Greetings everyone, I just wanted to share my humble little mod I recently did. It's a Dogmeat re-texture. A dark one. I know there are already several, but I wanted to make one with my own personal tastes and figured I've been leeching off Nexus for far too long now. You can check it out here. While getting that all situated on Nexus, I noticed something interesting: The mod ID it got for the URL. 666! Now the name, "Darkmeat" and the ID are too good to simply leave at a simple re-texture. The gears are already turning in my head of possibilities, but the general goal I have would be to work on an all-around evil Dogmeat mod. For now, it's just the same friendly canine, with a dark fur coat and red eyes. I'd like to up the ante a bit in the future and add some glow to his eyes, make his "vocals" a bit deeper and vicious. Once our modding capabilities open up a bit more, perhaps some particle effects and scripting along the theme of "dark and brooding". I like the idea of walking into a crowded place, and telling him to "wreak havoc". Being able to look at an area/object/actor and tell him to "Go piss fire [over here] / [on that] [on them]." would be pretty damned evil as well. Thoughts? What would you guys like to see in an evil Dogmeat mod? Maybe he'll be next to your bed when you wake up. Staring at you with those red glowing eyes, the arm of a raider in his mouth, the dripping blood adding to an already blood-soaked floor...