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Posts posted by skibba

  1. Why not use the airfield in game at the moment in NV, just seems a massive waste of space at the moment, Could add a smashed / broken one with a npc trying to repair it. Would fit into the law as there is an airfield and such...
  2. I have just done prim, and got down to the south west base, i am lvl 9 as i am exploring everything under the sun in each area and hording loads of crap. I end up filling up the bags sleeping for 3 days let the shops rebirth selling everything, Then winning all my money back in an easy game of caravan the question is:


    is the game broken as the NPC's never use face cards against you?


    i am sitting on nearly 40,000 caps and around 5000 ammo at lvl9 lol

    i am playing on norm at the moment do i need to up the setting for the NPC's to play any better?

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