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About deadmanpatryk

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  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 3, SKYRIM, CS S, Battlefield 3, COD zombiessss :D
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 3 is nr1 !!! SKYRIM nr2, Battlefield 3 nr3

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  1. Thanks I have a look at his tutorial in my free time, from what I have read so far it looks that it is very resourceful and I think that it might help me with my problem :D Thanks again
  2. I am stuck on UV maping, anyone know a good and EASY way to do them or a tutorial ??? I would like to do a UV map for each part of the car which will use only one texture, sounds simple but it's not. Im planing on doing lots of car models and importing them into fallout 3 or NV, and UV maping is stoping me from doing that, I want to do it in blender but if there is a simple and easier way to do this using diffrent software I'LL be happy to know about it. you can check my progress on fallout 3 nexus: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/images/31064 Please help if you can Thanks
  3. Thanks man I will have a look at it, any help is great. Thanks again
  4. If somebody know how to import an armor nif into blender for editing and export it back to nif so it can be used in Fallout 3 please tell me how. The nif I want to edit is working correctly, but when I import it to blender, delete the parts I don't want and export it back, it is not showing in GECK, I think I have inported or exported it wrong so if any one know how to inport, and export an armor nif properly please tell. Thank you
  5. Im using wav files for my radio station, but I think they are in stereo, should they be in mono ??? I dont get it my pipboy radios work with stereo wav files 0_0 Well my wav is 16 bit mono 44100 Hz it should work but it doesent :( Maby it's something more than just chosing an radio station in the radio activator, no idea So the files are ok, i need to do something in GECK but I dont know what Thanks for the replys HunterZ :thumbsup:
  6. Well I did that but no luck, radio turns on and there is silenceeee .... :( The radio station works perfectly on my pipboy, its called RadioSyren1 becouse I am making mod that nuke parts of wasteland around my underground bunker house from time to time so when I hear that radio station I need to hide somewere like undergrond, for now I just want it to work like normal radio then I will script it so it turns on automaticaly before nukes will fall :D I know I know spelling mistake it should be RadioSiren1 oh well :D Any ideas any one, a tip or walkthrough, tutorial anything will do and thanks Thanks HunterZ !!! for the tip well it didint helped but at least you tryied, if you have any more ideas please tell me :D :thumbsup:
  7. Thanks man this helped me a lot got my own stations on air an all, but is there any way to join your custom radio station with radio activators, so for example when I am making a house mod and I want a radio that plays my station at my house, how can I do this tryied on my own and failed miserably :wallbash: If any one know how to do this please help nr1 tutorial, very easy to fallow :thumbsup:
  8. How to change Jam sound for 10mm pistol ?!?!?!? Please Help
  9. I agree with you magnavus :thumbsup: I think it can be possible, there are no impossible things, you can do any thing if you believe in it, look at CS 1.6 or CS Source they use quite old engine and those two games have dual berettas it them (CS - Counter Strike) and again Hitman games, they are pretty old too and use dual weapons, in those two type of games you use only one button to fire the dual pistols like in Fallout. Only things to do this in Fallout 3 or NV are new animations, a model with textures and some script working, everybody say that this is impossible because there is lots of work in animations and scripting :( Some Screenshots : CS 1.6: http://www.counter-s.../37_rhtexas.jpg CS Source, this is the new version of this game: http://www.imfdb.org...21-33-21-21.jpg But you can always try. Good Luck to you, I always wanted to have dual Desert Eagle in Fallout 3 :D Maybe you will success !!! Take Care Oh !!! I forgot what about those images :D Image 1: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=18383 Image 2: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=19714 Ask those two members how they than those images with dual weapons ?!?!?! I dont know if this will help but its worth checking out
  10. Hi all :) Did you try editing Fallout 3 .exe ??? Fallout 3 only uses 2 GB of ram, which is not enough when you change the setings to high or if you have mods. You can edit the .exe to use more GB of ram, I have 6GB of ram + 240 mods, before I changed .exe file the game was lagging badly, but after I did It work smoth. Editing your .exe to let the game use more ram is called ramboost You can try this : http://www.fileplanet.com/214232/210000/fileinfo/Fallout-3---RAM-Boost-Mod All the info is in the rar. file, how to do it, even there are screenshots. It helped me, tell if it hepled you :) Oh and !!! BACKUP YOUR .EXE FILE !!!
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