip over me, and never see me. I go the stacking route for damage skills. Ballistics, Rifles, Sniper rifles. I wanted to do the martial arts style but it's hard to get in the number of sneak unarmed hits it wants.
  11. I guess the not being able to dive under the surface has been resolved with the comment above.
  12. The game has cigarettes, just like previous games, but they are not interactive. They aren't even good currency. Waiting for the smoking animations like the mod for Fallout 4. I'm also hoping for the eating and drinking animations mods like Fallout/Skyrim and maybe the healing ones like Fallout. I am going to guess that nothing can be done about swimming, not that it matters when most of the water will kill you in Starfield. I can take or leave the sleeping and other needs. It's not the Sims after all. I won't complain if someone made them though.
  13. After looking over that list, I found a silver lining. Since I have not updated because I figured most of the mods I like would not work in AE, I won't need up update mods any more unless I update/buy AE.
  14. I found what I was trying to remember. I believe this mod will do what you want. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/41781
  15. The The formats are not the same. This exports to BodyGen morphs and templates, not looksmenu presets. The presets discussed here are the ones saved/loaded in-game via the LooksMenu interface. The output from jBS2BG is to make files that genereate random bodies based on templates. I don't want go say too much about this program because it might confuse someone between the two but...This program works very well for creating morphs and templates so that you have a large diversity of shapes and sizes throughout the population of the game. It can be used to change just the player's body but not the face.
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