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Everything posted by birgirfg

  1. I find quite often when I die the NPCs say: "Must've ran off" or "No sign of him" or similar... even though they just killed me! It's a minor thing really but still quite stupid and I'd like to get rid of it if possible. Is there a mod available that does this?
  2. My game freezes every time I go near Northwatch Keep. It happens consistently and I'm unable to get near it, as the computer freezes rather than CTD Skyrim doesn't produce a crash log so I don't know what mod could be causing this issue. I've got no mods that edit this area in particular, and my game runs pretty smoothly overall, having just crashed a handful of times during many hours of gameplay. Before I start disabling any of the close to 200 plugins I have installed I wanted to check if anyone had experienced this issue as well?
  3. So not sure if I'm just being insanely dense or if this is a valid issue, but I can't seem to be able to equip and cast the mod configuration powers. They show up in my spell list but once selected they are not equipped and I can't figure out how to use them. I'm using MCM but not all mods use that menu, so there are still powers I need to use for configurations.
  4. So I've never really liked the Pip-boy flashlight but I love the power armor flashlight, especially exploring dark ruins and such. I was wondering if someone could make a flashlight mod, either by replacing the pip-boy light with the PA light, or as an equippable flashlight?
  5. The bug is discussed in this thread and explained better: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3387920-showlooksmenu-grime-intensity-meter-wont-change/ Anyone found a way to get this to work?
  6. I don't know if some mod has already been made to fix this bug, but reducing the percentage amount of grime using the showlooksmenu doesn't seem to work. That is, when the percentage is decreased the grime still stays on full visibility. I remember some more people were having trouble with this a while back too. Would this be difficult to fix?
  7. Before the 1.5 update I almost never experienced CTD. Seriously, only happened maybe once or twice. Now after this new update I have been crashing regularly. It's especially annoying that this is happening now while I'm playing the new survival with its limited saving. Anyone else have this experience too?
  8. I don't think all of the categories from WW are showing up for me, at least I can't find any of the creature cages or the buses that are supposed to be available. I am using Homemaker v1.34 which is supposed to have WW compatibility.
  9. HUD mods can still effect it. Oh ok, DEF_UI patched fixed it, thanks!
  10. Tried the new 1.5 beta, and I CTD both when loading my old save or when starting a new game in survival. I tried disabling all my mods in NMM, tried running the game directly trough steam, even tried if verifying game cache would help... but I still CTD. Have more people been having this problem? Can anyone think of something else that could fix this?
  11. Anyone know what happened to the 'character of' series (character of the lady, character the gentleman and so on)? Was going to get them now but see they are missing from the nexus!
  12. For my survival mode playthrough I was thinking of making the world have more of a dead atmosphere, and I get that feeling most when there is heavy fog weather. My question is then, is there a way to make the fog weather the most common weather? Or add a slight bit of fog to some other weathers? If this is easy to do I can do it myself, someone just has to tell me how. :D (I'm using True Storms mod)
  13. I would like to create an ENB preset which has a dark apocalyptic look but involves minimal FPS loss. Is it possible to achieve this effect without reshade, i.e. just with ENBseries? I tried starting with Subtle ENB (the ENB I've been using normally) and played around with saturation, contrast and brightness but didn't quite achieve the look I was after. I want it to look real, not just desaturated. Any other parameters to change that could help me achieve this result? Or do you know of an apocalyptic ENB already on the nexus which gives minimal FPS loss?
  14. An official answer to this question from Bethesda on the Survival Steam Beta Forum: "Mods are not disabled. Due to how dramatic the changes are to the game from Survival mode, there is a higher likelihood that mods will not work properly."
  15. Read some comments about this. Can anyone confirm if this is true, does the survival mode beta really disable all mods?
  16. Sorry I wasn't clear on this. I'm thinking of the price. I would simply like them to be worth less caps when I sell them, since I think they are not priced as according to the other weapons in game. But thanks, I will try out FO4Edit. Is this the one? (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2737/?)
  17. Hi! I am looking for more immersive weapon and armor mods that are added to the leveled list. So far I'm using the following weapon mods: IF-54 Battle Rifle LK-05 Carbine HK USP .45 Desert Eagle .50 AE WH-77 LSW The only armor mod I found that adds to the leveled list is 'Adventurer Outfit'. Have any suggestions or recommendation?
  18. Hi! I recently added some weapon mods to my game. As I like immersion I only selected mods that are added to the leveled list. However, I am also using the mod Less Loot and Ammo which reduces the barter price of all items. This makes the new weapons worth much more than the other weapons in the game. I have no experience with modding and therefore I ask if it is easy to change the value of these weapons and reduce by a certain percentage? The ones I'm using are: IF-54 Battle Rifle LK-05 Carbine HK USP .45 Desert Eagle .50 AE WH-77 LSW
  19. UPDATE: I painfully went through the mods, enabling and disabling and found out the culprits. Turns out, the 'Minutemen Overhaul' caused Spring Cleaning not to work for some reason. 'Concealed Armors' made Eli's Armour Collection not work.
  20. So I was adding additional mods to my game (had about 60 before) as well as upgraded to newer versions of some I was already using. I have now noticed that at least Spring Cleaning has stopped working as well as Eli's Armour Collection (Armorsmith bench disappeared). Any clue what might be causing this? Here's a list of the changes I made that caused this to happen: Updated: Eli's Armour Collection - updated to newest version Armorsmith Extended - updated to newest version + Automatron patch AWKCR - updated to newest version (with Automatron DLC) Less Loot and Ammo Added as new: The Rebel Concealed Armors Quieter Settlements Visible Companion Affinity Craftable Ammo Craftable Armor Size Minutemen Overhaul Faster Terminal Displays Increased Settlement Population (switched out 40 for 50) Camping Supplies Dead Body Collision Fallout 4 HD Reworked Project Docile Radstags DEF_UI Fr4nsson's Light Tweaks and 5 weapon mods. Hope anyone can help me with this, none of the mods seem obvious to me in causing this.
  21. So everything about the new survival mode sounds great to me... except the having to sleep to save part. Normally I save a lot, not just while fighting but also while building if I want to try out ideas for a part of a settlement. I don't want to always have to sleep for an hour every time I want to save the game! I usually don't play for many hours at a time and I don't want to have to spend a lot of time looking for a bed every time I want to quit the game, especially with the fast travel gone. And with how easy it can be to die in a high difficulty I think it could prove to be very annoying. Now the question is, as I have no experience of modding, would it be possible to make a mod to re-enable saving? Or at least make a portable sleeping bag work so you can save and quit the game any time you want? Sidenote, another helpful mod would be adding a way of fast traveling, purchase a fare from a caravan or something like that. A fallout equivalent to the silt striders in Morrowind.
  22. You can eat their dogs, but you can't eat the mutants themselves? What's up with that? Thought this would make a good addition to the food variants. This could make for some interesting effects, positive and negative. For example a berkserker effect, giving big + to strength or damage, but also has some side-effects like blurry vision due to the blinding rage you experience, and possibly reduced intelligence. Uncooked it would be dangerous to eat, for example high chance of illness (in new survival mode).
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