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  1. I actually think I've fixed it. I installed a mod (Forgot the name) that assists with resolving crashes, and it gave me an error message on the crash relating to skeletons. I re-installed my XP Skeleton mod... and now all is well. Incredibly bizarre given that I had otherwise played for hours without issue. I had installed stuff like Enhanced cam as well, possibly bumping into the skeleton mod, but there hadn't been any issues...
  2. For a long time everything was fine, but around the time I sorted out the vampire business in Morthal I decided to go back into the cave (As I had killed the leader, but had to GTFO as the remaining vampires were about to murder me), when I crashed mid-loading screen. This happened a few times and eventually I gave up and continued the main quest to find the horn. All proceeded as expected, until just after meeting the Blades in Riverwood. Shortly after leaving the inn I go to fast travel to whiterun stables (To take the carriage to Windhelm then hoof it to the burial site)... and mid-load screen, CTD. Fast travelling anywhere seems to CTD as well. I tried a trick of removing all my saves and using a new save, that save can fast travel just fine. But my 'old' saves, even ones that I load up earlier than when the auto made from the first fast travel, hit the same bizarre issue. I can fast travel TO Riverwood after getting the note, but I cannot fast travel back from it, and I just met the same problem after leaving the inn with Delphine. I have used Loot before and after this issue occurred, it hasn't helped. I have even added memory tweaks to the SKSE.ini, no dice there. Modwatch link: https://modwat.ch/u/bart95 Specs: CPU: i7 4790k RAM: 8GB GPU: GTX 980 Whilst in theory I could just start a new game, as the new save has no issues, I would rather eliminate the possibility of this happening again, and perhaps salvage my current saves (As even trying to re-load to a save from yesterday isn't helping. And if I have to start all over I think I might just stop playing out of annoyance) in the process.
  3. So I modded Oblivion a bunch, and all is well... except certain sound effects are missing or just not playing, including weapon striking, and the drum roll of skills increasing. There's weapon -swinging- sounds and even unsheathing (Both vanilla and modded sounds from Symphony of Violence), but as soon as I hit something there's no sound effect, whether it's hitting terrain or an NPC. I've tried fiddling with the only mods I have that relate to sound (Symphony of violence, All Natural, Sounds of Cryodiil) to check for conflicts, nope, even when they're all off the sounds are still missing. I even made a bashed patch in various ways relating to this mod and the weapon striking sounds are still absent. For reference, here's a snapshot of my mod list within Wyre Bash, and I have run the load order through LOOT so I do not think that is the issue either. http://i.imgur.com/ebTozkg.png To add, I have tired disabling everything as a whole and still no sounds play.
  4. So I tried to play the game in 1440x900, but the game screen seemed to have been 'moved' up as proven by opening the steam menu where a lot of the stuff was cut off at the top. After some fiddling I gave this mod a try but it only made things worse, quite apart from wrestling with steam this new EXE has caused the issue to spread OUTSIDE the game! My entire screen is now shifted up with a lot of stuff (such as browser tabs, an absolute nightmare browsing right now as I have to guess where my mouse is hovering) cut off at the top and a stupid black bar at the bottom. I've tried resetting my computer, starting the game in a different resolution with or without the "fix", changing my computers resolution, but nothing seems to work. So quite apart from not being able to play Oblivion in widescreen now EVERY program and windows in general has the exact same issue only in EVERY resolution. so I fixed the desktop issue, for some reason my refresh rate was changed to 60hz from 75 of it's own accord, weird. But I can assume this is what's wrong with the game. Just need to find the option for it now... Aaaand the option doesn't exist, wonderful. Is the game just outright not compatible with higher refresh rates?
  5. Indeed I will. (On a side note: These mod items don't have to be in a quest of any sort, like my example from an old Oblivion mod, just give a book or something in the world that gives clues to the location of said items. No scripting. No hassle. Just make a book/note item, drop it somewhere easy to find, then stow the items somewhere else. It'd be like an easter egg hunt, for weapons and armour! :D)
  6. Ouch, sucks people just want the easy way for deh phat lewt these days. Even only in Oblivion the mods I suggested were praised for encouraging exploration and discovery. Personally I'd just put my foot down and say "You want the epic gear? Work for it" but I'm not you and it's not up to me to decide what people do with their mods. Still, will be interesting when I finally get around to modding my own stuff and refuse to put in easy crafting or easily found chests in the middle of whiterun. :D
  7. Is there a way around this? I just discovered how awesome that shout is with two handed weapons but the moment I enchant said weapon it'll derp on me. Is there a mod or tweak to be able to get around this? Or is it there to stop a fairly OP shout from being even more OP?
  8. That....that is perfect, thank you so much! A beacon of hope amidst a sea of nude and anime mods :'D
  9. Fair points all around, Midas in Oblivion though -was- cheatable. Just use the item IDs for the required reagents and boom, done.
  10. Myes, I suppose that is the difference between Skyrim and Oblivion. Personally I rarely use followers (Thank you Lydia for blocking doors and stopping me being able to backpedal out of the way of a large axe heading towards my face). Is there perhaps a way to only be able to craft an item once you've completed an associated quest or read a book or something? Can still go through a neat little journey to find the new items but then you can craft it for followers afterwards.
  11. EDIT: Derp title, meant to be -'craftable or found easily' I know this might sound "ungrateful" to folks who've put loads of effort into unique models, textures and so on for your weapon or armour. But I would -really- prefer it myself if the armour or weapon was much harder to obtain if it has a cool appearance or is very powerful compared to most items in the game. The issue I have is that 99% of armour and weapon mods are "Oh you just craft it, no biggie" or "Oh I put it in a chest in the middle of <very well-cisited area and hard to miss location>" which to me just seems a bit....I dunno, boring? Uninspired? I mean, taking the Silverdragon armour for example, AWESOME model, AWESOME textures, AWESOME stats aaaaand....you craft it. Or find it in a chest and the location of said chest is given quite easily in the mod description. I'd much rather have an armour mod which instead has a courier deliver a note to you, or you find a book in a temple that gives clues to the whereabouts of the new item. It doesn't even need a quest OR a new region! In Oblivion I got the Keyblade weapon pack (Don't shoot me just yet JRPG haters!) and I was surprised to find that the mod, instead of just plonking a chest with all the weapons in the middle of the Imperial City, instead dropped a book by a statue which gave a brief backstory (Without entirely breaking immersion to boot) of each weapon and clues leading to the whereabouts of each one. I found it great fun using the book to try and figure out where each of the keyblades were. No quest log, no markers, no new areas, no new ANYTHING, the weapons were just hidden in the world and I had to find them using the book. Then I come to Skyrim where, as said, nearly every armour and weapon mod is just plonked under the crafting list or put in a chest in whiterun. *yawn* As said though, I do adore some armour and weapon mods, and a few ARE implemented well (See Immersive Armour/Weapons) but I just give a gentle sigh when I see yet another fantastic new item mod where the author just decided to make it incredibly easy to earn their items, make us WORK for your gear, make it a reward, make us really find downloading your mod worthwhile rather than just mucking around in some OP armour for a few hours then stuffing it in a chest later on! I haven't made a mod but I know how to place items in specific cells and areas in the world, really ANYTHING but slotting it under crafting or a city-chest is better. The above is just my opinion though, does anyone else feel the same way? Why or why not?
  12. I can use almost any mod just fine, but the second I get one that adds a large amount of new areas to the game I get the good old no-error-CTD. I recently found out that Skyrim can make use of up to 4GB of RAM, but I don't even have that. And I was pondering if that's why I simply can't have quest mods of large sizes installed. (And tropical skyrim, shame as that mod looks so pretty...) To amend this, do I literally just buy more sticks of RAM and cram then in to upgrade or is there a required process?
  13. Welp, still buggered. On my current save I'm stuck in first person but my earlier save isn't. :L Would rather not re-do the intro quests again but I may have to as I can't find any fix, I do wonder if getting beast form would help though... Edit: It didn't. Whilst it got me into third person I could then not switch to first. Might just start a new save. If it happens again I'll have to see if it's being caused by a mod.
  14. Perhaps, but as I said it's just not doable. We can only modify the texture or 'skin' of a weapon or model. We can't make new models or change them to look different.
  15. Will try shifting UOSP to the front then. But I suspect it may be a perma-bug. :(
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