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About British89

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    United Kingdom
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    Fallout 4
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  1. alright sounds good, keep in touch.
  2. Nice i might be able to learn you a thing or 2when the CT is released
  3. Not too much, but I am a very quick learner. I can tell you now that I will be making many mods for skyrim as I was not on the scene for oblivion modding.
  4. Sounds good, So do you have experience with scripting and modeling?
  5. Awesome, I am a first year computer science major so if you fell like doing a collaboration lemme know.
  6. Pretty good, so do you make mods for skyrim?
  7. Good thanks, yourself?
  8. I dont agree with the giant companion but the different verity of giants is a must, Make a giant that is a giant to the giants, if that makes scene :wallbash:
  9. Oh yeah of course, You will need to have a pretty good sneak skill level to hunt pray effectively, I'll even be using the 3d sound to help you find what direction they are in, For example, You wil have a dear horn to make a mating sound, If there is a dear close, it will reply hence you hear what direction it came from. Just an idea but i will make it reality. This project wont be out the day the CT is released, it takes time as i go into detail with my quest mods, Stuff that are essential for me to do before i ever release them are voice acting and lip sync, Everything else is a piece of cake! :happy:
  10. Doing a simple search of the forums for keywords "1st person" led me to this post http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/453432-riding-in-first-person-and-mounted-combat/page__p__3783462__hl__%2B1st+%2Bperson__fromsearch__1#entry3783462 Its annoying when people don't look first before making a request.
  11. LOL, and heres me thinking i had a bad aim, I shot all my 63 arrows trying to kill a giant at a very far distance "as they K0 me when im close" yet i could not hit it ONCE!!, yes we need that like, (yesterday?)
  12. I managed to ask very nicely to someone who has experience at modding these kind of things and he said he will have a go and see what pops up, So hopefully glowing arrows will be a dream come true! :thumbsup:
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