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  1. Thanks for the response Kitty, guess I will just play FO4 later when it is working to my liking
  2. I installed that too, still do not see the workbench. Only added an ammunition workbench, not an armorsmith workbench
  3. my mod list http://imgur.com/TTky5gd Pics from ingame, shows I cannot build the workbench http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/489021234504388355/3D1AC55BF1A7B4D00817A2325A28A86D8024481D/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/489021234504388634/1CC18C591FFFB60F212253080D07E24FAE1E0550/ As you can see, I should have all the required mods. Yet for some reason, even when I am in the god mode, I cannot access the armorsmith workbench. It is just not an option to build. Why is this? What am I missing or what have I done wrong?
  4. Well I still use a user made race (ningheim) so dont I still need the rcots?
  5. When in 3rd person my Char is the same height or taller than many of skyrims NPCs, but in First Person I am shorter than all NPCs. I use the Ningheim race as my standard one and I did think about using Children of Skyrim for a while, even though I installed it but never went through with actually using it. I deleted the mod, but it still gives me options to pick the children race version when making a new char. Could someone tell me how I can get the 1st person camera to be set a bit higher? Could it be a leftover from the children mod that is still in effect somewhere? A friend of mine who doesnt use CHAR mods also seems to have it, so is this an issue that effects most people that play skyrim?
  6. I didn't really care about how I looked at the beginning, but now I really dread the way my char looks. Is there anyway to change the looks afterwards? (currently just arrived at ostagar) also: is there a mod that makes my char looks acceptable? Got a few companion mods but saw no good mod for the players char so far
  7. Hello, I am installing skyrim on my new pc and need to install all the mods again. So I thought if I already start at 0 I could start off with some better information: I want to make my chars look nice and beautiful and I was hoping one of you could give me a short mod list taht one of you uses to make your characters actually look aesthetically beautiful. Would be a real helper for me since i haven't really used too many mods that change the looks of the NPCs and your Chars. thanks for any help!
  8. I heard that the addon isnt too great by itself and is more like the obilvion expanison Knights of the Nine which added a lot of different content that was nice just wanted to know: do you guys like it? and are there any mods out that make the experience of the expanion better?
  9. found this mod http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35807 I want extract it, put the esp into my data folder and check it in the FOMM. yet still it doesnt show up on the preset list when I open the menu with the command showplasticsurgeonmenu. what am I doing wrong?
  10. Hey I donwloaded Calientes body mod with the mod manager and installed it, but I am not being asked about what size I want. I dont like these huge double D breast and I want to change it. the description says, that when installing it will ask me, but it doesnt! what should I do?
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