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Nexus Mods Profile

About carsonzhang

carsonzhang's Achievements


Rookie (2/14)



  1. that's because nexus virtually has a monopoly on modding, which puts them in this position where they're able to push a universally hated UI update no one wants and get away with it on top of the snark and rolling of eyes from members of staff that everyone isn't hyped on this terrible redesign. modding would be better off if nexus died. you would have more competition and choices in where to host/download mods and wouldn't have to go through all this again. once they win with the UI stuff it's a race to the bottom, implementing ads an other things no one wants. it's only going to get worse from here.
  2. maybe he shouldn't have sabotaged his own website made for PC game modding with a shitty mobile phone UI no one asked for then. i honestly don't care what he thinks, he and nexus could disappear tomorrow and modding would be fine, someone else could spin up websites to host mods. his relationship to all this is completely parasitic making money off of other people's work.
  3. i know you guys don't care because every company/website has to do an awful redesign no one wants or asked for and has to put a gun to people's heads to force them away from the old one, but this new UI sucks i can't wait for DEG or some other website to finally kill the monopoly you people have on modding
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