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Posts posted by StarMystyk

  1. Yes, it changes both, there's no option for separate walking and running speeds.


    Perhaps check out how NPC's are set up to escort the player, they seem to walk way faster. If there's something, some setting, in their escort AI package maybe see if you can apply it as a new enchantment to a ring or something wearable.

    That's all I can think of :)


    Edit: Just read that modding isn't your thing, hence the request. Oops. I'll have a look in the CK and see if I can find anything useful for you.



    Unfortunately either doesn't have any effect or there is some sort of counter-check for it. Either way - still failing in more than 50% of all cases at CHA12...

    I'll try and take a look at it, but the holdupEffectScript is pretty dense, especially for someone that has never used Papyrus. So even if I get to it, it will probably be after fixing the marine armor.

    But maybe someone else will help.


    theres a console command to make pickpocket success minimum 100 percent, and a command to make the maximum 100 percent, surely there's a console command for the modifiers of pacify chance to be changed to one hundred percent.
    There is. But, each time you load the game you have to re-enter it. I have the command set as a hotkey.

    The command is: set holduppacifychanceglobal to #


    I have mine on 99, but you could set it to whatever you like.


    Edit: Didn't see the earlier post with that command. Still, setting mine to 99 works 99% of the time, lol. Helps to have the Intimidation perks. I don't mind it failing once in a while.

  3. I've had the same issue for a while. Starting a new game with no mods (except DLC) it's fine. Scouring my load order in FO4EDIT and I can't find anything.

    I use WotC and hadn't had the issue with that. Nor with that other one that just adds spawns...I haven't played in quite a while so I forget the name. It's extra intense when used with WotC. It's an old one, probably been superceded by something else by now.

    I also use Better Synth Relay Grenades, but by itself it's not that.

    It could be a combination rather than just one. Who knows. I never found out.

    Due to game launch load times I haven't fully done the 'enable one mod at a time until the problem is found,' routine.

  4. I got those for a while. My spam filter caught them. I read one, deleted the email address it was coming to (I have my own domain) and forgot about it.

    Do they have a username and site to go with it? If they did it'd be worthless anyway as by now those of us affected by the breach should have changed passwords long ago.

    I only used that password here (long since changed) so it won't get them anywhere, IMO.

  5. I wanted to change mine just now but, when I searched existing members (advanced search) it came up that there wasn't a user with that name. Yet, when I started filling out the form the username I wanted turned red and said it was taken. Or do I need to be Premium to search member names? :confused:

  6. I was trying to do something like that, but simpler. Those on guard posts attack, others run and hide. But, all I've managed to do is have them all run and hide while turrets do their usual thing.

    I kind of gave up as it's likely more involved than the minor edit I did.

    My main thing was to prevent them leaving the settlement zone but I couldn't figure that one out, instead I just changed their combat confidence to cowardly. It works but isn't quite what I wanted :-/

  7. This post in another thread (about CTD's) made me wonder. I'd been using a mish-mash of landscape texture mods, both 1K and 2K, before my card upgrade, but many were still vanilla textures, and some of those (I've heard) could be as much as 8K, maybe more ? Because I had so many different sized textures in the world, maybe that was what was causing my blue terrain problem. From what I could gather, during my Google searches, apparently my card was out of memory. I used ENBoost at the time (I use an ENB now).

    Since upgrading my card, and installing Vivid AIO 2K, which covers *everything* outdoors, it's fine. The only 4K stuff I have is the odd unique clothing/armor mod (Niero's), stuff that usually only my character is wearing. I'd like to use the 4K texture pack but I'm not using an SSD and don't really want to push my luck with reintroducing the blue problem, *if* it comes back.

    Quoting myself to say, *groan* I saw the blue terrain again :sad:

    Vivid AIO is great, but didn't solve my problem as I thought it did. I'm still keeping it, though.


    I can't remember why, or what it's called (UserBenchMark?) but, I ran a tool for some reason and it judged my PC and its components. It told me that my GPU (MSI RX480 8GB) was underperforming, due to my CPU being too old or something (i5 4590). So, I think my problem is my CPU being a bottleneck. If I want to upgrade my CPU I'll need a new motherboard, first. An SSD wouldn't hurt, either. One day, when I can afford all that :mellow:


    Edit: Added possible tool name. It's the last one I downloaded, so I guess that's what it was.

  8. When I start a new playthrough I often use a savefile (downloaded from here) that has completed up to Kellog/Ft Hagen. They're all female saves but, when I use them I go into chargen (slm 14) and switch the gender to male and change the name and load a LooksMenu preset.

    I haven't had any issues down the road. I'm not sure about using a save that's completed all the MQ, though. I haven't done that.

  9. I use delay mods for the DLC's but they're level locked and don't trigger (via radio or going near their locations) until I'm a certain level, like 50, or whatever I further edit it to.

    The same could be done for that, I guess, for those who are iffy about removing mods mid-game.

  10. i found out the If you have the mod (Better Synth Relay Grenades) and some mods like it makes all synths friendly.

    It messes with the synth faction id.

    Oh, so that's what it is. In every game I use Better Synth Relay Grenades and it never occurred to me that that would be the problem. Good to know. In my next game I'll not enable that mod until later.
  11. Never knew that about the merged patch. My load order isn't that big, though. The merged stuff in mine is mostly companions as I use several that do different things and wanted them all to work. Which they do, now. (I used it on my entire load order and it picked up those, so I went from there).

    I don't use Wrye Bash, but probably should. It's a must have for my Skyrim load order and my FO4 load order will just keep getting bigger and more complicated.

    I do use LOOT, though.


    Hm. Learnt something new today :)

  12. I don't mean to rain on anyone who likes FO4 main quest, but I personally don't like the wasteland, politically correct dad simulator, I suppose I'm an old gamer.

    I know there are mods for an alternate start, but are there any mods that replace the main quest entirely and make me not care that much for Shaun, or any mods that include a long quest of many hours, for me to care for instead of the main quest?


    I uninstalled FO4 and all it's mods, because I was so disappointed, but I'd really want to give this another shot, however the dad profile came up again and again, whether his voice was too emotional for me or the dialog options just weren't interesting enough, and it just killed my vibe in game.

    Sorry if anyone is taking offense for this, I just genuinely want to see if there's mods that fix the story altogether.


    I checked Tales from the Commonwealth on youtube and a few others, but they either don't allow a silent protagonist mod along or won't allow me to check all dialogue options/know exactly what my character is going to say before I choose a dialog option. But maybe a good quest of many hours, a silent protagonist support and know exactly what my character is going to say along with dialog options that are interesting is too much to ask or being too picky nowadays for this fallout version?

    I'm on my phone so can't quote properly, but the bolded part, there's a mod for that. I use it. I haven't played in a while so can't remember what it's called but it makes it so when you mouse over the dialog option it reveals underneath what your character is going to say if you choose it.

    It should be in the top mods list as it's fairly popular.

    Does anyone else know what its called?


    For overhauls, the only one I know of, and use, is Frost. Removes the main quest and all original NPC's and has its own story, in a way. But you're free to make your own, unlike the pre-written one of the original.

  13. For a start, the models would need to be recreated from scratch as assets from past games can't just be ported over.

    As someone with limited, basic modelling experience (and even then, only in Oblivion), it'd be really hard for me.

    Finding someone who knows how to do it and wants to do it is a whole other thing. Not many of those types of people around :)


    Personally I'd prefer the reverse. The Skyrim versions in Oblivion. Frost Atronachs in Oblivion, to me, were like giant blue teddy bears. I like the faceless blocks of ice in Skyrim :)


    You never know, though. New modders pop up all the time. Someone may just fill your request :)

  14. I had a similar issue ages ago, but with draugr. I couldn't enter Bleak Falls Barrow. As soon as it attempted to load I got an instant CTD. It turned out to be a skeleton issue. Whichever animation mod I was using at the time (MNC, I think), I just reinstalled the draugr skeleton from it, ran FNIS again and it was fine.

    Something newer I installed later overwrote it and screwed it up.

    Maybe try removing the skeleton file in that creature's folder (in meshes) then reinstalling it and run FNIS again.

    It's been a while since I've done the whole SL, CF, MNC, SLA install so, not sure which one has the creature skeletons in it.

  15. fourtunitly, there is another mod that fixes it, Search and Destroy -Fixed by THJT-9


    Thanks for that. Good to know there's another version out there :)


    Thanks for the replies, how it actually panned out was that after about 3 game days Larsen showed up at Acadia and talked to me and the mission completed then an unnamed BoS Knight + Vertibird + 2 BoS goons showed up at the original place I was to meet Larsen. Nobody in Far Harbor appears to know about Acadia and Brooks is alive and well. When I went back to the Commonwealth and informed Ellie, the quest to explore Kelloggs memories will not start and Dr Amari wishes me good luck with the Signal Interceptor even though I have not met Virgil yet. So basically I am in a world of hurt.

    Also it appears I have completed the Mariner storyline despite only having acquired the power tools for her and never having gone to the MS Azalea.


    I've read some of your previous posts over the past year or so, and you seem to have all sorts of issues with quests in your game :laugh: I only have that sort of bad luck in Skyrim with things not happening as they should.

  16. I think it's a bug as there's a mod that fixes that. I had a similar issue but he decided he wanted to walk to Acadia.

    I didn't know I needed the mod until I read what it fixes. That guy is supposed to take a vertibird to Acadia (while you find your own way) then all together you storm the place.

    In all my playthroughs I never saw a vertibird and just assumed that was normal. After using the fix mod everything happened as it was supposed to.

    Just looked for the mod and its been deleted. That's annoying. It was called Far Harbor Brotherhood Search and Destroy Fix.

    Edit: He deleted all his mods and quit, closing his account. Oh well.

  17. I had that the other day, for SSE though. It was a new game, I only had about a dozen mods and after disabling one at a time found it was one of them.

    That's all I can suggest as I didn't need to try anything else.

    How many mods do you have? Have you added any new ones?

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