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  1. No, that folder seems to be on the C drive (my SDD), whereas Vortex/Bannerlord is on my E drive (my HDD). I assume by your question I should change this location to somewhere on the E drive? If yes, anywhere you would recommend or is it not that important where as long as it is on the same drive as the game?
  2. That sadly hasn't solved anything. Reinstalled Vortext and the mods, launched as described via Vortex, still no results. In the game launcher itself I checked the files (they seem to be always unchecked without manually changing the status) and launched again via vortex. Still no results.
  3. Trying to use vortex with 2 very simple bannerlord mods called settlementicons and fix holding. I cannot get any of the mods to run. I have changed the install directory during installation for both bannerlords and vortext, from my sdd to my hdd, is this causing an issue? If not: I DL the od via vortext, enable it, have the other thingy auto enabled too. Go to mods tab in the launcher of bannerlords, check settlmenticons (the other doesn't appear) and now I cannot launch the game anymore, crashes. If I don't select the mod, I can launch the game, but said mod won't run. Where is the issue? These are 2 very simple mods so I do not understand why this is such a headache. In the past I have had NMM (man that installer was so much simpler..) in a different install location than the original one intended to be. So this shouldn't be an issue either. Then what is?
  4. Thanks for the response Kitty, guess I will just play FO4 later when it is working to my liking
  5. I installed that too, still do not see the workbench. Only added an ammunition workbench, not an armorsmith workbench
  6. my mod list http://imgur.com/TTky5gd Pics from ingame, shows I cannot build the workbench http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/489021234504388355/3D1AC55BF1A7B4D00817A2325A28A86D8024481D/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/489021234504388634/1CC18C591FFFB60F212253080D07E24FAE1E0550/ As you can see, I should have all the required mods. Yet for some reason, even when I am in the god mode, I cannot access the armorsmith workbench. It is just not an option to build. Why is this? What am I missing or what have I done wrong?
  7. Well I still use a user made race (ningheim) so dont I still need the rcots?
  8. When in 3rd person my Char is the same height or taller than many of skyrims NPCs, but in First Person I am shorter than all NPCs. I use the Ningheim race as my standard one and I did think about using Children of Skyrim for a while, even though I installed it but never went through with actually using it. I deleted the mod, but it still gives me options to pick the children race version when making a new char. Could someone tell me how I can get the 1st person camera to be set a bit higher? Could it be a leftover from the children mod that is still in effect somewhere? A friend of mine who doesnt use CHAR mods also seems to have it, so is this an issue that effects most people that play skyrim?
  9. I didn't really care about how I looked at the beginning, but now I really dread the way my char looks. Is there anyway to change the looks afterwards? (currently just arrived at ostagar) also: is there a mod that makes my char looks acceptable? Got a few companion mods but saw no good mod for the players char so far
  10. Hello, I am installing skyrim on my new pc and need to install all the mods again. So I thought if I already start at 0 I could start off with some better information: I want to make my chars look nice and beautiful and I was hoping one of you could give me a short mod list taht one of you uses to make your characters actually look aesthetically beautiful. Would be a real helper for me since i haven't really used too many mods that change the looks of the NPCs and your Chars. thanks for any help!
  11. I heard that the addon isnt too great by itself and is more like the obilvion expanison Knights of the Nine which added a lot of different content that was nice just wanted to know: do you guys like it? and are there any mods out that make the experience of the expanion better?
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