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About pdugan1

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    United States

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  1. Looking for a mod that automaticly added a chest of items depending on what your Char is. It was located somewhere in the area you first "arrive". I don't know the name, I've looked and seared for it. It's a great mod! If anyone knows of this mod, pls tell where to find it! Hopefully, it's still availble somewhere. I have searched thru' all the mods here! Hopefully I only missed it and someone can tell the name of it! TY very much!! My name is Patricia Dugan!!
  2. I have to play DA:O thru my D drive. I can't seem to get the DA_ CharGenMorph_Compiler to work. Could the problem be that my pathway is D drive instead of C?? It's making me kinda' crazy and really sad!! Please help!
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