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Everything posted by StarMystyk

  1. I had that the other day, for SSE though. It was a new game, I only had about a dozen mods and after disabling one at a time found it was one of them. That's all I can suggest as I didn't need to try anything else. How many mods do you have? Have you added any new ones?
  2. Sounds like a great idea :) Another game I play (State of Decay) has something like that. You don't see it drop, just get a strange radio broadcast, then a map marker. It's not easy to get, though, as there are dozens of zombies and freaks around it, due to the noise. For FO4, IMO, a dozen or so enemies attracted to it would be more of a challenge than just a Gunner or two :) But, there's lots of scenarios/ideas that would work. Maybe not even limited to 1. Different variations and involved factions, or not. I don't think I could create it, but I'd sure use it :D
  3. Ah! That might be my problem, too. I used Grass on Steroids but got annoyed at hunting for bodies in the grass and the Nord I was playing I'd made much smaller than normal (hence her name, Pixie, lol), so I uninstalled it. But, didn't revert that ini edit back to default. Problem solved, yay :D Edit: Turns out that line wasn't even there, lol. It is now :pinch:
  4. SE or Oldrim? I've got something similar going on (in Oldrim) but not as extreme. I thought for mine it was Better Snow (as I clicked on a rock in the console and it said the last base change was that mod) but after temporarily disabling the mod it still happens so I don't know what's doing it. Besides grey I sometimes have tan pebbles, too. For most of my world textures I use Tamriel Reloaded but I had that on my old PC and never had that problem. I gave up in the end. I guess I could disable all mods, start a new vanilla save and see if it goes away then add a mod or two until it pops up but I can't really be bothered, lol :)
  5. It's annoying for me as well, especially in Skyrim. But, I can't really complain too much because I did it myself for a Fallout 3 mod. I'd planned way more for the mod than I actually did. By the time I'd finished the mod I had moved onto another game (Skyrim) and it was far too late to change the esp name as it had all sorts of files that referenced the esp name (eg. scripts, sound and voice files). :(
  6. I had something similar (but worse), and I also use an ENB. What fixed mine was disabling prepass in the enbseries.ini under the Effect section - EnablePrepass=false While ingame I toggled all the settings I could to find out what was causing that horrid effect, but, as many don't stick right there and then, even after applying the changes, I quit and just edited the file instead. I'm fairly new to ENB's, could never use them on my old PC, so it's all trial and error for me :smile:
  7. This post in another thread (about CTD's) made me wonder. I'd been using a mish-mash of landscape texture mods, both 1K and 2K, before my card upgrade, but many were still vanilla textures, and some of those (I've heard) could be as much as 8K, maybe more ? Because I had so many different sized textures in the world, maybe that was what was causing my blue terrain problem. From what I could gather, during my Google searches, apparently my card was out of memory. I used ENBoost at the time (I use an ENB now). Since upgrading my card, and installing Vivid AIO 2K, which covers *everything* outdoors, it's fine. The only 4K stuff I have is the odd unique clothing/armor mod (Niero's), stuff that usually only my character is wearing. I'd like to use the 4K texture pack but I'm not using an SSD and don't really want to push my luck with reintroducing the blue problem, *if* it comes back.
  8. If we're going that far back, Pong on a console type thing, when I was maybe about 4 or 5. Something so simple and dull kept me entertained for hours :D I don't remember my first PC game, though. I had a console until the early 90's.
  9. Or Strong using the chem workbench, you go and use the cooking pot, for example. "Tinker, tinker, tinker. Strong bored!!" Hello! What are YOU doing, then? O_o And so a mod was made. Not just because of him, but because of all of them, especially all at once.
  10. There is. It's called No Shouting. I'd requested no whistling and he added it, but I'm not sure if it's included or standalone. Have to check on the file page. I can't link to it at the moment but you should be able to find the mod by the title :)
  11. 3,379hrs for me. But, I haven't played for about a month or so, as I've been playing something else. I got incredibly bored with Fallout 4 and wanted a change. I'll get back to it eventually, just not right now :)
  12. I think I know. Is it just after selecting an NPC, one of those times when he makes a stupid noise rather than greeting them or to get their attention? There is a way to mute it entirely, then there's another way of replacing that sound with another greeting, but that one's a bit trickier. As far as I know I don't think there are any mods that do either. There is a utility called FO4 Voice File Reference Tool. You can look up any dialogue or noise that NPC's or the player makes and generate an empty audio file. I've muted a few things with that little program, so recommend it :smile:
  13. Possibly not. I know he can't use gatling lasers. He doesn't like tech so that might be the same for laser rifles. I think it's only tech weapons (laser, plasma) he doesn't use, but other super mutants do. It's been a while since I used him, but I'm pretty sure in a conversation with him one time he told me what he prefers to use.
  14. For me, the annoying things about companions (non-custom) are their incessant chattering, crouching in front of me while I'm sneaking, strafing in front of me while I'm trying to shoot, walking fair in front of me when I start walking and pretty much being only good as a decoy/distraction as the ones I usually use are too weak and useless for much else. I'd love to see more male (human adult) companions*. Not a dirty, junkie raider, or someone older than Old Longfellow, lol. People say there are *heaps* of male ones around but don't give examples. The ones I've found, they're usually creatures, ghouls, kids, critters. Personally, I prefer ones with a lot of effort put into it rather than just a soulless drone who follows you around. Not tied into the affinity system is a plus for me. I don't particularly care for that 'feature.' Nothing worse than being smack in the middle of a huge fight (Trinity Tower, for example) and someone wants to have a D&M right this very second and pull me out of combat. Some sense of "oh, the player's in combat, I'd better wait until they aren't before forcing them into a long, drawn out, boring conversation about myself and my problems." would be great, lol. I don't use any mods that allow more than one companion at a time. Maybe I just got them too early in development but, they were far too buggy and sometimes just didn't even work at all, so I just stick with one at a time. It's enough for me. Less annoyances :smile: * - I've got one of my own planned out seeing as I've never found what I'm looking for and no one seems interested in making male companions, or male anything for that matter. So, looks like I'll be doing/learning some new things myself :smile:
  15. I tag mine correctly then disable it. Too many times other users have just tagged willy-nilly and always wrong. Now I just prevent them from doing it altogether. I've had to unblock the translation tag as a lot of mods I'm wanting/looking for have that tagged even though the mod is in english. I think if there's a translation of their mod out there they'll add that tag :(
  16. First thing I thought of was the Radstags. In the CK do they have a specific combat style or something? I remember in Oblivion the Deer there had high aggression, low confidence. The confidence was probably the main thing. I don't remember a deer ever being aggressive, just running away at every opportunity. I haven't been in the CK in a long time so I don't remember if there are setings for aggression and confidence and even if they are used. Do combat styles have an aggro radius? If not, can one be set? That should prevent them running to the other side of the map whenever an enemy is nearby. Normally if I want to change something I look for something similar then use that as a guide. So, perhaps check out how radstags are set up? :)
  17. Huh. I have Settlement Markers and didn't know that. Will have to try that out, then :)
  18. As soon as I walk in the door, I walk up to the cage, open the console and select one of the dogs, then type disable. It stops them fighting. Once I've talked to Mason I just open the console and type enable. Problem solved :)
  19. I used these two together (I merged them), which solved it for me. The one linked above as well as this one. Despite the last one saying that it doesn't alter the distance between the follower and you (just spacing between followers) somewhere between the two of them it made my follower follow much closer. A little too close, for me, which is why I'm not using either at the moment.
  20. Or you could just kill them all and analyze it yourself. It is an option :-)
  21. In my Railroad/Institue playthrough I kept X6 and Deacon after siding with the Institute, but that involved a console command to sidestep a quest. If you want to do it without console commands then I don't see how it'd work. One or two of them *will* be hostile to you if you go near them later. If you've done it before, though, then maybe it's possible. I haven't heard of it.
  22. ^Same. That was the first mod I thought of when I saw the topic :-) Also have to be careful if you have a guard post nearby, or any settler-assigned object (I used to have a guard mat outside my house) as the markers can make them vanish if too close.
  23. Hmmm. Top 3. I have a top 10. I'll try narrowing it down to just 3. These ones are always in my game/load order, even when I start a new character. No Health & Crippled Pop Ups (If there's one thing I can't stand it's corner pop ups. Now I just need to find one that removes the "You've leveled up! Pick a perk!" nag notification). LP - No More Footsteps Hammer Time There are so many more I rarely see mentioned, if ever. If there's ever a top 10 list I'll be sure to add them :)
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