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Nexus Mods Profile

About masters117

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout: New Vegas
  1. OK, so my idea is that I want to move the "lever-action shotgun" or any other weapon I wish from Fallout: New Vegas into Fallout 3. I'm not to concerned with adding modifications onto the weapons, as that feature isn't in FO3, and I plan on adding the shotgun with the use of normal shotgun shells, and a .44 revolver using .44 magnum rounds. As far as I can tell all I need to do is copy the textures, meshes, and some other files involving animations, but that's where my problem lies. Which files do I actually move? And do I have to do anything else before placing it in game? Any help is appreciated.
  2. So, I downloaded FarCry 3 and after many, many, many crashes, I tried to get the latest patches. The description says they help with the black-screen crashes and some freezing. The patch downloads normally, then installs normally. But at the end of installing (right after the green bar reaches the end) it tells me that it "cannot obtain version number". This happens with all four patches, so does this mean that I already have them all upon installing the game for the first time? I downloaded it from steam about two weeks after it came out, so I really want to play it without it crashing. Any help is appreciated!
  3. Hey, so I recently bought lonesome road (partly because of wanting to play it, but also for the gear and some challenge). After beating the DLC and getting to the rewards chest I found that the coolest armor in the game has been replaced by an armored, sleeveless mess... What i wanted from the DLC was that awesome duster from the LR concept art. I'll include a pic below so you can see what i'm talking about, but I suspect that most people have already found out this sad replacement. Simply enough, I want the REAL duster that was promised us. I think the best pieces the make this would be the sleeves and lower body parts of Joshua Graham's armor, the "Light Leather Armor" torso piece(re-textured), and the duster that they give you at the end of LR. Another cool addition to the armor would be the animated effect from invalidfate's great armor port "Animated Rogue Outfit" found here- http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40654
  4. I'm looking to set up Christine (the "mute" from Dead Money) as a companion that I can use in the Mojave. I already came across theCabanaboy 's mod, but that made her a mute again and required the RR Companions Vault. I'm looking for her to be standalone with no requirements and have her retain her new voice at the DLC's end. I figure this to be fairly easy, seeing as she already is a companion, but I'm not good enough at editing scripts to set any of this up. Any help?
  5. I made a custom .357 revolver that uses .40-70gov't ammo. it's based off "Lucky". I've tried increasing the multiplier/ Attack Multiplier, but all that did was make it shoot faster. Any help reducing reloading time? If possible, my goal is about 2-3 sec for all 6 shots to be loaded into the gun. The actual numbers: -Multiplier- 1.0000 -Attack Multiplier- 1.1000 -Attack/shots per sec- 2.7500 -Reload time- 0.6333 -Jam Time-0.000 (no jam after reload) EDIT: Or if i could get help getting it to work with the "Rapid Reload" perk, that would work too.
  6. I've been looking for an armor that has a classic feel to it. I have different ideas for different types of gear, but i am unable to create them. I want a casually armored suit, something along the lines of a suit with dusty jeans, no jacket, and a bullet-proof vest. it would be cool if the sleeves of the suit where bunched just below the elbows. If this armor ends up being created, i will put forth more ideas on various faction and non-faction based armors. Thank you to those who read this far, and for those willing to help, send me a message and ill send you some pictures of the various pieces of this armor.
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