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Posts posted by TrueChaoS

  1. Since you sent me a message, I may as well post.


    Looking at your list, I say I could easily do a full collection of Elven retextures to suit your needs. However, I'd probably finish in mid January at the earliest, since I'm extremely busy for the rest of the year and plan to put a lot of my spare time towards learning the Unity engine.


    Get back to me via PM (easier to contact me that way) and let me know if mid Jan is fine by you, and we can discuss the details there.

  2. When you open the data file selection window, there should be a "details..." button beside the "Set as active file" button.

    When you click on that, it will bring up a list of every single thing your mod.. well... modifies.

    To put it simply: just click on what you want to delete, then hit the "delete" key.

    Load up the mod again and save it to complete the process.


    I haven't tried this myself yet, but I will in a moment.




    Confirmed. This works perfectly.

  3. With the "weight" option, it may be possible to add different builds and cup sizes all in the same game, by extending how many points there are on the weight scale and adding each body type along the scale, with the original points being something "standard" that would fit in game, so the people already in the game don't suddenly change drastically, and all of the extra body types on the extended section on the line. It may even be possible to keep the vanilla body types and simply add the custom ones on the extended section, so no one in the game changes but the player.


    This is assuming such a thing is possible.


    If that didn't make sense, oh well. Try reading it again over and over until it does.

  4. I have a mod of silver/white Ebony armor already made and ready to upload. It's already on another site, and I will upload it here either today or tomorrow I plan to upload it here as well.


    The site has been banned from mentioning here sadly due to spambots =/

  5. Just thought I'd throw in my bit.


    New Zealand, and the connection has been like a yoyo. At times, the server works as well as it does on a good day on any other nexus sub-sites. At other times however.. To say the least, I want to throw a brick at the internet ^-^;


    and I've tested it at two different houses on two different internet providers, by the way. Same results. Good at times, horrid at others.

  6. I'd love to see this as well. I was excited when I saw that I could use a sword in my left hand, only to find out the game treats it like you are dual-wielding your fist and a sword, rather than just using a single sword (therefore giving you proper power attacks, combos, and the ability to block).


    If someone could make a mod where the game recognizes that you're wielding a one-handed sword by itself when you use it in the left hand and give you the ability to do everything you can when its in the right hand, it would be amazing.


    To do this, someone would have to reverse the blocking animation, as the game doesn't (to my knowledge) have a blocking animation with the left hand.

  7. I'm actually considering further buffing dragons when the CK is released, or nerfing other creatures, so there is a much more noticable difficulty gap between dragons and, for example, bears or trolls. As they are, dragons are merely tedious to kill due to the fact that they take a long time to kill on higher difficulties, and if you are skilled at using cover, they aren't really dangerous.
  8. whats the code to unlock all the dragons shouts?


    psb will give us all the spell,but the shouts are still lock


    First you need to unlock them with psb. Then, use:

    player.forceav dragonsouls #


    change # to be the required amount of souls.

  9. Technicall question. How exactly my computer screws the sometimes weird cam (Like in really small corridor in dungeon) or the fact that the finisher sometimes doesnt hit the target. That's coded in the game. Not much to do with your computer.


    Personally, I don't believe a single one of my finishers have been off target. Maybe I haven't noticed it, but I don't think I'd miss a flaw like that. The cam, yes. That is weird. I won't argue there.

    Well, do you play 3rd or 1st person combat? I think all in 1st hit, while in 3rd it seems like they are a bit off quite often.


    That may be where the issue is, then. I play in first person for combat, and third for... most other things. However, there are still some third person executions that happen while you are in first person, and all of those are perfectly accurate. I think the issue with the first person kills in third person is the fact that they put much more work into the first person perspective and not the third.

  10. I say PC as well. They beat the hell out of the keyboard vs controller issue by adding controller support. Plus, if you have even a semi-decent computer like me, you should be able to run the game on High or Ultra with very few issues. Add on the availability of mods and unofficial patches, and you've got yourself a good arguement.


    There are a FEW things that lean in favor of consoles, such as possible CTD issues, and the fact that you must download the last 200mb from Steam (which, for me and my friend, took a VERY long time to do). However, nothing really significant.


    So, PC here.

  11. Technicall question. How exactly my computer screws the sometimes weird cam (Like in really small corridor in dungeon) or the fact that the finisher sometimes doesnt hit the target. That's coded in the game. Not much to do with your computer.


    Personally, I don't believe a single one of my finishers have been off target. Maybe I haven't noticed it, but I don't think I'd miss a flaw like that. The cam, yes. That is weird. I won't argue there.

  12. Currently a level 17 Khajiit, purposefully avoiding magic resistant gear, and I can still take down Dragons solo, playing on Expert (Difficulty 4 out of 5). I've taken down two story related Dragons, five randomly encountered Dragons, and a Blood Dragon.


    I have decent archery, considering it's not my main skill, and can take Dragons down in 10-15 minutes dependant on if it lands and/or hovers often. However, some tips.


    When fighting them, if you are using magic or bows, keep something solid between you and the dragon, like a thick tree or a large rock. Their breath can be fatal, especially if playing on Expert or Master. I also recommend letting NPCs take the Dragon's focus if you aren't alone, and taking that time to get yourself to a good vantage point with decent, easily accessable cover - for example, a ruined tower, or a massive rock with trees extremely close by. Be patient, or you may end up dead. Keep a healing spell in your favourites and a potion hotkeyed, so you can quickly recover when damaged.


    That's about all I can say, because I never really dare fighting a Dragon with melee weaponry, especially on expert, where I can get incinerated in seconds.

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