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Nexus Mods Profile

About Kaazronaan

  1. Ah thanks for pointing out the part with Follower Trap Safety, you are indeed right that it is redundant. Removed that. I also figured out the mining problem, the optional file for Traps Make Noise -> Mining Makes Noise can apparently cause this bug. After uninstalling it mining works now flawlessly. Apart from that - OH MY GOD I found the cause of the script problem! So I tried to find out which script might be just running awry all the time and enabled Papyrus logging for a short time while doing nothing, just standing still. I noticed that a certain error was constantly happening: for various numbers behind the EnhancedWeapon part. This fit your suspicion of a script trying to call a broken reference. I counted this error occurring a total 2945 times over 7 minutes of logging, every two seconds, so I thought this could be the cause of the latency. The only other seemingly significant entries in the log were 1-2 sec VM freezes for dumping a LOT of stacks, all containing the line [alias Weapon01000 on quest _SAGRealTimeSmithingQuest (39000D62)]._SAGRealTimeSmithingAliasScript.OnInit() - "_SAGRealTimeSmithingAliasScript.psc" Line 13 From the stack dump line I figured the mod Real-Time Smithing was behind these entries, so I uninstalled the mod and started a new game. EVERYTHING works now the way it is supposed to. I can select the Guardian Stones, get the dialogue immediately, and even the animation is triggered and the effect added. Bathing works without problems. Frostfall effects occur instantly without any delay (e.g. as soon as I stand next to a forge the warmth meter increases). And my trusty lantern finally works flawlessly as well. The above errors and stack dumps have disappeared from the log. I am so happy to have finally found the cause of, and solution for the problem; thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
  2. I continued some more and around Bleak Falls Barrow I noticed that Footprints was actually working really well. Maybe the environment wasn't ideal before; I think that mod is clean. Honestly what you said about the scripts sounds exactly like what's happening. I know for sure there shouldn't be any problems due to a removed mod since I started a completely new game. I went and did a latency check with Convenient Horses and to my surprise the values were very good actually - usually between 60-80 ms; indoor, outdoor, in dungeons, the wild and cities. At the same time, I keep getting warnings from Frostfall that my scripting system is running too slowly for it to function. See screenshots: Which is pretty noticeable; exposure effects and such take so long to register that they seem totally random when they appear 5 minutes later. I was able to get through Bleak Falls Barrow with a lantern in my hand that equipped when I told it to, but once outside again it didn't work properly at all anymore. Bathing in Skyrim is also broken in that I get filthy just fine, but I can't bathe (using a soap does nothing or tells me there's not enough water, while I'm standing up to my chest in water). Oh and I also noticed that I can't mine. Neither manually nor by activating a vein, my char will just mine forever without harvesting anything. Interestingly enough, wood chopping does work and yield me firewood, even if it takes between a few seconds and a minute to start the action. I have to admit that I don't have a very good grasp of the scripting system in Skyrim and which scripts may have priority over others, and why some scripts are executed sometimes and sometimes not. Unfortunately I haven't managed to discern a pattern here yet. I am at a serious loss what could be constantly occupying the script queue, is there a way to see, like, a log of all executed scripts or something similar? And yeah some research and testing confirmed that the Night Eye problem is the fault of the ENB, I'll have to find a workaround there. Until then it's added difficulty lol. If only my lanterns could work..
  3. Thanks for the replies. @Kroekr No, I did not clean anything. I have never considered it necessary (and I honestly don't even know how it works). - @Kapteyn Frostfall - 3.4.1 requires Campfire which is why I got it. I removed Campfire and replaced Frostfall with the 2.6 release that doesn't need it. Used that one before so that should work well Dragonbone Weapons - welp you're right, how'd I overlook this? Don't need that, uninstalled Convertible Azura's Star - it's a standalone extra option that yes, comes with More Craftables Footprints - I used to use that before and never noticed any performance loss honestly. After reading its article on the nexus I'd be surprised if it makes any significant difference but I'll keep that as an option to try Enhanced Torches and Fire - a RealVision plugin that as I found out causes a bug with lighting, so uninstalled it too However, as you suggested to tone it down a notch with the textures, I also went and replaced wherever possible all 2k+ textures with 1k versions. It made a HUGE difference (performance-wise that is... though visually basically none). I was able to play for over 2h without a single CTD that only occured once I entered Whiterun. After playing a bit longer, they started accumulating again though much less frequent than before. Not sure why they're still happening though. No drop in framerate over time, had a constant 24-30 fps. My saves are much smaller too, at 8 MB. I'm pretty sure even the CPU and GPU fans had less work. This is a lesson for me for sure lol. However, the script lag is still horrible. Guardian Stones, took forever until it opened the dialogue, and even longer until it registered the effect. (But hey progress at least.) Picking nirnroots or catching butterflies takes several minutes until it adds anything to the inventory. Actions like receiving items also takes quite a while. I accidentally (in my annoyance) activated a wood chopping block 7-8 times, and kept getting teleported back to it for the next 10 minutes lol. Something seems to clog the script queue very badly here and I can't figure out what it is. Footprints works rarely and randomly for me but works for NPCs pretty well actually. Wearable Lanterns bugs around heavily when I try to wear it, but my follower can wear the lantern and it lights up just fine. Auto Unequip isn't really working either unfortunately. Except for my lantern which gets insta-unequipped every time. I have absolutely no clue what could be causing the problem here. I also noticed my Night Eye/nightvision ability has no visual change at all other than the blur (making it useless); I suspect this might be the fault of the ENB? - @kooshii54 My apologies for not being clear enough. I had nearly the same mod list yes (save for the one or other texture mod less, used RLO instead of ELFX, and evidently older versions all around), and the game was indeed stable. Except for the Whiterun area that was pretty much a guaranteed CTD (the mod(s) responsible for that were ofc not installed this time), I was able to play for... 12-16h without a crash except for very very rarely and randomly. Then my PC thought it wanted to make personal contact with the floor, the HDD got damaged so it was replaced with the same model, but apart from that the hardware is the exact same yeah. The problems were there before and after the graphic driver update, so I don't think that had any impact at all. Actually I never thought of switching the graphics to low or anything (it auto selects Ultra High so I never even considered this step). Changing the texture mods to lower resolutions fortunately helped a TON so I hope it's not necessary to lower the graphic settings (not even sure how much of a difference they make). LOOT sorts the mods for the load order, so yes it should be the same. I don't use energy saving mode ever, it's set to high performance at all times. And I honestly have never checked the temperature, though it does get quite warm behind the GPU fan outlet >.>
  4. [--- SOLVED ---] So I never thought I'd ever reach a point where I decide to make my own thread for this but I'm at my wit's end and on the verge of leaving Skyrim to collect dust on my HDD. Have spent the past 4 days trying to get it to work, feel like I tried pretty much everything by now, to no avail. I have newly downloaded Skyrim Legendary Editon from Steam, modded it quite a bit (194 active mods), did everything by the book, step by step, testing if it doesn't crash with tcl and speedmult 1500, following the exact instructions for everything, yada yada. I'm definitely no pro at modding but not a total noob either (...well at least I hope lol). Problems: I get random CTDs every... 15-25 minutes (which I can live with if I can at least play the game at all - that's how desperate I am), and after only 2 hours into the game my framerate kept dropping until 4 fps (from 24-26 at new game start. which is sad already but playable at least!). Plus it lags extremely or even freezes when rotating the camera, scripts seem to run crazy slowly (e.g. I couldn't activate the Guardian Stones near Riverwood at all, the menu lags horribly, several script-based mods don't work at all or utterly randomly (like Wearable Lanterns or Auto Unequip Ammo, respectively)), and my save files are 21MB after such short time which doesn't feel quite right honestly. I have already completely de- and reinstalled all my mods, tried every tip or trick I found online: restart Skyrim, reboot PC, tweaking the .inis, editing Nvidia settings as told, disabling everything that looks like autosave, waiting 31 in game days (at least I think I did - the wait screen closed when it had counted down to 18-ish so I dunno if it really did), and I really don't know what to do anymore. Have to admit that I am obsessed with Skyrim looking pretty (meaning that mods like CoT, ELFX, texture overhauls, SMIM, SFO etc. are a must cuz IMMERSION) and I'd rather not play it at all than having to play it vanilla. Though I suspect these mods might be the root of the problem? I don't want to believe that this can't be solved, as my PC was running the game with almost the same mod list just fine (save for the one or other purple texture and rare CTD) before my HDD failed and I had to reinstall my whole PC. Specs: Other/general stuff: Loot log: Complete mod list: (in case anything stands out) (my god this took forever to type) Plus this in case it helps in any way: Skyrim.ini SkyrimPrefs.ini skse.ini enblocal.ini By now I feel that either A) my rig is just not good enough (ugh!), or B) some mods/scripts/settings have been royally messed up to the point the game tries to spontaneously self-combust and I'm hoping for some miraculous option C) something something that can be fixed so I can play the game with the desired mods If anyone can help me solve this, I will be forever in your debt. I love Skyrim to bits and not being able to get it to run is truly beyond frustrating.
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