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About WilliamTheSwede

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  1. I tried using "player.createfullactorcopy" and "showracemenu" they worked just fine. The only problem was that when I changed the class of one character, it would change the class of the rest of the characters as well. I just need to get the Minotaur race to work (for some reason, it randomly stopped working). This is looking promising. My thanks to the two of you again.
  2. There's a console command that does just that: player.createfullactorcopy It spawns a duplicate of yourself with all your spells, items, money, everything. You don't have a whole lot to say, though. I guess you could probably use one of the various companion mods if you wanted yourself to travel with you, but I'm not sure, I've never tried it. Hope this helps! Oh, sorry, didn't see what all it was that you wanted to do... I dunno about all the skills and stuff. Best I can suggest is this: 1. On your LPotD character, use the command "showracemenu." Modify appearance, race, and everything. While the race menu is still open, SAVE AND QUIT YOUR GAME! If you don't, your stats will be reverted back to beginning levels. 2. Go through, get skills and everything, duplicate your character. 3. Use showracemenu, get your original appearance back, and you're done. On second thought, the construction set would be a lot easier. I didn't see the part about wanting it in a different file. This sounds extremely useful and promising, thank you. But it also sounds a bit complex. I will try the first part. If it spawns an EXACT duplicate of my character, all I would require to do is add the CM parts using the CS. I think the hardest part would be getting the spells to work, but that would just require me use the console to level up for the druid mod, and get the midas cheat chest for a mage character and then make them like level 5, copy them, and put them in my main save. Scratch that, the hardest part would be getting the minotaur to be playable. I have Playable NPCs and Creatures but the read me wants me to use NifSkope to do some stuff that's over my head. Here's what I'm thinking for set up: Lost Paladins of the Divine - Main character, paladin, midas spells for healing and buffs Playable NPCs and Creatures - Minotaur warrior, no spells, dual wield battle axe Navatar - Path of the Druid (separate mod) Playable Nightelves - mage, most midas spells and then use WryeMorph to switch between them and have all characters have CM properties. Thank you Raithfyre, and thank you worm82075 as well.
  3. I used to have a spell that would make NPCs dance and stuff on my old computer but I can't remember what it's called. Sexlivion and another mod lets you have sex with NPCs http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21135 Then there are a ton of other MODs that make NPCs and PCs strike a pose. Here's a video of dancing NPCs
  4. Is there a way to copy all of a PC's data and make it into an NPC? I know of Wrye Bash's "Import Face" utility but I want everything the be imported. e.g. I make a Na'vi or something and give him/her the class and birth sign I want, get the Druid mod and choose the path of the druid so that he/she will have mad druid skillz. Then I make him/her into an NPC and put him/her into my Lost Paladin of the Divine's game.
  5. I've always like having that big boss that's way huge and it doesn't seem like you can kill him but somehow you do. That boss that takes multiple hours to kill and if you screw around you'll get killed in a heart beat, you need to use your head to kill him. This said, can anyone please make giant enemies from the lore or old? Such as Cerberus, the Kraken, summons of Loki, Medusa, etc. that would be like fighting these? Other mythical creatures that aren't giant would also be cool: fawns, pixies, Korrigan, Tikbalang, Tomte/Nisse, and like living trees or something strange.
  6. My friend started playing Dragon Age a few weeks back and was showing off it's coolness to me. What caught my eye, though I saw it in the E3 demo and therefore already knew about it, was the ability to switch between party members. So I started to wonder if this would be possible for Oblivion. I like having different character classes but I dislike having to 1. switch between them and 2. deciding on which character to use. To do this would I just make my characters into companions and then use Wrye Morph to switch between them? I understand that Wrye Morph is hard to install properly and what not, I don't know how hard it is to create a companion (I know, I know, http://www.lmgtfy.com I'll get to it later), but is there anything else I should know/consider before attempting this? If anyone wants to help me work on it, advise me, consult me, or maybe just be so kind as to do it for me then just message me here at the Nexus.
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